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The Dor

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  • Birthday 03/29/1984

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  1. I think that the Jungle Defender shows it the best, so here's a quickly whipped together image pointing it out.
  2. Both Pyrox and Furno XL are available for pre-order on Amazon in the US.
  3. I don't know how people have been not noticing Nex. He's right here, behind Furno and Bulk. Stringer is the only one missing at this point. EDIT: That's actually Rocka, never mind!
  4. Oh my god, it's glorious
  5. This is exactly what I had expected out of the "new" system when it was introduced. A more system-like base for the action figures, wherein all the basic pieces came in a variety of colors. I've been so far disappointed by the current selection. I'm also hoping for the return of 2.0/3.0 headpieces, since I feel that system worked quite well and would have loved to have seen it expanded upon. I would also love more pin-based accessories, such as the fire piece of 2.0 and the spiny shield piece of 3.0.
  6. I'm quite certain it connects to either shoulder, possibly in addition to the two pegs. You can see the socket quite clearly in this picture, below the silver / gunmetal shell on his left shoulder.
  7. The prices are by no means officially confirmed, so I wouldn't get upset about it yet. Furthermore, Stormer clearly has some fairly large pieces which would bump up the price per piece more. The same could be true for Speeda Demon, especially considering Witch Doctor was composed of many more small Technic pieces than any other Hero Factory set in the new system. Maybe Speeda Demon will be more composed of the new system. That said, it is still a pretty significant drop in number of pieces for both of them, but waiting out until Toy Fair to make a final decision seems like a good idea for a lot of people in this thread.
  8. He does not- the armor is attached in the only place lower body armor would attach. why won't you reveal your secrets I think it may be a new torso piece. It appears the hip portion of a standard torso is connected to the tail and wings. And there seems to be some variety of armor on the back, but there is clearly not room for an entire normal torso. And the Waspix piece is clearly attached to a bit that has no joint ends which would not be present on a standard skeleton, and I can't think of how it would attach to one... This argument is invalid. The "muscles" of these sets look like armor plating, which BIONICLE certainly had. Bionicle also had mechanical components meant to look like muscle. And new things are not always bad, and acting like a child about things you dislike certainly isn't going to be changing any minds ;) That gallery didn't have those images until after Aanchir had posted them, as far as I'm aware. (Meso's post seems to confirm this)
  9. I hadn't even thought of him using the Waspix arm piece, that actually makes a lot of sense. It explains the bald joint behind his head. The lower armor coukd be attached the same way Fangz extra armor attached, using a technic peg and a ball piece. A simple mock up matches the picture pretty closely so I think that is the culprit.
  10. I'm fairly confident that the armor is size 6. It seems to extend one stud length past the armor attached onto it, which is true of both 6 & 7, but 7 would cause issues with the tail. A quick mock up makes me think that Jawblade is going to be a pretty good set all around. I am a fan of nontraditional builds like his. Does anyone know what Thornraxx's torso build is? The extra limb piece Waspix introduced is apparently how the arms are connected, but I don't understand the rest. EDIT: Also, Toxic Reapa's? The 3 length armor can't attach in those places with just a standard torso. Especially the lower one. Also, I just realized how much trans green is in that set. So much love for this wave now.
  11. ha ha homestuck jokes My main problem with the possible return to the Glatorian heads is the fact that it will render the last two wave's helmets incompatible. I was okay with the new heads because I figured they'd be around for a while (also the jawline was so good, oh man). The inconsistency is starting to irk me. Maybe I'm just too picky, though.
  12. I had forgotten about Rocka XL's white bone pieces, and I was unaware they turned out to be grey. In either case, they were different bones from Breez's, so I guess I should have said "basic bone pieces." I believe he does, if only because there isn't any reason for him not to. It's difficult to say with any real certainty, though. From his silhouette, however, it seems like he does. The top part of the blaster doesn't seem pushed as far back as Rocka's does, and Rocka uses an old styled hand which would explain this.
  13. That's what I was thinking, except the line between the two colors is far crisper than any two-tone piece I've seen. Maybe that's just due to CGI and what-not, but I can't imagine a marbled core being released. Jawblade and Fangz very clearly have different heads. Similar in some ways, yeah, but overall quite different. And this being a prequel wouldn't work very well, seeing as Evo was either a 1.0 for a very short time, or created as a 2.0. I think these figures are very clearly updated with the 2.0 tech at least, aside from the helmets (and Breez's feet). Also, just noticed that Breez's forearms are possibly white. That would be interesting- bone colored bone pieces. And from the backgrounds (as well as the specific modifications in the case of Furno and Breez), it's pretty apparent which Hero will be fighting which villain. Seems a little ridiculous that Rocka will be fighting Black Phantom all by himself, considering how new he is.
  14. Ah, that appears to be the case. I had assumed that there was a similar system to the 2.0 and 3.0 Heroes with a chest armor on top of the torso armor. This is apparently not the case for this batch.
  15. Rocka's left forearm is incredibly stumpy, I just noticed, consisting of only one of these and a basic joint for a hand. I think that the length of his blaster / crossbow weapon will balance it out, but that's difficult to judge from these pictures. Both Furno and Breez seem to have more traditional arms. I'm curious to see if the Hero Cores end up being separate pieces from the armor they are attached to. Their small size makes me think that they won't, but their coloration makes me a little doubtful. Also, I'm totally in favor of non-traditional builds such as those used in Thornraxx and Jawblade, but how are they going to stand? I guess Thornraxx could do a sort of tripod thing, and Jawblade possibly could use the Furno 3.0 wings / Raw Jaw tusks to stand. Anyway, these sets have definitely grown on me since the initial reaction, hopefully they will continue to do so up to their release date.
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