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Led ZePPelin

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. What the hell is a 'British accent'?
  2. The foating bridge is a little strange...
  3. I don't remember seeing this scene in the game...
  4. What is it?
  5. The decrepit minifig faces are my biggest vexation. They've put me off most sets, but with the few I do buy, I burn the figs as they're just grody.
  6. About the kneeling Anakin. The leg just looks like it has been riped off and placed next to him, while the other one looks like it has been twisted round and he needs medical attention. Try something like that in the star destroyer with the little section for him to kneel.
  7. That's probably why they don't give us what we want very often. Because when they do, we ask for a load more obscure stuff.
  8. What's wrong with burning them a little? It was a serious suggestion. They wear plastic armour and have hot blobs of gas fired at them, surely they'll get a little charred...
  9. Burn them.
  10. The more I look at that AT-AT helmet, (and the TIE helmet) the more lovely I think it is.
  11. It's a MOC based on the real thing. Some of the colours and parts are wrong.
  12. I've removed all of the yellow, brown and creepy faced figs from my collection. They're like different races mixing. It's just wrong.
  13. Great idea with the magnets.
  14. Dooku's face is vile! Probably the best bit is the saber hilt, the rest is so so. No buy.
  15. Windu wasn't even any good in the film, but this fig manages to make him look even worse. It's vile. I like the firing mechanism, but other than that, the ship is pretty crappy.
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