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Zee toa of sonics

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Whilst Mata Nui does have over proportioned arms, I find it remedied through a slightly complicated measure. Use the upper arms from Toa Ignika as Mata-Nui's upper arm, and then place a triple length Axel through the friction pin hole. Attach two double length connectors to each side of the Axel. I honestly do not know the name of the piece, but place the piece used as the 01' Turagas necks into the space between the connectors, and lock it into place with another axle. Then put the Shoulder Armor on to the neck piece, as I call it. I personally do onto own Mata-Nui, and do not know how this will look. -Zee
  2. Nothing worse than some guy trying to stir up trouble, especially when he has Google open. On Topic: The Comic ws pretty Epic, but considering Gresh got owned by one Skrall, how the heck were five Glatorian standing up to a hundred Skrall. Doesn't really make sense. -Zee
  3. If they can make flags that damn big, maybe they can do it with statues aswell. Doubt it though. -zee
  4. That is very true, Taka is normally twice the size of onua. I was expecting tuma to be bigger, but hey, as far as I understand, hes just a bigger or more evolved Skrall. -zee
  5. I agree, Kiina aswell does look cluttered, but I don't really see why she looks so feminine. -zee
  6. Okay, yeah, the text is easier to read on BZP, so anyhow, Ackar is my favorite as well, next to Gelu. -zee
  7. Yup, as soon as someone starts discussing the Leaks it has to stop... If discussion doesn't involve leaked images, its safe. -zee
  8. If its in the official catalogue, it is marked as safe, and able to post as long as it is not leaked. -zee
  9. Wow, this is the best year since '01! I love the whole concept of the broken Mata-nui parts laying in the desert. Then the entire year is WIN because Greg answered our calls for a Mata-nui set. The Ankle Bracelets, new element themed weapons, masks, and armor make it feel like 2001 again. -zee
  10. Can't wait to see those vehicles. -zee
  11. By the way, who's Iggy? And Karz yeah! A deolved giant Vorox would make an awsome mount! Slaughter the enemy! -zee
  12. Holy mother of Mata-nui yes! To have Scopio be a huge scorpion with a revamped Vorox on top would be AWESOME!!!! And I would like to see something like a Glatorian riding on a horse like beast. Friggin awsome right? Then a flying creature would top it off. But still, I would like one wheeled vehicle, armored tank style. Can you say mounted Thornax Turret? -zee
  13. I'm suspecting they're vehicles considering the sucess of this years, though it would be cool if some of them were wheeled vehicles, you know, tank-style, but I suspect that if they are they'll be battle rams considering the technology of Bara-magna. Though, I suspect Vorox inolvement in Scopio. it would be awsome to have something like a swamp strider but Exo-toa style. -zee
  14. I know, I'm a huge fan of thge vehicles and Castle sets, so I can't wait, i've got Google, Yahoo, MSN, Aol, and Ask.com searching! Lol. -zee :skull:
  15. Okay, sorry for the mistake Pencoin. Happy holidays. -zee :skull:
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