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soy ?

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. soy ? replied to Admiral Blockbeard's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    All i can say is that i am glad lego finally made decent sets, and in pirates, unfortunately i have no money for them, schools expensive
  2. sure why not.
  3. I believe there is a happy medium between everything. One cannot deprive himself of all joy because he sees others suffering in the street. I have a unique perspective on your moral dilemma. My family comes from Iran and mexico, two fairly poor nations. I am aslo studying political science at my university. The question about poverty isnt so plain. Yeah poverty blows but lets look at a multitude of other things. DO NOT READ AS THIS IS VERY SAD, BUT THE REALITY OF OUR WORLD • There are more slaves in the world today then at any other point in history. Females account for up to 80% of slaves. Most slaves end up working in the sex trade, children as young as 8 can often be bought in certain thai brothels. In one instance a pregnant prostitute had her fetus ripped out from her womb by her pimp and left to die[turkey] in auctions people can buy the not so fair women for around $200 [you can buy the lives of two people for your millenium falcon]. the information came from an issue of national geographic, can tell you which one if you want to know exactly. •In Uganda the LRA has created a civil war that has lasted over 20 years and resulted in tens of thousands child soldiers. additionally the LRA oftentimes mutilates the appendages of the children's parents. • In the mideast to be gay is to be dead • In the united states (my home) people consume copious amounts of drugs resulting in a decline of culture, a rise of crime, a lack of care in parenting [imagine being a child whose parents never made you food or bought you clothes let alone bought you toys]. The degradation of traditional values in which women were objects of reverance not means to achive sexual gratification. And homeless, the vast majority of which have mental problems are thrown on the street with no one to help. Lets not also forget the 1 million plus families who have had their lives destroyed by the current economic situation that has resulted in them losing their home. The bottom line is the world is filled with misery. No one person can change things. Being an adult [sorry to you ladies who i might seem as a chauvinist, but i have a deep believe in tradition] requires that you put others before yourself. that is what separates adults from children, and men from boys. We do need to entertain ourselves every now and then. But is buying 500 dollars worth of plastic going to make you happy, it might for a day, maybe a week at most. It can also save someones live who is facing starvation, eviction, enslavement, a drug addiction...... The matter of the fact is this, everything in moderation. I spend a maximum of $100 on what i call junk a year, which includes toys games and all other non-essentials. Also remember plastic is very bad for the enviroment, check out this documentary Toxic Garbage Island. So if you must buy, please buy second hand .
  4. I have mixed feelings for the line. I find "Attack of the Giant Octopus" (kraken attackin) to be pretty cool, reminds me of the rafts i had as a kid. The smallest set is also cool, however i will probably pass on it. The island is what bugs me of the lot, it seems jumbled together, they could have made it much nicer, i do enjoy the baseplate however. The ship needs a second look, some very nice elements, but seems a bit cramped. However the soldiers fort is really great, and would be the greatest soldiers set ever if it had a small brickbuilt ship (like the one from imtp) however as far as the base goes it beats hands down what i can remember from imtp, imperial outpost, and lagoon lockup. Did anybody see that the soldiers fort is modular, im assuming new sets will probably be comming out midyear, or as a lego/tru exclusive. Look at the corner of the base underneath the tower.
  5. I for one am pretty convinced that we are getting pirates, hat else can they do running out of ideas they are. As far as human vs human i would beg to differ. Space skulls vs star justice is man vs man (imo), Agents is the same, and lets not forget about the lucas arts license, along with batman. I dont see why lego would veer of man vs man when weapons that lego has produced in recent years have become a tad bit more violent (more rifles, guns, machine guns etc). those are my thoughts
  6. Arent factory minifigs also with stickers? they arent printed like what we have seen. Man i feel like a little kid again, its strange yet soothing.
  7. Im a chronic lurker i know, but this thread really freaked me out and filled me with joy to think that in less than a year i migh possibly finally own a pirate ship. (never could get one as a kid, were to expensive). I havent kept up too much with lego, last thing i saw (which was old news) is agents, like the shark though. Anycase i will argue for pirates being released for a few reasons. as someone has previously mentioned a variety of pirate related pieced being released, recently (saber, pirate hull, bicorne, etc). Additionally those pictures taken do show a soldier that is rminiscent of the ones i grew up with. But perhaps most importantly, the lego universe game that will be released. I was thinking, if all those cool pirate themes are going to be in the game, im sure it will create a demand for them as actual sets considering the newfound popularity of pirates. Thats my two bits
  8. well what about the north sea, maybe like other members have stated a merpeople. Atlantis anybody. we also have mount drake, dragon knights would be awesome and wyrms etc. well sea by november/dec of next year though.
  9. soy ? replied to AL FREDDO's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    that is way rad, i really like the simple design of it and great scale. thumbs up
  10. soy ? replied to phoinix's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Finally some decent lego creator sets, been waiting forever for these, lets look forward to more in the near future
  11. soy ? replied to soy ?'s post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    thanks a bunch for all the bands that you have posted, i will give each one a look and reply on my thoughts of them, as far as youtube.de that was more or less common sense. i also found that Stage6 has some german southpark episodes, however since it is shutting down dont see how it will do much good now. thanks again
  12. soy ? replied to Plural's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    i really dig the star justice set, its way rad and totally makes me reminisce on my childhood. the space skulls set however looks a little weak as an actual set. i personally wouldn't buy it. the reason is thats its not very spacey, looks more like an alpha team set then a space theme set IMO. besides as many other members have stated before there are all ready too many skull based sets in lego's history and another one is just repetative. Those are my thoughts
  13. soy ? posted a post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Hello, I see that there are a lot of German speakers here at Eurobricks. I currently am studying German and have recently started my second semester of the language. Unfortunately I am having massive trouble getting a grasp on this language and its really starting to bug. So I decided to do what I did for French and start watching, reading and listening to German media. Being from the States I really do not know much about German pop culture and was wondering if any members here could tell me of some good German bands (Rammstein excluded because that is the only one I know of, yeah typical huh), movies/TV shows or other forms of media
  14. no offense bonaparte, but benk's ship is astounding, i really hope when (not if) lego relaunches pirates they will sell small ships of similar design for ~ $ 20-30. it is simply superb.
  15. this is a great topic, thanks for starting it metalandi. i have never thought about using the washing machine, but i would be a tad bit hesitant to do that. what i have been doing and what seems to work fairly well is to but the bricks in a bag of very hot water (as high as the water temp in the faucet can go) and swoosh them around for a while. afterwards remove the bricks, place them in a tub filled with hot soapy water (as hot as your hands can take), get a large paintbrush with soft bristle and rub each brick with the bristles and soon enough the bricks will come out clean. lastly place the bricks on a table or something to let them dry out (i live in a desert so they are usually dry in an hour). its a lot of work and is why only my new ebay bucks are very very clean
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