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Commander Colt

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  1. Definitely one of the most overdone MOCs out there, but for very good reason, just look at the results when it is done well!
  2. I like the shape of the nose, reminds me of an ARC-170, and I like the configuration of the engines they look streamlined while being at that offset angle.
  3. I think I like the retraction into the wings better than the final wing shift...and it looks fantastic nonetheless!
  4. I think the issue is a combo of the review index being out of date and the number of reviews coming in not usually covering the entire lineup, so an increase in reviews would be necessary for an updated review index to be useful.
  5. Really digging the nose and engines, though based on the model you could probably narrow the nose by 1 and/or widen the rear allowing the two to sit at the same time. And as everyone has said the scaling is a 1000x better than the official one.
  6. Really liking the fact that not only is this thing massive and hugely detailed, it is also mobile, in all of the correct places, like the knee joint and toe flaps! Good luck in completing this massive endeavor!
  7. I have nothing to add yet, but this thread is marvelous. If I have time I might take a gander as well.
  8. Look really good. I like how the white has been made smoother, and really like that underside cannon! Considering most other lego sets and the proportions of minifigs themselves, I think the scale looks fine for the amount of extra detailing you get for it!
  9. I know they wanted the sturdier immobile wings, but dang that has got to be sad for kids to watch the movie, unfold the wings, and not be able to push them into flight position. I'm actually mostly ok with the coloration, and like the sizing, and overall think it looks good, though a tad overpriced. (I do wonder if it has enough screen time to become iconic)
  10. Heh. Considering how little had changed in technology in those thirty years this is a plausible evolution, seeming to add mostly beefier cannons and a smoother overall aesthetic. Maybe EpVIII will add these back in!
  11. Dang. At first glance I thought that was another picture of a canon model. Very smooth, very accurate, I really enjoy those main cannons and the engine area, with the cannon fitting in with the smooth aesthetic on top, and the engine area creating an area of controlled greebling.
  12. Not a bad battlepack, the detailing on the minifigures is nice and the new helms are fairly interesting. The generic uniform could be useful in many places, and the speeder looks like it could fit into an Endor battle scene as well.
  13. Good luck on this! I really like the scaling pods idea, there haven't been too many mocs that attempt the senate chambers room, and I am really interested in your interpretation of the central Chancellor's podium.
  14. I am really enjoying the greebling and the smoothness of the cockpit. I myself have the older 7568 Y-wing, and this is pushing me to look further into rebuilding that into a more coherent model as well!
  15. If you find it on sale, at that piece count, and with that excellent Commander Gree, and fairly uncommon wookie, I say go for it! From what I've heard it is a fairly sturdy build and is and interesting, though not iconic design. the overall look is fairly coherent and worth the shelf space, especially if you plan on creating a battlefield, it would fit right in alongside a couple of tanks and speeders.
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