MOC: Banshee
I like it! isn't that takanuva's mask upside down ?
#356 Dusclops
It is kinda cute
Looking for MOCing tips for building HF weapons
thanks alot , Guys! (No Sarcasm)
Looking for MOCing tips for building HF weapons
phew. i was worried it was deleted
forums help
that sounds weird
Looking for MOCing tips for building HF weapons
Thanks guys. i'm buying Black phantom tomorrow probably, if that helps
Looking for MOCing tips for building HF weapons
IDK. im pretty much looking for anything gun-like
Thanks, man, but i know how now!
Looking for MOCing tips for building HF weapons
Hey guys, i know that there is already a topic about this, but I would like to go in depth. so, any custom weapon ideas?
Sorry guys. Don't know how to post pictures from a file. close this or somethin like that
Cheap Plastic Davy Jones
Why are you guys complaining about Chinese plastic? It's the same as regular plastic(I Think ) And yes, I use Emoticons WAAAAY to much
Superheroes 2012
Right. I'm not so sure about these LEGO guys...
Evo Section
I don't either
MOC: Slasher
That Does Look like Rito!
Super Stormer & Big Bulk, General Mamut & Yellow Steed, Idris
Pretty Cool!
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