Everything posted by Ebak
Modded Jabba's Palace & Rancor Pit
This is fantastic workmanship. Did you make the extended palace base for the tower from the plates left over from the extra rancor set?
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Jabbas Palace and the V-19 Torrent Starfighter from 2008. Hopefully will be buying the A-Wing on January 1st.
Future Star Wars Sets
I personally think there is a goldmine of sets out there, sevearl of them have been made before but of course due to time and more advanced building techniques and more sophisticated bricks allow for the models to be much more advanced and look closer to their source material. The list is expansive...yet interesting and I provide details on possible features, price, minifigs and reasoning behind its inclusion. Episode I Most models that can be made for this subtheme have been release in the past two years, so I do not think there is much more that could be done with the Episode I subtheme, some may argue that no droid items were made but that can be attributed to The Clone Wars. Why make an MTT or Vulture droid in Trade Federation colors when they can have it represent the entirety of The Clone Wars TV series. Episode II 2012 will see Episode II and III come out in 3D. However this presents a problem...only so many sets can be released per year. 9 Sets for Winter 2013, presumably another 9 sets in Summer 2013. That's 18 sets overall accross the whole year. With over 6 films, a TV series and some EU reprentations (maybe) to think about...that doesn't leave too many sets per representation. That being said, the second wave in 2013 should contain Episode II sets along with other Classic Trilogy sets. Obi-Wans Delta-7/B Jedi Starfighter Minifigs: Obi Wan Kenobi (Episode II), R4-P17, Taun We Price: £29.99 Features:Flickfire Missiles (obviously), detachable wings revealing attack mode, Escape Pod, Retractable Landing Gear, 2 different assembly instructions Reasoning: We haven't seen Obi Wan in the Delta-7 since 2002, it would definately be nice to get a redesigned version of his Jedi Starfighter especially since the latest Jedi Starfighter is such a great incarnation. I think it would be interesting for LEGO to make the set feature two different assembly ways. One way would create the Delta-7, while the other would be the Delta-7B seen in The Clone Wars. That way the set can act as both a Clone Wars and Episode II set. Republic Assault LAAT/I Gunship Minifigs: Adi Gallia, Clone Trooper, Captain Deviss (Red Clone Trooper), Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid, Price: £89.99 Features: Flickfire Missiles, Optional Bubble Turrets, Escape Pod Capsule, Speeder Bike, Various Clone Gear, Opening side bay doors, Rear ramp, Acecssable reactor and tools. Reasoning: Once again, it has been a few years now since we have seen the Gunship and it would be nice to see it return, especially in the year that Episode II is back in cinemas, it would be the Christmas present of LEGO fans alike. Its also a way to give us new minifigs not previously seen such as Adi Gallia or another Jedi and a specialised Clone Captain/Commander, We have Rex, Cody, Wolf, we just need some more. Episode IV, V and VI Unlike the prequel films, the classic trilogy generally does not introduce too many new ships, most of the Rebel ships have seen release over the past few years with the X-Wing and Y-Wing in 2012 and a new A-Wing in 2013. B-Wing Minifigs: B-Wing Pilot/Ten Numb, Lando Calrissian, Nien Nunb Price: £34.99 Features: S-Foils, Gyroscopic Cockpit, Flickfire Missiles, Bombs, Escape Pod, Retractable Landing Gear Reasoning: With all the Rebel Alliance fighters seemingly getting an update it would be unfair to leave out the B-Wing, especially considering the A-Wing is recieveing its redesign in the same year. Since they usually box three characters up with their ships I offer Ten Numb because he is a B-wing pilot. Lando and Nien Nunb are there to make the set more desirable to collectors and it also means you get the Cockpit crew of the Millennium Falcon for the Battle of Endor. TIE Interceptor Minifigs: TIE Pilot, Baron Soontir Fel Price: £24.99 Features: Flickfire Missiles, Optional Red Markings Reasoning: To balance out the factions getting a vehicle I would propose the TIE Interceptor which also debued in ROTJ. Plus with extra LEGO pieces supplied you could easily turn the ship into one of Baron Soontir Fel's 181st Squadrons TIE Interceptors. This makes the set double as a IV, V and VI set as well as an EU set. TIE Bomber Minifigs: TIE Pilot, Captain Needa Price: £24.99 Features: Missiles that can double as bombs, Dart Launcher Reasoning: More balance to the factions at play. The TIE Bomber was very much described by most fans as one of the most awful LEGO Stars Wars sets there are. I would hope this set would redeem it, plus the addition of Captain Needa could make the ship collectable. The Clone Wars V-19 Torrent Minifigs: Clone Pilot, Clone Trooper (Matchstick)? Price: £34.99 Features: Folding wings with systematic landing gear, Flickfire Missiles, Reasoning: This set has not been re-released for awhile and it is a fan favorite, I certainly would like another oppotunity to get my hands on it MIB without paying the extortionate prices that people are asking for on Ebay. Droid Gunship and Vulture Droid Minifigs: Super Tactical Droid, Steela and Saw Gerrera Price: £44.99 Features: Rapid Fire Missile Launcher, Deployable Bombs, Transport Bay Reasoning: Due to this vehicles recent exploits in The Clone Wars as well as its absense for sevearl years, would be nice to see it come out with new unique minifigs, plus a new Vulture Droid would be a nice additional extra if possible since some may not have one from the Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter set. Like me! Ginivex-class starfighter Minifigs: Asajj Ventress, Mother Talzin, Nightsister Price: £34.99 Features: Rotating fin area, Flickfire missles, Deployable landing gear. Reasoning: This is simply me concurring with a previous poster about his set idea. Eta-class shuttle Minifigs: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker (double sided face, normal/corrupted), Ahsoka Tano (double sided face, normal/corrupted), The Father, The Son, The Daughter. Price: £59.99 Features: Folding wings, Retractable landing gear, Rear ramp, Maintenance hatch with tools, folding Jumpspeeder (x2) Reasoning: I’m surprised this set hasn’t been made before, especially considering the minifigs you could have to make it interesting. Expanded Universe Given that the EU of Star Wars is expansive, these are just my personal choices because I feel they would be great sets that could fit into any collection. HWK-290 "Moldy Crow" Minifigs: Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors, WeeGee, Jerec Price: £54.99 Features: Cargo ramp, Turning underside laser turret, Flickfire missiles Dynamic-Class Freighter "Ebon Hawk" Minifigs: Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Canderous Ordo, Jolee Bindo, Juhani Price: £129.99 Features: Detailed interior, Cargo ramp, Swoop, Movable laser turret, Retractable landing gear. Aurek Class Starfighter Minifigs: Carth Onasi, HK-47, T3-M4, Bastila Shan Price: £29.99 Features: S-Foils, Retractable landing gear, Flickfire missiles Sith Starfighter Minifigs: Revan, Malak, Sith Trooper Price:£29.99 Features: S-Foils, Retractable landing gear, Flickfire missiles
Set Duplicates
Hey guys. I recently purchased and enjoying the LEGO set, 9496 - Desert Skiff. It is by far one of the best Lego representations of a Star Wars vehicle I have seen since I got back into Lego since June time of last year. I kive the Skiff set so much, and I am hopefully going to get Jabbas Palace before the year is out (if I can get the overtime at my work place to afford splashing out on it). I suppose within the next few years we could see the release of a redesigned Sail Barge. As we all know in the film there were two skiffs that accompanied the Sail Barge and I have big plans for dioramas once I move into a bigger place. As such I am thinking about buying the skiff set again. I could probably make some of the money back selling off the figures and the spare parts from the extra sarlacc could go into making it bigger, plus it gives me a second skiff to deck out with random wequay and other employees of Jabbas criminal empire. My question this a good idea? Furthermore, are there any sets you can recall that you liked well enough that you considered or even did buy a second copy of the model for your own displays? I keep hearing that the Geonosian Starfighter from last year was a favorite to get twice.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
£35 for the podracers?! I have to get it, please tell me the deals are still going on. I was well gutted to find out that the Tesco's in my area was sold out....**** (excuse my french). I have been after that set for so long on a tight budget.
Zombie's Post-Apoc Podracer
This makes me want Lego and Lucasarts to get together and make a LEGO Racing game with the Star Wars Podracer twist :P
Future Star Wars Sets
Given the recent annoucement and the final episodes of the Clone Wars, we can expect to probably see a Droid VS Nightsister battlepack and maybe some sets from the upcoming episodes...Ventress...Grevious...I'm also hoping for a Young Bounty Hunter Boba Fett minifig and a new Dengar.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
The problem is getting there...its probably very out of the way for me :P ^ Norwich, England
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I really want the V-19 to be reissued...I would love to get my hands on that ship..but anyone who sells it sells it at an extortionate price.
Star Wars license discussion
Yeah...because no franchise in history has ever been milked for money...just Star Wars. People forget that George revolutionised movie making and indirectly created Pixar...furthermore the money he makes on the 3D films will most likely go into making the TV seires, not all of it goes into his pocket. As for EPI stuff, I was a kid during that time, however i collect the Lego sets because I enjoy Star Wars and was a Star Wars fan long before episode 1.
Star Wars LEGO Photography
My appologies if this has been asked before, but where abouts did you get those custom weapons? Most of them are much more acurate than the current blasters TLG issue with minifigures. If you purchased them off a website please send me a link..or if you made them yourself..would you mind telling me how? I would love to get more acurate weapons for my minifigs. The actual photos are amazing, very professional work ^^
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
My most recent purchase was the 7877 Naboo Starfighter from Langleys in Norwich. It was slighlty reduced from 41.99 to 37.99, not a huge price difference, however, it being lower than most of the other outlets for buying it caused me to snap it up, besides...I really like that fighter and I had the original 7141 Naboo Fighter.
REVIEW: 9495 Y-Wing (2012)
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned it, however you missed out a piece on the back, that 2x2 brick with the rounded edge that has a hole? You stick a stud in the hole and then attatch that to the back, you can see this on page 10, the 15th step.
Future Star Wars Sets
My appologies, I wasn't aware there was already a topic.
Future Star Wars Sets
Hey guys. This is one of my first posts on the forums, however I have been a massive fan of Star Wars my entire life and used to collect the modesl when I was younger. Only just recently I have just got back into collecting them and I am slowly running out of room. :P Anyway. I have a general question for all of you. 1) What LEGO Star Wars set would you want to see made? (you can list as many as you like, it can be anything from the films of the EU) 2) What LEGO Star Wars sets that have been released in the past do you think are due for a re-release? Personally with Attack of the Clones comming next year I'd like to see some sets themed around them, as well as some standard sets that haven't been released for awhile. I would also like to see Lego attempt to create 'dual era sets' that include a single ship with maybe a few alternative pieces for modification and then couple of characters from a different era. One of the examples I offer is the Z-95: Battle on two Fronts (TPM): -Vehicle: MTT Transport Tank, Vulture Droid -Minifigs: Battle Droid Commander, Battle Droid Pilot, Battle Droid x10? Republic Gunship (AOTC/TCW): -Vehicle: LAAT/i Gunship -Minifigs: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Clone Trooper PH1 x2, Clone Pilot PH1 x2 Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter (AOTC): -Vehicle: Delta-7 Starfighter -Minifigs: Obi-Wan Kenobi, R4 TIE Bomber (ESB): -Vehicle: TIE Bomber -Minifigs: Imperial Pilot A-Wing (ROTJ): -Vehicle: A-Wing -Minifigs: Arvel Crynyd, Rebel Mechanic B-Wing (ROTJ): -Vehicle: B-Wing -Minifigs: Rebel Pilot, Admiral Ackbar TIE Interceptor (ROTJ/EU) -Vehicle: TIE Interceptor -Minifigs: Imperial Pilot, Baron Soontir Fel -Notes: Red pieces allow the Interceptor to be turned into a 181st Tie Fighter for Soontir Fel's use. The Emperors Arrival (ROTJ): -Vehicle: Lambda-class shuttle -Minifigs: Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Sate Pestage, Royal Guards x2 Z-95 Headhunter (TCW/EU): -Vehicle: Z-95 Headhunter -Minifigs: Clone Pilot, Republic Engineer, Mara Jade -Note: Contains extra pieces to allow varients of the Z-95 to be made: 2 large engines/4 small engines, truncated laser cannons/full laser cannons The Wild Karrde -Vehicles: Mid Scale Wild Karrde -Minifigs: Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, Vornskr, Thrawn, Stormtrooper x2 -Note: This would be the large frigate build of the year, similar to 7964
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