Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
After I got my X-Men set, this kept jumping out of my mind:D
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
Haha, Batman was created in 1939 and Iron Man 1963. Nice, but I still think the most important item of Iron Man should be his Arc reactorXD
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
Haha, I really love that "You shall not pass!". That is my favorite line from LOTR. I got my LOTR sets yesterday, I will make some funny pictures with it later. Now, I have some HP and Avengers, Enjoy:D LEGO always makes the size wrong!!!! A line from A Very Potter Musical and it works perfectly on LEGO. Any help from Iron Man? Think that again. I always wanted to do this one:D
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
I agree. This is really disappointing, it just feel weird. And the head is too red, makes it doesn't even match with the printing on the body. I do hope the final product will be acceptable. Here, the Ultimate Spider-Man.
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
I made some new Potter's funnies, please enjoy:D A joke of the infamous Dementor's Kiss. Well. I think we will all agree on this one, right? An awkward scene from Deathly Hallows Part 2:D Let me know what you think, thanks:D
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Yep! And I wish it will be the Helicarrier, just like a Star Wars set. It will be the best set to include Nick Fury and also other SHIELD Agents. Coulson and Hill :D
Review: 6873 Spider-Man's Doc Ock Ambush
This set is amazing!!!! Nice pictures Oky!!!
Review: 6873 Spider-Man's Doc Ock Ambush
Happy january jerks :D Did it just autocorrect my reply?
REVIEW: 6865 Captain America's Avenging Cycle
A nice Cap Review:D I think the Alien in LEGO form isn't quite match up with the movie, anyway it is cute:D Here it is, a close up of the alien.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Wow! Looks like u guys are getting your sets. I think I have to wait until mid-April in Hong Kong..........SAD><
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
That is a sad fact, but I still have hope on this until the film comes out:D Marvel Cinematic Universe without Spider-Man seems like missing something.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Sadly, I think Black Widow is the worst Avengers minifigure because it doesn't match up with the movie version at all. Missing her belt "Widow logo" is a huge mistake. There is no surprise at all that they will make a trilogy:D But Who will be in it is the big question. I really want them to link the upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man into Marvel Cinematic Universe. If they don't, they will waste an great opportunity for a reboot.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
I do agree!!! I've been waiting for a venom minifigure since Spider-Man 3.
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
yep! the first one is a direct copy of HISHE(Sorry about that:P). And that was my first try,so I just want to make something simple first. As for the second one, the fallen head is just a random decision when I take the photo :P I will post more photos later:D
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Oh. Sorry about that.
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