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Eurobricks Citizen
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    Canada, B.C.

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  1. Amazing reveiw! good job, I especially loved the firefighter pic, you had me laughing on that one.
  2. for some reason this moc reminds me of naght der untoten from codwaw
  3. Mocha

    Canadian Eh?

    90 days? thanks prateek.
  4. I just Love the barret 50.cal! the only problem i have with it is that the magazine is angled too much upwards as you can see in this pic. other than that, this has got to be one of my fav BA weapons. srry I couldn't get a comparison pic, my computer skillz are weak edit: btw does anyone know what happened to the MP5? I really want one.
  5. Mocha

    Canadian Eh?

    I know it may be a little late but theres a really nice lake around vernon called kalimalka lake, no lake weed, and the colour of the lake changes during different seasons. Very clean too. Anyways, does anyone know the amount of days you have before you cant to return something to Zellers?, I'm thinking 30 days.
  6. Mocha

    Canadian Eh?

    Good old zellers! I've probly wasted 80 bucks on gas looking for the new SW sets and the only place that had em was zellers. I picked up the Snail Tank and the venator yesterday, but my girlfriend wont let me open them until the "zellers buy one LEGO set and get the other half price" sale comes on...
  7. haha I thought I was the only one who did that! the whole back story is really interesting but somewhat confusing.
  8. Hey I found A new site where infinity ward is releasing info on MW2 http://www.modernwarfare247.com/
  9. it will actully be the 8th, and was going to be called Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I totaly agree. they should have changing weather/time of day in maps. online though. It makes no sence to have binoculars when you zoom automaticaly w/ your iron sights. Agreed, I love the red tiger, but hated blue tiger, they should have artic warfare camo, ghillie suit style camo (basically your gun has grass over it). I also like the golden camo but to bad there on guns I rarely use. (Ive got gold for all 5 guns) BTW if you equip an M9 pistol (berreta) its basicaly having the bandolier perk, since the mp5 and m9 share ammo. that sounds alot like Battle Feild Bad Company. I'm suprised destructible objects/ buildings wasn't on it -2 attachments makes it even easier to get a kill (not like it alredy is) -btw the silenced snipers would be a very bad idea. It would just make too many campers. -the uniform choosing would be cool, but youd never see yourself, and the game could get very confusing. (you could dress up sort-of like the team) -No vehicles, their the reason Cod WAW was so bad. srry if this offended anyone, I did not mean to insult you, they were just my opinions. BTW a new site ---- http://www.modernwarfare247.com/
  10. once you see the set (or own it) your opinion really changes. like the rock monsters, i thought they were big until i bought a PM set. To what?
  11. No, sorry, in the Modern warfare 2 gamplay trailer, It looks like you have a video camera on your gun. It kinda works like UAV.(radar) I really love the health regeneration, in my opinion, it makes games a lot better. BTW sorry about being misleading again
  12. sorry I was kinda mis-leading,(I problably shouldve said mercinaries,,,) I didnt mean like spec ops like Navy seals or Sas, Delta force. I meant that the SAS in Brazil were wairing jeans body armour and a t-shirt. I know it may be hot there but common, marines in Iraq still wair their full gear + uniform. also, I think a SAS troop was wairing a skull bandana over his mouth(which looked like a skelitlizied mouth.) those are my only complaits. btw they couldve been under cover too... I really hope Navy Seals and Delta Force are in the game and maybe a level like black hawk down where you get trapped in a middle eastern country, while you have to save pilots of the downed blackhawk. -edit: Um also the heart beat sensor looks kinda stupid...
  13. Its actually Brazil. The one thing that is bothering me is it looks more comando-ish than cod4. Also I dont like the name roach.
  14. Finaly A CoD topic! I never played any Cod games except Cod 4. For me, Cod 4 is the best game ive ever played. I havent touched my other games since I got it. Love the characters, Love the online, Love the gameplay. Online I have all the golden weapons. I borrowed Cod WaW from a friend and the game was alright. The only good thing was nazi zombies, which got borring pretty fast. Has anyone seen the Modern Warfare 2 (Cod was removed from title for unknown reasons) gameplay and trailers? I've tried to keep up to date with them. Great topic for a Great game.
  15. I Know! I come back to this reveiw because I really like the set. But I dont get it with the others, They hate this set yet they always come back and say how much they hate it, Over and Over again. Ya, I gotta admit it does look a bit stubby (thats what she said ), but it problably wouldve costed more ($20 maybe?) if they extended it. Anyways I dont think most parrents would buy a $179.99 CAD set for their kid.
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