Kilchurn Castle
Its time to show what I have been working on for the last 7 months. A big castle layout, inspired by an french artist I follow on Instagram. He doesnt use LEGO bricks for his castle, but various materials, such as wood, carboard and more. His skills to paint is out of this world and attention to details too. When I saw the first picture of the gate and the diamond gate tower, I knew I had to build it in LEGO. And that was the first step in the project. The diamond tower was really tough to construct, especially because of the base angled arches and the tilted inner walls. It took me about a month to figure out and find the right size and techniques. I could write a whole essay about the work, but I will stop here and let you enjoy the pictures
The Swamp Thing
In the ancient Viking North, a terryfying dragon roamed the deep and dark forrests. It lived in the steaming swamp and was only nocturnal. The local farmers have had many battles with the dragon as it killed their live stock. The dragon became a myth and its presence gave many wandering stories and some even lead to occult worshipping. This moc has taken me about a month to build and comes in 3 modular sections. The neck is build on the frame plate. The head is in one piece and is tightened to the neck with Lego magnets. Many technique has been used to make everything fit and avoiding gaps.
The Purple Waves
I will keep that in mind
The Purple Waves
On a remote and desert planet, a space mining facility has been build to use the minerals from the colorfull water. The location is on top of a cliff bank surrounded by the harsh and barren nature. This is my first attempt to build a space/sci fi microscale moc. The idea came along when I bought the 1x1 trans dark purple bricks with glitter on the side. Here i saw how i might could work as water, using the glitter as sunbeam effect. The rock piece is a whole lot of crazy angles, allowing the gaps to be present as a way of showing the rough sculpturing. The facility is mostly disc buildings with gear pieces as windows and walls. Finally the pipe line that absorb the minerals from the water.
Das Schloss auf dem Berg
Here a picture stroll of my new micro scale castle. I have taken inspiration from various german castles, where some are build up on fantastic mountains with a lovely sorrounding nature. The castles features some nice NPU parts to create the towers. Arround the castle a moat is securing the tall walls and later it runs down into a waterfall that splashes the big lake with water. Small villages creates the life together with a mill and a mighty church. Please enjoy.
The Kings Great Hall
In addition to building castles, I wanted to build a room from a castle and scale up the size for better details and size. The choice came with The Kings Great Hall. The frame is 3 bricks tall, giving the depth to fit in cheese slopes and shield tiles for the tiled mosaic floor. Also the frosted windows is cheese slopes fitted tight in a frame ang get a beautyfull pattern. The columns are the idea from @ranghaal i have used. The King sits on his throne, guarded by his life guards.
"future metropolis"
As I have seen many of your other mocs, this one is among the best. Great details and color choice. Also there are many fun stories to see and how an imaginary dystopia world could look like.
Xenomoc started following spaceman76
Krimh Castle
Tha villain Prince Oleg of Krimh lives here in this old small castle. His ancestors raised the castle and after overthrowing the legal heir to the throne, he is now hiding here protected by his best guards. In this build I have focused on capturing a dark feeling. Especially color combinations. In addition to more used colors for walls I used sand blue parts. It works very well with black and dark blue. The challenge with sand blue parts, is the limits of parts, especially snot bricks. Many of the techniques is build up behind the walls and then build forward again. The corner tower was really difficult to build because of the limited space inside. Here a stroll to you all.
- [MOC] Medieval Countryside Layout
Ace of Space started following spaceman76
Braunschweiger Schloss
In addition to my minifig size castle mocs, I have over some time build on a micro scale castle. Being inspired, I wanted to take up the challenge and see how good I could do it. Also being creative using less parts, but still get the detail and shape right. The rock piece is build up using chains of mixel hinges and shape them up to create the curves.
Donnuttar Castle
Thanks. Be carefull on buying them. Most bl shops have them mixed up in both the old and new sprue design. I asked the bl shop if he had the old one, even send him a picture, but I still got both types. Many dont bother, because the sprues are just left over.
Donnuttar Castle
He he thanks. Well as a member af a castle club, I had to find a proper name for this build. Many of my other castle mocs, has either a title because of certain history and others are because of some kind of action taken place. I thought this name was kinda cool and not so known.
Donnuttar Castle
Thanks. The diagonal stripes on the gatehouse, is plates in angled position to get the tilt effect. At each end of those plates I put a cheese slope, where the angle on the slope should fit the wall next to it and minimize the gaps. It other words its nested to to fit tightly. On the backside of the plate structure I build a support wall to make sure it couldnt fall out. About the landscape colors, I will might chose some more variation. The dark tan tooth pieces are just some wild flowers.Thanks for your comment
Donnuttar Castle
In the year 1139, the Scottish King Cuthred lived in this castle and became his prior residence. His Kingdom was wast and streched along the northern coastline. Before he came to live in here, the castle was a part of a big defence plan, to ensure safety along the coast. During times of war, the walls were pretty worn and shows signs of decay. When the King moved in, he restored the walls and the house. The project has taken about 4 months to build. First the landscape plate, building in many directions to create the natural formation. The hexagonal towers was quite a challenge to make it fit and be strong. Especillay closing the gaps between each corner side. The towers are build in separate modules and can be removed. Next came the outer walls, the house and the wood floor. Finally the castle is done and I am proud to share it with you.
The Muddy Wiskah Bog
Deep inside a forrest, by the edge of a muddy bog, stands The Kings outpost tower. This is The Kings way of making sure that no one passes without permission. Now the build itself features many techniques and styles, to make it look as natural as possible. I like autumn colors, because it make the feeling more rough and wast. The start was pretty basic, building the landscape base, making sure of the size. Next was the rock and how the elevate it to make the bog fit underneath. It worked pretty good, because i build the bog in an hidden box with wedge edges, so the bog is in an angled position. The tower pillars and arches was very important, because I wanted to tower to be above the bog. Moving on to the tower on the gate door. First i didnt plan on how they would enter the tower, so I rebuild the entrance part, adding the curved staircase. The staircase is build up with a 2 layred beam of swivel hinges, mounted on brackets by the top and end. The door frame is also snot build with brackets to make the archway around the door fit as tight as possible. The wooden door frame detail is chain links, and is only resting on top of the door. Finally moving on with tudor houses and the final walls leading towards the top. Please enjoy and comment if you like.
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