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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. such art... Am i in heaven? *dreamy state*
  2. ahh... obviously it was done by Mr.foo! He is sooo awesome! I have seen him in person before
  3. Hi, I remember one of my friend joining a competition of building lego called lego build the change, hosted by lego education. I'm just curious to know if anyone has participated too (it is a worldwide contest, the countries change every year), and we can share our experiences in it. I was there to watch my friend take part, and that time,the contest was held last year june in singapore.
  4. yixin replied to slientbob's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    welcome to eurobricks! good luck in creating MOCs! you can find some useful tips in eurobricks.
  5. of these star wars battle packs, which should I buy? help me choose one and tell me why: 2011 mandalorian battle pack clone trooper battle pack 2010 hoth rebel trooper battle pack snowtrooper battle pack and which truck should I buy? 3221 lego truck, or the toys r us truck (forgot its number)
  6. prehaps this argument is more of a matter of opinion... I think I'll just stay out of this...
  7. yixin replied to yixin's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    haha... I forgot about my desk globe... and my pen holder... what a blunder!
  8. If I were sith, I would pee my pants with dark side pee...
  9. yixin replied to yixin's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    trying to and working on it, but these days Im too busy...
  10. yixin replied to Piranha's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    the lego star wars watch (anakin skywalker) easter eggs: when the watch was first released, the label on it was miss-pelt an 'anakin skywlacker' it was released again with the correct spelling, but the correct spelling watch is harder to find. oh yes, remember jedi bob?
  11. yixin replied to yixin's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks for the compliments! I am trying my best to upload photos on the conversion, and working on improving the model
  12. yixin replied to StoutFiles's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Too awesome! Prehaps It can be used on other sets too...
  13. yixin replied to Piranha's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    My friend says the ninjago theme song is the same as the power miners theme sped up. I havent heard those two songs yet, though.
  14. yixin posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hey all! This is my first MOC! And it is the only one that I put in quite a lot of effort to make. I usually keep my sets as-is, but for some reason, I was disassembling my battle of naboo and, I toyed around with the parts, and built this. oh yes, since it is a alternate model of 7929, battle of naboo, here is a picture of the original set. note that the picture does not belong to me. I just copied it from the net. So, here is the complete model, Actually, I have no idea what it is supposed to be, but I think it is a mini tank vehicle or troop carrier? Guess its up to your imagination (note: the tank may not look like a troop carrier, but I will explain how to convert it into a troop carrier later.) the things beside the vehicle are gun racks/troop platforms. (by the way, could anyone help me to resize these photos? My computer, for some reason, Can't do that and I need your help to resize them cos they are damn friggin BIG!) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oPjP9_Pxfac/T0DChQWFpQI/AAAAAAAAADk/sgPT6lip7rk/s320/2012-03-05+22.45.13.jpg now, the view of the vehicle from the side. sorry for the blurred pics. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PG8G2Wi52oU/T0DClfbviNI/AAAAAAAAADs/6xQ_VYsN0AU/s1600/2012-03-05+22.45.29.jpg and from the back... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-YvUcfXeJhTU/T0DCpr8yA_I/AAAAAAAAAD0/9aOc4efRnWw/s1600/2012-03-05+22.45.46.jpg and from the front. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dYCCSccJQ-s/T0DCtWKA0LI/AAAAAAAAAD8/KYavrvg0uvc/s1600/2012-03-05+22.45.55.jpg a close up on the cockpit: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-__M6SJEluuQ/T0DCx2tjWEI/AAAAAAAAAEE/IFONaKTuxOo/s1600/2012-03-05+22.46.13.jpg now, take a look back at the first main picture, or the picture of its side. notice the big round gray plate? some SNOT techniques are used. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gjZ6p8J0Pus/T0DC2IIS6UI/AAAAAAAAAEM/K9Rvt1XLl8U/s1600/2012-03-05+22.46.20.jpg a close up to the front cannons: and the close up of the back: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SRsJXBnYUGk/T0DC9xbxOdI/AAAAAAAAAEc/TE8Nq_rIS0g/s1600/2012-03-05+22.46.44.jpg and a shot of the back again: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0VtTjIY0SV4/T0DDBX2bIRI/AAAAAAAAAEk/q02lQEuB4uQ/s1600/2012-03-05+22.46.56.jpg whoops, Did I forget to include its top and bottoms? Battle platorms these are the battle platforms. droids can stand on them, use them as weapon racks and you can attach these platforms to the vehicle to make the latter a troop transporter. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hrTM1pbeE34/T0DDMXQbWJI/AAAAAAAAAE8/mmHFa_fITH8/s1600/2012-03-05+22.49.53.jpg a close up to its left side: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-k1qTZPd4xtQ/T0DDRS_ADkI/AAAAAAAAAFE/TEGV2i8mNDA/s1600/2012-03-05+22.49.59.jpg and its right side: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zTKfSMu9GpU/T0DDVSQlwyI/AAAAAAAAAFM/_r7772F6SN0/s1600/2012-03-05+22.50.07.jpg front: (note the snot techniques to attach the dome piece) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1OIdiG_Jq6w/T0DDYsoPooI/AAAAAAAAAFU/K8Vl7JQIbqM/s1600/2012-03-05+22.50.16.jpg and since there are 2 platforms, one for the left and one for the right, there is a connector to join them together: and the connected platforms: (2 ways to connect) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ASKYhdED8fE/T0DDjhZv2RI/AAAAAAAAAFs/DWCjhXTc8Rg/s1600/2012-03-05+22.51.08.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zNFQe4SqSG0/T0DDnYRSesI/AAAAAAAAAF0/TYYq2UKfYG8/s1600/2012-03-05+22.51.26.jpg ok, I just noticed I did not have the time to upload photos on converting this into a troop carrier, so do stay tuned for more. I have not made any instructions for this yet, I will only share them If I get good feedback for this model. so tell me How I can improve on this model by posting a reply, and after final mods, I will make the instructions. thanks for reading!
  15. But anyways, all the clone brands have copied most of their brick designs from lego's brick. though lego's patent has expired, but if those other brands are taking the opportunity to make their own lego lookalikes, I call that 'uncreative'. after all, most of their bricks have studs. (which are lego's creation)
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