Everything posted by Mister Phes
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve
I wouldn't be asking if I knew. All the MOC Expert I know who would be interest are already participating in the contest.
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve
And the question I repeatedly ask; is where do we find these experts who will so kindly donate their time?
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve - Feedback on the Voting System
It would disadvantage me because now I've got dozens more Emails to contend with! Not to mention, some of those Emails would get lost in cyberspace and not even reach me. But if someone else wants to take on that mantle for future contests, be my guest! And who would be those judges be?
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve - Feedback on the Voting System
I'm very much open to suggestions for improving the voting process but no matter what we do, it won't suit 100% of participants. If we change the voting system, sure it will suit some participants better, but then it will disservice others. How does a secret ballot box work in terms of submitting votes? Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback while remaining diplomatic in your approach. When I counted the votes for the large entries I did feel bad for those who didn't receive any votes. And that's partly why I was encouraging everyone to vote; to ensure there were sufficient votes to cover a wide range of entries so nobody missed out. But for what it's worth, I liked your entry due to it's nostalgic feel and homages to classic LEGO sets.
[CONTEST] Infamous Steve - Prelimary Vote Counts
Yer doing well! You could Email the XLS as an attachment to And then I can compare it with my own XLS which I'm currently working on...
Who would like to join the LEGO Pirates Forum / Classic Pirates crew?
Very well Generalwinter, you have been promoted to Lieutenant on Flicker!
[CONTEST] Infamous Steve - Prelimary Vote Counts
Counting has just begun! Had to update all the notices to say voting is now closed.
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve - Bonus Point Tally - will YOU be receiving Bonus Points?
Oky +5 Points towards his Building Entry Vote Scores for Voting for the Creative Critic +1 Ticket for Voting for the Creative Critic +5 Points towards his Building Entry Vote Scores for Voting for the Building Entries +1 Ticket for Voting for the Building Entries
[OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Retiring SOON!
Brilliant! Thank ye again!
[OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Retiring SOON!
Thank ye - are yer able to provide some of these sources?
Who would like to join the LEGO Pirates Forum / Classic Pirates crew?
What's yer username on Flickr? Congrat-ye-lations! You have been promoted to a Lieutenants of the Classic Pirates Flickr Group!
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve
Yer most welcome! But why would we see anything overly negative? This contest didn't attract as many entries as the Return of the Classic Pirates Contest, but still attracted slightly more entries above the Eurobrick contest average. Why do we need members from other forums to vote? The concern with this contest was members active in the LEGO Pirates Forum who participated in the contest wasn't voting. Many thank ye's for participating! That always raises the question of who these judges would be? The previous Creative Critic was judged, and there were some who weren't pleased with the judging process, but on the flip side no else was willing to monitor the feedback for the entire contest. Generally, in the age of social media, we unfortunately don't get as many volunteers as we did during the 2000s.
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve - Bonus Point Tally - will YOU be receiving Bonus Points?
Quotenotto +5 Points towards his Building Entry Vote Scores for Voting for the Creative Critic +1 Ticket for Voting for the Creative Critic +5 Points towards his Building Entry Vote Scores for Voting for the Building Entries +1 Ticket for Voting for the Building Entries
[OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Retiring SOON!
Are there any official sources which state this? Or is this merely fan deduction? It's almost time for me to write a blog post: "Your last chance to buy 10320 Eldorado Fortress!"
[CONTEST] Infamous Steve - Prelimary Vote Counts
Who said the official announcement is coming tomorrow? Might take me longer to count through all the votes.
[CONTEST] IMPORTANT REMINDER to Entrants who haven't voted for BOTH Building Entries and a Creative Critic
@MyFirstMOC-Hun, just a heads up... While you're permitted to vote for your own entries, you receive 5 Bonus Points towards your Vote Scores if you vote for other builders. So feel free to edit your vote before the time runs out. I understand English is not your first language, so please let me know if this doesn't make sense. ------------------------------- @Brendan McGnarley, @Juhlhaus, @Oky, @lotr, @Johnnyopies, @Brickshipyard and @Christophh still haven't voted for a Creative Critic and therefore missing out on 5 Bonus Points towards their Vote Scores.
Who would like to join the LEGO Pirates Forum / Classic Pirates crew?
And the winners have been announced I'll fix you up Shipyard access. Well, another Flickr moderator to approve new images wouldn't go astray. Ah yes, I recall a message "RE: Horation would like to contribute: Blogger" but it seemed more focused toward the Creative Critic than blogging.
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve
Yes, you are correct... providing there are sufficient votes to determine the winners.
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve - Bonus Point Tally - will YOU be receiving Bonus Points?
MyFirstMOC-Hun +5 Points towards his Building Entry Vote Scores for Voting for the Creative Critic +1 Ticket for Voting for the Creative Critic Note: Voted for his own entries hence why no Bonus Points for Voting for the Building Entries.
[CONTEST] IMPORTANT REMINDER to Entrants who haven't voted for BOTH Building Entries and a Creative Critic
You have fulfilled your mission and that was acknowledged here.
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve
Yes of course! There is no intention of abandoning the LEGO Pirates Forum - it's the foundation of the entire Classic Pirates network. It's more about expanding to better encompass social media. That wasn't meant to be an attack or criticism, but rather explaining to YellowFrog why it's difficult is to find volunteers for these tasks. Nonetheless, your explanation is valuable because it illustrates the point - most people don't feel like they're the right person. And again, I'm not complaining or criticising because you already make plenty of valuable contributions to the LEGO Pirates Forum, so thank you!
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve - Voting Closes August 31
VOTE FOR THE WINNERS! Voting Closes 23:59 August 31 -10UTC When timer reaches 00:00:00 no further Votes will be accepted.
Who would like to join the LEGO Pirates Forum / Classic Pirates crew?
As is tradition at the end of a LEGO Pirates Forum contest we have a crew intake. During 2023 @Yperio_Bricks stepped up and has been a fantastic help with forum duties. Honourable mentions to @Captain Pirate Man and @Rogue Redcoat for their post contest contributions. This year @Horation has provided assistance with managing the statistics of the Infamous Steve contest - so many thanks are in order! We have no shortage of roles you can lend your hand to - but it's important it's something you enjoy doing. Also feel free to suggest any rewards or incentives that would help motivate your contributions. What say you?
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve
That is already the case. @Yperio_Bricks takes care of the basic Pirate forum upkeep. @Captain Braunsfeld posts non-contest pirate frontpage updates. @Professor Thaum takes care of the basic Brethren of the Brick Seas forum upkeep. And I thank them all immensely for contributing their time! And that what consumes all the time. It's not just the contest management and planning within the forum, I also produce all the marketing collateral which requires a variety of advanced skills like graphic design, copy writing, social media management, web design, etc. Unfortunately nobody else with these skills steps up to volunteer anymore. I did ask Yperio Bricks if he would be interested in updating the Entries Index but he didn't seem interested. Beyond him there's nobody else to ask! But you've been a fantastic help! And I'm sure we can find you a position within the Classic Pirates crew if you're interesting in joining. I did consider such an initiative but decided against because towards the end of a large contest I'm too exhausted to keep track. I was intending to call it the "Shameless Self Promoter" challenge or something to that affect. But the problem is social media promotion needs to be done in the correct way, and the majority of people do not have any understanding of the best pratices. And no matter how clearly you instruct them, a good many of them will do the absolute wrong thing. So it could easily result in encouraging spam and violating terms of service. Further compounding to problem is keeping track of everything. If a participant doesn't use the correct hash tags or tag the correct accounts, their posts will be missed. Or even if they do tag correctly, now I've got to check social media 10 times a day so I don't miss a notification. That's just too much towards the end of a larger contest! An entire marketing team is required to manage something like this well. However, in a smaller contest, with a singular objective, it may be more feasible. Anyway, thank you for the suggestion - I don't think it's a bad one, but it definitely comes with numerous considerations to execute well.
[CONTEST] The Infamous Steve - Bonus Point Tally - will YOU be receiving Bonus Points?
Brendan McGnarley +5 Points towards his Building Entry Vote Scores for Voting for the Building Entries +1 Ticket for Voting for the Building Entries
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