Fake or unfare commerce.
FYI - there is one more "site in the question": Registered for Kindermix, design copied from official site, provides links to both, and Kindermix shop. Very similar case.
New building system
DoubleBrick (FYI: Russian LEGO fansite) agents got a drawing, made in top secret LEGO research laboratory. It shows drafts of new LEGO building system. The main difference is replacement of well known studs and tubes with single universal connector (also known as unisex connector). Any pair of these connectors is able to clutch to one another. New connectors will be placed on all the sides as well on tops and bottoms. With new connectors combinative abilities of LEGO parts will increase significantly. As you see from this figure, new connector is short tube (like stud on technic brick) with 4 symmetrically sectors removed and grooves to accepts left 4 sectors from another connector. Width of the brick and outer diameter of the tube will be kept the same. It allows to connect new parts with old LEGO System elements. Height of the brick will change, new bricks will be cubes. Brick height will be equal to width (currently it is 20% greater). An LEGO employee, who wished to stay anonymous, said, that new connector and height/width ratio will decrease the number of different LEGO parts in production in a half without any limiting of building possibilities. For example, instead of numerous "left" and "right" parts only single element will be produced. Logistics and production costs will be decreased. They also said, that new connector was invented 4 years ago. Investments in its developing was the real reason of TLC financial troubles for that years. It was lack of the raw materials, which delayed mass production of new connectors. Only two monthes ago LEGO chemistes were able to synthesize plastic strong enought for new connectors and pass all strict child safety checks. First LEGO parts with new connectors will be used in 2009 sets. In the nearest future we're going to get photos or maybe prototypes of 1x1, 1x2 and 2x4 bricks.
2008 Exclusives turn up on "Replacement parts" page
For about an year Russia is not in this list anymore :(
Legoland Germany Shops
Does anybody know, whether Legoland shops have Tax refund cheques?
LEGOLAND Discovery Centre (Berlin)
Oops, what is this: Never heard before...
Advices with Legoland Deutschland visit
Thank you very much! I'll definitely watch for threads.
Advices with Legoland Deutschland visit
Hello all Eurobrickers!! I'm planning my summer trip to Germany (I'm from Russia). The main goal, of course, is to visit Legoland. So I'd like to get any information which you think will be useful: 1. Best days of visit (my trip is in second half of Juny). I will be with my wife and two children (8 and 2 y.o.), I'd like to visit as much attractions as possible. It will be my 1st visit. 2. Is annual ticket so good? Since it provides 10% discount I think so. 3. Is it really possible to walk from G
#8624 Bionicle Playset, "Race for the Mask of the Life"
This year playsets seem to be first Bionicle sets which I'd like to get for myself (until now, I bought bionicles for the son). It's because of new articulated minifigs - unlike 2005's single-piece molded toa, which were the very wrong direction. With exo-force robots they make a great addition to "standard" System minifigs.
#8624 Bionicle Playset, "Race for the Mask of the Life"
Hello, has anybody already seen it? Other images (all - from LEGO server): WBR, Alexander
New KK2 pics
Did anybody notice that some of new knights hold their swords in right hand? Before that all knights were left-handed only.
Bionicle 2005 playsets now available at S@H Canada
Is it compatible with human-sized head to wear as mask?? :)
Final 'Vikings' Box Pictures
Otherwise you can't see the middle section of the ship, the base of the mast is REALLY huge and there are the shields at the middle of the sides. So it IS possible to just have two standard boats.... At least you there are no clues against this theory viewable at the pictures... Wow, thank you, ApophisV. I checked everything and found, that at this photo "standard" (#2551) boats are clearly seen. From the other side, look at this thread (second message). In early prototype #7016 had only one #33129...
Final 'Vikings' Box Pictures
It has to be #33129, because 2 #2551's cannot be connected together smoothly.
How does LEGO get transported around the world?
I live in Russia (Moscow). I've got my local 2005 catalogue at 24th, April. I'm sure that it was in a few days after it finally arrived in our country. And this was really boring, because previous years catalogues were available not later than February. I usually do not buy LEGO sets at small shops, because they are too expensive there. I buy either, at LEGO brand store (because they have Pick-a-brick, [seldom] good sales and it is close to my home) or at two or three shops which all have a good selection and low prices (less than MSRP for our country). Usually, in big shops all sets are avaialble by the time which was listed in catalogue. SW sets are all here. We do not have S@H, but some special sets are available in the brandstore.
New Lego Train
Was it ever mentioned somewhere, that LEGO spent money on this license? TLC may just promote those logos and brandnames in return of the license.
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