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Everything posted by calisupra2nr

  1. Take this for whatever it's worth... After a period of dark years, I got back into collecting SW Lego sets around February 2012. I bought everything I could find that was on store shelves and started going to bricklink to find sets I had missed from like 2009-up. After spending a few thousand dollars pretty quickly catching up on everything I thought I really wanted, I find today that I have a few sets I never really cared for in the first place - I bought just because I was so caught up on "catching up". I contemplate now collecting only UCS - I just got a steal on the BWing for 50% off - but I know come summer I will want the RGS, ATTE, etc. So my motto now is, collect only what you really, really like. If you buy it, build it, and throw it in storage and never pull it out again, it wasn't worth it. I dont think you should worry about UCS vs system sets. Just worry about what really makes you satisfied when spending your hard earned $$$$.
  2. Can we add a poll to this or start a new thread with a poll? What about doing a poll for the past few years? I would be very curious to see what everyone's best sets would be since 2007.
  3. http://therealityprose.wordpress.com/2013/01/17/what_happened_with_lego/ Great read. I for one always thought that licensed sets carry a premium, but stats would show otherwise.
  4. I definitely think we will see more EpIII stuff later this year (dec 2013, winter wave 2014). I think a Kashyyyk place set, Mustafar play set, Wheel Bike etc. would be high on the list.
  5. Yeah I didn't understand the point of that comment..
  6. Yup. The nose in the movie is clearly rounded into by the sides. The sides of this new one approach the nose and the BAM! The nose is just flattened with no accepting curves from the sides.
  7. EXACTLY! The first thing I thought when I saw it was "Is this a midi-scale barge?" I do agree that we should we wait for more pictures, more angles and obviously...a final design and not a prelim. BUT, judging by that first picture, there is almost nothing about this new model that is more accurate or attractive over the previous. I mean seriously...if you didn't know which model came out first...which one would you guess? The new one looks like something from 2001.
  8. http://www.flickr.com/photos/37049087@N02/8311510033/ Look at that again. Then look at this. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070401231952/starwars/images/4/43/Sailbarge-chron1.jpg Then look at this. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLK3THJzfGO6tFyyWEwLMKduZL2ymkBOOkqok_k43ru-SkrnlUCVrhx6pm The nose on the old one has some additional rounding and curvature that the new one just decided to throw out the window in favor of some elephant nose. It is awful. I don't understand how anyone can like this - with the obvious exception for people that want a sailbarge and will not or cannot pay the old one's price.
  9. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091202162510/starwars/images/d/d4/Sailbarge-chron2.jpg and http://s283.beta.photobucket.com/user/mauz20/media/for%20sale/IMG_2912.jpg.html look much closer than that terrible prelim.
  10. I HATE that nose on the sailbarge.
  11. NOOOOOOOOO Dont say that :( I just got back into collecting... But unfortunately I see what you are saying. The new winter sets are terribly underwhelming and well...that sail barge looks awful compared to the old one.
  12. I just wish they would do more "deluxe" playsets like the 10188 Death Star. Like give us a $200+ cloud city, geonosis arena, jedi temple, full cantina etc. etc... Also, they should really continue with the adaptable sets like Palace+Rancor Pit or the LOTR sets where you can attach the walls to Helms Deep. That would really go a long ways. In fact they could even do multi-configurations for something like Mos Eisley streets where one add on set can be built differently to look like separate buildings on the streets of Mos Eisley. That way if people want, they can buy multiple of the same $40 set and really build a big street setup. I don't know, I feel like there are a lot of options here and we keep seeing reworks. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited for a new RGS and ATTE, but there are so many other pieces of the cinematic universe I want to see in brick form :(
  13. Yes for whatever reason the Hoth sets do seem to find their way to ToysRUS. Anytime you see an exclusive in a Lego store and the new sets are only found in ToysRUS it is an exclusive to ToysRUS. This is because they have first-to-market rights which means that only ToysRUS (and obviously the Lego store) can sell the new sets for a couple weeks before other retailers like Target and Walmart start selling. Now if it were a Target or Walmart exclusive, you would not see it in the Lego Store until the sets are legally allowed to hit shelves for Target/Walmart.
  14. Battle of Hoth is a ToysRUS exclusive in the US.
  15. I need a UCS AT-AT. Like... it just needs to happen already. I do not own any of the AT-AT's...so I am desperate. :(
  16. When should I expect the UCS Shuttle to be discontinued? I really want to pick one up, but I do not have the funds right now. I noticed that my local Lego store no longer has them in stock and that on Amazon they are $300 USD! Should I assume they are currently being phased out and just grab one off bricklink, or is there some time still for them to be at retail? Thanks
  17. What are the chances we see an ATTE or Republic Gunship released in the next 1-2 years with the re-release of AOTC? I mean it has been going on 4 years since the last iteration of these beloved vehicles, and since AOTC sets have been completely absent for years, I would have to assume these 2 vehicles specifically are a given when it comes to doing AOTC sets? Or no? Assuming they do a huge wave of AOTC sets for winter 2013/summer 2013, if the RGS and ATTE do not make the cut, what else would from AOTC? Here is an even crazier thought...what about a UCS RGS?!
  18. Right. I mean it just has so little screen time and is not a prominently displayed when it does have screen time. To me the AT-AT is just a must.
  19. I am all for making everyone happy. It just seems SO random... Like why not do 1 TPM, 1 AOTC, 1 ROTS, 2 OT, 2 CW and an EU set? I mean I guess it is all arbitrary and maybe TLG uses some algorithm to figure out what pieces they have in mass stock to make the best sets possible..i dont know. I am a fan of the B-Wing, but I just think there are more vehicles and ships out there that are even MORE popular that could use a UCS.
  20. What are the chances we see an ATTE or Republic Gunship released in the next 1-2 years with the re-release of AOTC? I mean it has been going on 4 years since the last iteration of these beloved vehicles, and since AOTC sets have been completely absent for years, I would have to assume these 2 vehicles specifically are a given when it comes to doing AOTC sets? Or no? Assuming they do a huge wave of AOTC sets for winter 2013/summer 2013, if the RGS and ATTE do not make the cut, what else would from AOTC? Here is an even crazier thought...what about a UCS RGS?!
  21. I really don't understand TLG thinking when it comes to releasing sets. I mean how random is this lot? There are 3 CW sets, 1 TPM set, 2 ROTJ sets, 2 TOR sets. Then a UCS B-Wing.... lol what goes thru their mind. Why do a UCS B-wing over something like an AT-AT or something more...idk legendary?
  22. Yeah I am really not trying to be contentious about anything, just these types of threads will inherently bring out strong opinions concerning their source material. Here is to hoping that TLG will produce jedi and other minifigs in PT/OT form instead of TCW form
  23. People can have their own opinion about star wars. My comment wasn't that people couldn't like different parts of the media, but that I cannot comprehend when someone says, "I love star wars and the universe" and then bashes the PT or TCW. Its just another taste of something you apparently enjoy. Like I said TCW gets much better as it ages (like wine). So for me, liking TCW and PT is just part of the experience of being a fan of SW. Bashing pieces and liking pieces is just not my thing. As for the minifigs, Lego has done their job in accurately representing the source material. Ok maybe you are just old and stuck in your ways then? I mean, a whole generation of kids grew up on the OT just like a whole gen grew up on PT. Just like a whole gen is growing up on TCW. Everyone can have their opinion and thats fine, but to come in and completely trash something like you are doing with the PT and TCW is why I question whether people are truly fans or not. You are not a fan of Star Wars if you trash 70% of the material put out there. Just because you like the OT doesnt make you a "fan". It means you like a few scifi movies from the 70s and 80s. Those movies no longer represent the entity that is the SW franchise. And reading that you think TCW is some bastard child of a mediocre japanese anime and old transformers almost invalidates anything you have said because the show is an animation landmark. The effects, animations and artwork have all been critically acclaimed. Correct me if I am wrong, but when was a mediocre Japanese cartoon and an old transformers mashup ever critically acclaimed for anything? I love the OT as much as anyone and grew up watching it way before the new stuff came out, but I love getting a taste of anything in the universe when the opportunity presents itself. I am not the biggest fan of the mini-figs that Lego has put out, but I think they did a great job bring that stylized aspect of the show to Lego. And in that aspect they succeeded.
  24. i doubt you gave it much of a chance, because like I said, if you are TRULY a fan of Star Wars material, it's easy enough to get into the Clone Wars after the first season. Season 2 has some great visual elements that make the show the absolute highest quality animation of ALL TIME. Not to mention fantastic action trilogies, character arcs, exploring unseen planets, etc. It does not compute in my brain that someone who likes star wars would not like a taste of the clone wars. Now to be fair, the movie was awful. The first season was pretty messy as well (the battle droids are annoying), but it all gets cleaned up as season 1 closes and 2 begins. Season 3 has some political garbage that is annoying but its more mature than the previous seasons.
  25. Nice simple review for a nice simple ship! I really like the Plo Koon levitating his astromech :) As for the actually set, I think it may be my favorite JSF outside of Obiwans UCS ship. Certainly much better looking than Mace's... although Ashoka's is pretty good lookin too.
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