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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. You need to complete the set with a Reverse Flash (Zoom) minifigure.
  2. You minifigures are really good, and a Extremis Pepper would be a great idea!
  3. Your curved torso's look really good, I'm amazed that no one else except Arealight has produced any female torso's.
  4. A great list! It amazes me why LEGO doesn't release more Super Heroes sets, as Marvel and DC have never been so popular. You know for a fact that in 2014 all we will see for DC is some more revamped Batman sets. Lets hope with the release of the new Thor, Captain America and Wolverine films there is some hope for new Marvel sets.
  5. With all the Super Heroes cartoon series and films that are currently airing and coming soon, DC and Marvel Super Heroes have never been so popular and LEGO should be cashing in more with a lot more sets. Lets hope we see some some Thor 2 sets and a lot more in 2014. I do get a bit fed up of LEGO repeating old Batman sets, however that is there policy for Star Wars so I can't see them changing that.
  6. The beast looks really good - I like the use of Ateyo's head!
  7. eclipsegrafx has done a Rogue (code name Emerald) now which is amazing like his Cyclops and Storm.
  8. Green Pea Toys make custom minifigures in the UK, other than that everything comes from the USA and also Christo from South Africa.
  9. This is definitely going to be one iconic set. I know the released date is January, however I wonder if LEGO will release it early to get the Christmas demand. Watch this space.... and yes I will be getting it!
  10. Even though a lot of them are the same characters, I don't think you can compare them. The original Batman minifigures are iconic however some of the 2013 minifigures are very impressive.
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