Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
That scene looks rather promising!
- Book II-Challenge I-Category A: Stand against the waves
- Assassin Guild Safehouse
- Assassin Guild Safehouse
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Could someone summerise everything that has happened in the last couple of months in like 10 words?
Assassin Guild Safehouse
In the wake of the elemental crisis, the Avalonian Assassin guild faced a serious decline. Communication between the guild leaders in Antyria and the assassins across the rest of the country ceased, leading to the assassins becoming divided. Their safe houses, never intended to be fortresses, slowly fell, as city after city was put to the torch by the hand of corruption. Now only a handful of assassins remain. Avon Dale, a small village on the Endarion river, is home to one of the last safe houses for them. The building goes undisturbed by the locals, as rumors suggest that the building was once the home of an experimenting necromancer, and the spirits of his servants still haunt the building. I wanted to build something with a stone layer below it, as well as try my hand at an interior. The upper part was originally done in white, but I didn't think it looked quite right. Photographing this build was super annoying. After 20 minutes of blurry shooting, I started screaming at my camera. I swear, I could take better shots with my damn iPod. So, that's what I did. The pictures are a tad grainy, but I think they're okay. Also Beerbeard, if you're reading this and you think the story is inconsistent with what you have planned for the AAG, let me know, and I'll change it. A pair of elves seem particularly interested in the old building. The AAG eliminated a number of elven diplomats they believed related to an intended uprising in Avalonia. Could these elves be related to them. They should be careful, because as they watch the house the house watches back. Partial interior. I do desperately need to get my hands on some more brown tiles.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Is there a larger version of that picture anywhere?
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Feel free to drop back in if you can!
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
How about one of those stone houses by the dock in Raven Rock? You could try and blend half a round tower using DC's round tower technique with a square building using the same technique (without hinges, keeping it straight.) This kind of house.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
That's cool, I'll try something else in the mean time. Oh man, so looking around for other buildings in Skyrim to base a build on, I can literally find nothing that doesn't have that light wood color to it.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Please do! Then I can see how it looks without having to wait for a BL order.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Thanks for all the advice guys. I actually went and had a look at the house in game, and despite standing around for quite a while, I still can't come up with a decisive color. I think old grey is close, but overall it's a bit of a grey area in Lego's palette (no pun intended.) Since I don't have any grey anyway, I think I'll try the build twice. First time round, I'll ignore the colors, and then if I think the build looks good, I'll order accurately colored pieces and try again.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Woah, totally didn't realize that was the time. I could have sworn it was like 9... The other color that I think might work is old light grey, but I'm not a huge fan of that color to be honest. Plus the piece range might not be great. I'll look in to it.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Hey guys. So, I'm considering my next build, and I want to try and build a house based on the front part of the building in... This image. color wise, I like how it is, but I'm not sure how to match it in Lego. do y'all think Dark Tan works for the support?
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
I think that sounds good. I would rather be in an interesting guild than the 'best' one, and a good storyline is far more interesting than overzealous guild spirit in my books. That being said, people can hype their guild as much as they want, and I certainly don't have a problem with it. I just hope they can back their hype with some awesome builds!
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