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Eurobricks Knights
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  1. Ronan started following Nightstalker
  2. Been ages since I posted something here, but this one just had to be added. I never thought this day would come. I really thought 2020 would take this from me, but jokes on it! My last order got in on December 24th! So, let's get this one started! Back in 2013, I made this bad boy. It's the Dwarven "Fury" Siege Tank for my dwarf army. Well, I kept it for a long time. I always had plans to revisit this MOC because, well... it really sucks. I mean, it's open top, the mechanics are really bad, and overall never quite matched my ideal siege tank. So, I decided to go back to my initial inspiration: Grabbing this picture and a better idea of how to proceed, I darted off to Stud.io, and slaved away to bring you... The Dwarven "Fury" Siege Tank 2.0 Bigger, badder, and just overall more pleasing to me, I'm quite proud of this one. Compared to 1.0, this version features a much better system for fuel generation. It's easily accessible, and allows for additional tools to be stored. The only downside, as with all of the dwarven artillery, the tank has its inherent flaws. While refueling is easy, it also creates a HUGE weak spot to be exploited. Correct faction colors have also been added! The army of Faermoore is dark red and red, not blue and gold. Though the cannon is smaller, the overall turret is just a massive upgrade. I even added a spyglass and a cloth roll for a little bit of details. A hatch was also added for easy access. The front is no longer a terrible ram, but rather a sloped, spiked, front plate. The grills are windows, allowing the driver to see outside. As for the two red 1x3 plates, let's just say some decals are intended to go there. OH! And MOC'ing features have also been added! Steam can come from the steam tank and the cannon can actually be shown shooting. Additionally, trans-clear pieces can be added to show ammo flying across the field. So that's another bonus! Following my earlier system of 3-5-7 (three heavy, five medium, and seven light), three of these tanks were made to further the war effort. And that's all for now! Just happy to have crossed this off of my "To-Do" List for 2020. Hope you all enjoyed! As always, C&C is welcome and appreciated! - Nick
  3. Late for 2018!
  4. Over 400 and counting...
  5. The armor in that picture is the BrickWarriors Elven Armor, Shield, Sword, and Helmet. All of those items are currently unreleased. I'm guessing they'll become available for purchase early next year.
  6. Back from monster huntin'...
  7. Back like an itch!
  8. FOR THE WIN!!!
  9. Mo Funnies Mo Funnies Mo Funnies!!!
  10. The Kingdom of Faermoore is proud to present the latest edition in dwarf artillery. May I present to you: The Faermoore Organ Gun! Huge inspiration on the barrel design from DwalinF and his amazing organ gun: https://dwalinf.deviantart.com/art/LEGO-Dwarf-organ-gun-644819679 Now with that out of the way, I really like how this gun turned out. With the way it is currently designed, its wheels can roll and the two center barrels can be adjusted. When designing the support frame, I wanted to make it nice and sturdy and give it a war feel. Additional armor with some pearl, gold, 1x1, round plates really helped add some meat to it. To top it off, gold harpoons were also added, even if they virtually have no purpose. Still looks pretty cool to me! In order to make the gun slightly more ornate, I went ahead and added gold wings to the side. Again, no real purpose, just aesthetics. The wheels were pretty simple to make as well. I worked through multiple designs, but settled on this. In the end, it got the job done and still looks pretty good. Just a view of the back, not really much to see here! Here's the more interesting part about the frame. It's roughly split into 7 different sections: 2 wheels, 2 supports, 2 armor panels, and 1 set of spikes. They are all mounted on a Technic 8 Axle. If you look closely, you'll notice small gaps between each part. This allowed me to move the two supports around (which is where the gun is mounted) to fit the design of the organ gun. This method was pretty cheap, and didn't require any sacrifice of design. The only thing I had to worry about was making everything fit comfortably! Still love DwalinF's barrel design. Honestly, its the fish part that does it for me. Awesome parts usage! As with all artillery... Why have one? When I can make seven... Hope you enjoyed the MOC. Decals by Saber-Scorpion Inspiration from DwalinF C&C is welcome and appreciated!!!
  11. Incredible!!!
  12. You're my favorite!
  13. That piece can be found here: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=22388&idColor=95#T=C&C=95 Slope 45 1 x 1 x 2/3 Quadruple Convex
  14. Long ago, I created something that you might remember: The Dwarven "Big Boomer" Cannon I love this little thing... but... it has some issues... It's way too small. The cannon lacks the ability to adjust elevation. Doesn't have a, "war-like," feel to it. I could go on about what I dislike about it... So I destroyed it! And made way for... The Dwarven "Big Boomer" Cannon v2.0 First off, a heavy duty ram was added to the front. Sure, this thing isn't ramming anything by itself, but it is a cool addition. To add to its overall MOC value, and make it more war-like, I added wheel spikes and the ability for the cannon to angle its shot. Flag colors were also adjusted to represent the Army of Faermoore. The cannon itself remains mostly the same. The Big Boomer... BOOMING!!! Using a red, bush piece for the firing action. Recent MOC usage for firing. And why make one? When you can make five! Overall, I'm quite content with what I came up with. Let me know what you think! As usual Decals by Saber-Scorpion. C&C is always welcome and appreciated!!!
  15. Ah, you must be referring to the BrickForge Spill/Splat. It currently isn't available in trans-red, but here's the link: https://www.brickforge.com/Spill-Splat.html
  16. Like the Energizer Bunny...
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