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Eurobricks Knights
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About LEGOMAN132

  • Birthday 07/20/1987

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  1. Very nice. I was just thinking of this ship the other day.
  2. This set looks great I will have to pick it up. I thought sweets were ban in Lego modular city haha. Also no wonder he escaped they didn’t take any of his tools away.
  3. The Volvo concept looks neat Also the crane is nice and in red.
  4. I would rather see a Scania then a Mack but still be a nice set to see.
  5. If I read the last page closer I would have saw the answer haha.At least we get some other great sets this year and it will save me money.
  6. Might be posted already but is the airport fire vehicle still coming? Also love the orange choice
  7. Love the orange much better then the black.
  8. 나는 동의합니다 (I agree)!
  9. Anyone else think the helicopter would looke better with the white and orange swaped its a great looking set and I am very happy to see a large aircraft again but seems a bit plain.
  10. Love the tiny plane looks like a smalller one from the one a few years ago. Dragster looks like its a Funny Car love the color. Helicoter looks like a Mil Mi 26 mixed With a Kamov Ka 32 love it. Nice to see a new Fire Truck.
  11. Yes that's more of what it looked like I said brick set had pics up for like a day. That's cool about the Helicopter as I have always loved Kamov helicopters I saw the post of the rosters but not the Kamov part. also I thought your post of the concept was just a concept of what it might be.
  12. There were pics of a few of the sets for like a day.only one I remember was 42049: Mine Loader kind of looked like 8259 Telescopic Handler and was yellow as well. I wonder is the Helicopter will be a Synchroter ( type of counter rotation) like the Kaman K Max.
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