Everything posted by Morgan19
BaisCor KLE-P25 patrol hovership
This is an alt-build using the #75042 Droid Gunship set. Additional shots can be found on Flickr including a multi-angle overview collage and an "exploded" view of the ship's construction. BaisCor KLE-P25 patrol hovership (Front) by Morgan190, on Flickr BaisCor KLE-P25 patrol hovership (Rear) by Morgan190, on Flickr m19
- The new Pirate Forum Skin - please share your computer's stats
Win the ultimate VIP LEGOLAND experience!
Wow, that's a phenomenal contest. Fingers crossed! m19
SRT-32 "Zorya" Gunship
Guys! It's supposed to resemble the Halo; it's based on the official BrickMaster model. That's what I said in my post. m19
SRT-32 "Zorya" Gunship
So after 25+ years of LEGO collecting, I'm finally getting around to the time-honored follow-up tradition of LEGO sorting. Because that's finally in progress, I've been able build (relatively) quickly again with my limited free-time. I originally wanted to try and build the BrickMaster mini Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship from my own parts, but quickly found that I didn't have all the right parts in the right colors. So after ending up with a rainbow warrior ship instead, I undertook a little bit of tinkering and experimenting over the last few days that eventually gave birth to the Zorya you see here. Click to view the whole gallery. m19
Vote for your favourite Category B entries
5) Battle plans (Celtic Warrior) Entry (Build by kciR) - 2 points 6) Toxic Cleanup (Sleepyhead) Entry (Build by Darth Yogi) - 1 point m19
Vote for your favourite Category A entries
10) Surgeon Entry (Build by bellis) - 1 point 14) Mechanic Entry (Build by Yatkuu) - 1 point 42) Minotaur Entry (Build by Mr.Brickman) - 1 point m19
[REVIEW] 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator
The model itself, though way overpriced, looks quite accurate... at least from the angle on the box. The entire underside and front sides are horrendously unfinished, like the designers just threw their hands up halfway through and gave up. These past few years, prior to purchasing I've learned to seek out photos of LEGO models from the angles NOT shown on the box. In this case, it's funny that the box art chooses to show the ship from the one angle that makes it look complete, while hiding the terrible spots. It's a common tactic in advertising, but it's still insulting to see it so blatantly making its way into our favorite toy. Yay marketing. m19
painting bricks
Krylon Fusion is meant specifically for plastic (like LEGO) and bonds much closer to the surface, meaning there's less (or none!) of that "built-up paint" effect. I use it all the time for coloring entire bricks and it works wonderfully, particularly for black as Krylon's color is just about an exact match for LEGO's. m19
Isolere, the Hiromenn
It's BrickTW's bow piece. m19
Isolere, the Hiromenn
Isolere, the Hiromenn (Click the image to go to its Flickr page) "Through the white waterfalls of norway From the dark and misty forests From the mighty snowfilled mountains Through the winds of the northern sea Let the fields and homes turn into fire and blood Let the lambs be wolveso nce again" — Kampfar m19
"Salty Eyes" McGee
Dark Helmet
It's not for sale, sorry. :) m19
"Salty Eyes" McGee
"Salty Eyes" McGee is my entry for the Space Cowboy contest over on Flickr. He's a less-futuristic, more-Firefly-esque character; imagine an alien "cowboy" planetbound in a rugged frontier setting rather than flying through space in a shiny starship, and you're on the right track. He's decked out with a pair of bolt-action BrickArms rifles, a wide hat and headwrap to counteract those nasty borderland dust storms, and his trusty BrickForge guitar for those endlessly lonely nights out on the plains. (Click to go to the Flickr page) m19
Dark Helmet
I'd considered that at first but the shorter legs ultimately made the whole figure look too top-heavy, even for him. In the end I decided that the generally cartoon-ish proportions of a LEGO figure provided enough of that aspect on their own. ;) m19
Dark Helmet
"Dark Helmet", the goofy bad guy from Spaceballs, was made using BrickForge pieces, electrical tape, Playmobil pieces, a custom torso decal, silver paint, black spraypaint, and chopped LEGO pieces. (Click image to go to its Flickr page) And a reference photo: And finally here's a shot showing the helmet's assembly: (Click image to go to its Flickr page) m19
HARRY POTTER : From Dobby to Kreacher
Echoing what's already been said... This is a great little bit of customization, you got his character across perfectly. Nice work! m19
Strigoi Moroi
I wouldn't say it was hard, but the conversion took a few steps. The clear helmet piece was a pain to get off his head because it was such a tight fit. Once that came off though, it was just a matter of carefully cutting the head off the torso, gluing its two pieces together (the front and back head pieces are separate), and drilling an appropriately-sized hole in the underside for the LEGO neck peg. As for doing it with other toys, sure you can, and I have before using action figure parts, erasers, cheap plastic vending machine toys, etc. to work with LEGO figures-- just check out the rest of my Flickr stream for examples. It's really just a matter of finding a non-LEGO part you want to convert and then figuring out how to do it to make it work. Here are some other examples: Playmobil helmet Eraser heads Action figure heads etc. m19
Strigoi Moroi
I'd found this awesome little super-deformed Mr. Freeze character from a Fisher Price toy, and immediately yanked the helmet off and chopped the head apart to use on LEGO. It's slightly larger than a normal figure's head so I needed to bulk up the body somehow, which is when I discovered that the new BrickForge arched pauldrons snap nicely into place under the LEGO shoulder armor piece. Added a couple BrickForge horns around the neck to finish it off, et voila! Instant vampire. m19
Container Raffle Build
Vote for your favourite Category B entries
17) Diver, Surfer & Fisherman Entry (Build by Cecilie) - 1 point 20) Nurse, Surfer & Space Villain Entry (Build by Darkblane) - 2 points m19
Vote for your favourite Category A entries
20) Fisherman Entry (Build by Mr. TopHat) - 1 point 23) Elf Entry (Build by CorneliusMurdock) - 2 points m19
Container Raffle Build
Geez, sorry. I actually did read your original post several times and somehow missed that last bit. It was an honest oversight, no need to go ballistic... I guess I was expecting all the information to be concisely bulleted, not shoved down to the bottom of the post under a giant image– it was apparently easy to miss for me. Thanks for the clarification, anyway. m19
Container Raffle Build
Possibly a stupid clarification but figured I'd ask... Per the title, is this an actual raffle like the recent Series 4 one (you enter anything that fits the guidelines and winners are drawn randomly), or a competition (mentioned later in the original post) where the entry is actually judged against others? In other words, how're the winners picked? (I'm really digging these random raffle/contest/competition events. :)) m19
The "FEMBOTS FOUR" (Post edited to fix the links) m19
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