MOC: Japanese Teahouse!
I love the texture of he floor and the way you used the dark green mini fig legs on the roof
[MOC] LOTR Minas Tirith
Wow that's incredible
My first MOC (LOTR)
Great idea. I really like it
MOC: Hoth Shield Generator
This is great I love it
The Penguin's Harry Potter minifigures..... )
what type of paint did you use on tonks hair
Decal Wish List
could someone please make me a decal of harry potter during the battle of hogwarts.
Lego Knight Bus
Very cool. well done
Harry Potter Hogwarts Project Teaset
For some reason i cant do that
Harry Potter Hogwarts Project Teaset
Here is a little Teaser of my Harry Potter Hogwarts Project. Can you geuss what it is? LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Project Teaser by bbailey979, on Flickr
Hogwarts Watchtower
that is exactly what im using it for . i am creating a stop motion brickfilm on my youtube channel bbailey979 and the courtyard is the most important part. and thank you for your comment
Hogwarts Watchtower
thanks. it was never meant for micro scale so i decided to make it bigger and a little more accurate. chack it out
Hogwarts Watchtower
This is my attemp at creating the watchtower from the battle of hogwarts. The two watchtowers are located in the entrance/ viaduct courtyard.
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