Middle Earth Contest Voting Topic
Category A: #4 Category B: #3 Category C: #4 #6
- MEC Category A: Durin's Bane
- MEC Category C: Inside Information
MEC Category A: 79020 A Shortcut to Mushrooms
I would love to see a set like this! Nice work building this super iconic scene! The ringwraiths only being sold with the Weathertop set was such a sad move on LEGO's part.
MEC Category A: Minas Morgul The Witch King's Lair
Great job making this scary! The curve of the walls is very foreboding.
Middle Earth Contest entry thread.
MEC Category A: Durin's Bane: http://www.eurobrick...=0#entry2046160
MEC Category A: Durin's Bane
Here is my entry for MEC Category A: Durin's Bane. Recreate Gandalf's glorious battle with an ancient Balrog! The part count is around 300 and consists of a mighty Balrog and Gandalf. My plan for Durin's Bane is that a balrog is big enough to be a set without any fluff and could be packaged like a Hero Factory or Bionicle set. The bridge of Khazad-dûm would be great but huge and spendy and could still be a separate set with generous helping of Moria orcs. Play features are super important and Durin's Bane is fully articulated, can stand easily without tail support (but the tail helps a lot), has a light brick for an inner fire effect, has a platform for Gandalf to stand on to reenact the falling scene and has a removable chest that Gandalf can break off with Glamdring to expose the weak point! Things that would be improved by LEGO could be a break apart, light up sword (it shatters against Glamdring), possibly a different fire whip and various other parts such as wings and the fire mane. Thanks for looking! Here's the flickr set --
Practise Posting Here!
Ok, lets see if this works. <img src= >
CONTEST: Pillage the Village - Terms & Conditions
Is it alright to cut up a Lego decal to fit my needs for non-minifig use (on a wall)? I'm guessing it is since custom decals are allowed on minifigs but just want to be sure.
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