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Eurobricks Knights
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About natesroom

  • Birthday 08/06/1977

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    Pirates of Barracuda Bay

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    Orlando, FL
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    Castle and Pirates Legos..


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  1. hey that was great! thanks.. if there was few more i would appreciate it for additional reference and ideas, but if not this works 100%
  2. Can someone point me in the direction of some tutorials that are showing how to build water or rivers edge? i cant seem to find anything that good and i'm sure someone can point me in the direction.
  3. OMG this is great!!!!! i cant believe ive been stuck with this for 5 years.
  4. i would buy that
  5. I went ahead and recreated the new wolfpack logo. I like it! I compared it to the original for your enjoyment
  6. i would love a D&D season 2
  7. Got into a mode and redrew 5 additional Kite Shields. The CMF Elf was the hardest one i've had to do.
  8. I have redrawn the new logos in Vector if anyone wants them. NewLegoShields by Natesroom, on Flickr
  9. Dont care if this is a strike for resurrecting an old thread - I still can't change the header in my previous post 3 years later. Please let me know how i can get rid of this crazy easter looking photo that doesnt let me read the text in the top.
  10. haha i found this and joined it last year, lol! i was at megacon with the group this year.
  11. I LOVE THIS!!!! I would instantly pay $30 for instructions and maybe more...and i almost never pay that.
  12. missed the rush got 40 lion shields
  13. I agree the addition of a specific blurb for LOTR and it expressly stating "highly detailed sets" indicates that lego is going to be producing items for the "Theme" LOTR. regardless of if its a brickheadz or something else. The point being the OP was just speculating that this information as subtle as it is gives us hope that their will be more to LOTR then just BH... maybe no more then the D@C but it gives us hope.
  14. same here i like the plain black No it was a harem for my queen...
  15. My queen needs a harem to solidify the alliances..sadly i didnt realize they were female, lol.
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