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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. These cases are now at Walmart in Madison, Wis. They run $19.97 for the 16 spot one. They come with the minifigure and the black cases all have white shelves.
  2. Plus one for Zeya. Awesome person who helped me out greatly!
  3. Wow! You guys are amazing! Dix. 2 pts. kost u grlu. 2 pts. Jameson42. 1 pt.
  4. BigBadToyShop.com has these up for pre-order, bag of 40 for $130.00, sealed master case of 200 for $580.00 or individually for $3.49 random selection. Here is the link: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/search....lego&page=2 Sorry if this isn't the right spot for the information.
  5. I already posted how amazed I was by your MOC but now seeing the amount of responses to your post...it seems a lot of people would like to have this set sitting on their desk. If say 20 people were to send you $5.00 up front that would come to $100.00. Would that be enough to cover the time and effort required to put together a detailed instructions and a parts list? If this sounds rude, SORRY! I'm just saying if enough people are interested and it sure sounds like it then it would be great for those people and you could make enough to buy some extra Star Wars sets. What if 40 people were interested? Either way, Thanks for showing us your awesome set!
  6. Wow! I do more reading and looking than posting but your MOC is really impressive. Seems a shame Lego doesn't offer models like this. Maybe you could share instructions on at least how to build the base? Either way, Thanks for sharing your terrific work!
  7. I would love to see the return of H.P. How about a re-release of some of the Hogwarts castle sets? There sure is a huge secondary market at steep prices. I would think this would be ample proof of demand for a re-release. No new molds or tooling expense would be needed by Lego.
  8. Hope this is the right spot? Space skulls shows at Lego shop at home U.S. for $19.99. That's down from original price of $99.99 and I think a former sale price of $39.99. For almost 1000 pieces that seems like a terrific deal even though the figures have stickers.
  9. Thanks for all the effort on whats up in the Chicago area. I live in Madison,WI. I read Walmart has some sets on clearance...but definately not around here. Anything clearanced at your Walmarts? Do you know if that small shop you mentioned still has any Harry Potter Castles? Might be worth the drive. Thanks!
  10. I would love to see a Mask of the Pantasm Batman. That was a great movie! Batgirl would be my #2 want.
  11. Thanks a bunch for posting the news! I ordered mine this morning. Came to $56.94 with shipping(no tax) I had really given up trying to get this set. Never saw it on the shelf at TRUS and was late in admiting defeat and paying shipping to get it on-line. E-bay was alway @ $100.00 plus shipping and that was too much. Can't seem to get even 1 snowtrooper on E-bay for less than $10.00 shipped. I like the playset\diorama Lego sets....Cantina, Jabba's Palace, Cloud City. They look great on display. Thanks again!
  12. Could anyone tell me what set this is? http://cgi.ebay.com/The-new-lego-castle_W0...1QQcmdZViewItem If I did this wrong the item number is 330232696094 I don't recognize it but I can't believe it is a 2009 castle? Thanks!
  13. The set looks great. Getting a Jeep for Indy is really nice if you don't subscribe to Brickmaster. The idea of stickers for windows on the plane would really be a deal breaker. Extra money for a really nice set is one thing but for a set with stickers...makes it hard for me to justify.
  14. Did anyone notice the Chess set is up at LegoShop in the US as coming soon? It has a price of $300.00! I don't think I read anything here predicting a $300.00 price tag. That kills any chance I ever had for this set, no matter how cool it looks.
  15. Maybe not the cashier but the computer did. I forgot SW wasn;t in on the deal and had a Castle, Indy and SW set ($10.99 each) at the register and it kept coming up at $33.00, no 3/2 price. Went back and got another castle set instead and then it came up at $22.00. Went over to Target and got the small SW set I wanted on sale anyway! This was in Madison, Wi.
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