Everything posted by Millacol88
Mafstraw Manor - Chapter 1
Who are you calling lunatics? And where's your voice coming from, I don't think you're on the train.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I hope this set is like 10179 (true minifig scale). It would make an excellent "flagship model" for next year, and be a great source for figures. Some may think its unlikely that TLC will release it in true minifig scale, because of the enormous size, but before the 10179 came out, something like that was unheard of. This can be done properly with 3-4000 pieces, I think, and would be 350 - 400 dollars US. It could happen.
What are you listening to?
White Stripes - Seven Nation Army.
Mafstraw Manor - Chapter 1
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, who's pretending to be a teacher? Also, I've forgotten to say nice to meet you, Morrison and Gregor. Are you heading to Mafstraw as well?
Mafstraw Manor - Chapter 1
I'm Srgt. Johnson. Athranhart, I believe we've met. Rudy, how are you? Still... different, hmm?
Talk to the Star Wars Moderators and Regulators
My original post was not intended to be a nag. ...
Talk to the Star Wars Moderators and Regulators
I'm sorry, I misinterpreted your post as being mean. The eye-roll emote and the "..." didn't help. I was offering my opinion, Stash can take as long as he wants to reply somewhere, not like it matters to me.
Talk to the Star Wars Moderators and Regulators
Where did you get that from? All anyone did was offer their opinion about the subject currently at hand. Me and the others just said what we thought about it, then you and Siegfried jumped on it like we were insulting you. If you don't want people to have an opinion, don't have a topic dedicated to asking questions and offering feedback for the Moderators.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I can understand why you are wary to accept another rumour as fact, but I'm inclined to believe this, at first glance. It comes from a pretty reliable source: xwingyoda was an admin here not so long ago. This isn't the same as a 10-year old joining to tell lies and see what happens, because that's what makes you supah co0l on teh internetz! I would love another CTT, and a minifig-scale AT-AT would be awesome, although it hasn't been long since we got one. I'm also interested to know whether this is true minifigure scale a la 10179, or system scale like the 2007 AT-AT.
Why are people looking forward to LU?
Tell that to the several million WOWcrack addicts. That'd be a riot I'd like to see. To answer the question that started this thread, I'm not looking forward to it. It will probably not be good enough to pay for every month.
Talk to the Star Wars Moderators and Regulators
Just throwing this out there, I think it's better to explain why a topic is being closed rather than just saying "no." Then everyone understands why, and they're more likely not to be upset if it's explained to them why.
Geonisis Battle Pack
Your right, now that I count, there definitely doesn't seem to be 42 pieces. It's a Dobby head. BTW, I agree you shouldn't have two sides in a battle pack. EDIT: 1500th post! I'm on the internet too much! DOUBLE-EDIT: ADH is a quicker typer than me.
Generally you have to "validate" your account when you join a forum, by opening a link in an email the board sends you.
Geonisis Battle Pack
Not bad, but it's supposed to be 50-70 pieces.
Posting Deeplinked Images from Brickshelf
Resize them. The board resizes them, but only after you've loaded the whole huge image, which takes a long time on slow internet. The file extension is too long. Shorten the name of the file, then re-upload it to your Brickshelf, This will shorten the URL and it will work. I saved the picture, shortened the name, and uploaded it to my BS. See my avatar. If you want, just use the one I uploaded, I promise I won't delete it, unless I'm really mad at you.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I can't prove it, but I can make a more grown-up argument then you did ("prove it"). Lego is marketed to boys aged 7-10, and the current CW line is what's popular to them right now, because its new, and they can watch the series and connect what they see with the lego they just bought. To those who think the CTT will be Episode 3: Those boys aged 7-10 Lego is marketing to were around 3-6 years old when Episode 3 came out, and so probably weren't that aware of it. So it just doesn't make sense to market toys to children that are based on a movie they never saw, nor cared about. CW is the flavour of the month, ergo the money-maker.
Mafstraw Manor - Sign In/Discussion
Signing in. Should be a fun game. I'm Srgt. Johnson, an Army vet.
- EB Members Title Archive
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
It'll be CW.
Petition: We want the Pirates Advent Calender in the United States
One 'lil addition. I want the Advent Calendar available in North America. Let's get this thread to 20 pages, guys. We can do it.
Mafstraw Manor - Sign In/Discussion
I'm signing in, but, like Shadows, I still have no face.
Now that I think about, there was a guy named Darth Paintball man who was banned. I'm sure they had some technical reason for making him a fellow, although he is still "banned."
Mystical Castle - The Alliance
"Shadows, what do we do?!" "Dude, I think we're on the opposite side."
I'm guessing he contributed to one one of the events IRL.
Mystical Castle - The Alliance
Eh, I think first come first served would have been better. I signed up 6th and I ended up on the reserves.
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