Uptown Coffee House
B-OV-3B This is the picture of the coffee shop that i've realized today whit LDraw. The Basic idea is an High-class coffee house,whit icecream too, the white counter is ice-cream's dedicated. Waiting for comments. :-) :-)
2008 MOC town vehicles
Everything is very nice i really like how you realize Mocs, and you are italian like me so i fell support italian Mocs :-P (joking of course i appreciate all the mocs i like)
ImperialScouts' House (Picture Heavy!!!)
Your MOC is very very cool i really like it, the bridge is awesome, The fountain is very good, and i like the house too. *y*
Some more town MOCs
It's very nice, it give to the city a great middle europen view, probably just a little too high.
Gam3-opolis WIP
The idea of the western theme is not so bad in a modern city, I was thinking to add a castle or western part in my future city too; But i would give to that part of the city a touristic attraction, not a real role in the city, and for the police base i was thinking about making a modern police station, but the most important thing is that you like it. Anyway your city is still little, like mine otherwise, and surely it will grow up and ,i see it everytime i build some other building in my city, the ideas change in a very fast way, and often in better. The costume shop is a great idea, and i think i will copy it, soon or later *y* X-D . The post office is a great idea too, and i like it very much.
Floating Lego Boats
I prefer so much the lego hulls, it looks better than the brickbuilted hulls. The preconstructed hulls are surely smooter and I prefer it so much. (sorry for my bad english)
My research boat
V-W-1C Here i post the pictures of my personal research boat, builted in this summer, and reconvertend on the base boat of the old fireman boat. This boat has three levels, if we consider the motor level too. From top to bottom we have the research laboratory whit a scanner and some computers, the control room with the captain and his assitant, and last but non least, the motor room, which is the storage room for the diving equipment too. All the levels can be raised whit a system of levels and the first part of the bridge can be raised separetly. Overall view of the boat. You can see all the crew, the hooking structure for the jet sky and the front light, not so cool i know 8-| The little jet sky which is good for diving too. The two raft. A particular view to the structure which held the jet sky and has mechanical arm to recover sample to analyze The fore of the boat whit the main bridge raised, revealing the storage room. Central and main body of the boat whit the laboratory raised, you can see inside the control room. Central body completly raised which reveal the motor and the shafts that hold all the main structure. Another overall view where you can see the two raft placed under the side bridge. Again the fore of the boat, the front light is in close up, but in the background you can see the main structure and the radar and antenna system. I hope you like it, is one of my favourite structure ever. X-D
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