I present to you:
Dr. Acbar's Travelling Medicine Stall
"Cures for all, healing is in my blood!"
212 pieces (I think, certainly no where near 250)
Dr Acbar's stall is world famous, and people travel the world, for his miracle cures, potions and pick-me-ups.
Waiting in line are people in need of his help, including:
Asif - who has walked for 12 days solid looking for a cure for his blotched skin.
Nitin - has Denge fever and only his left hand has survived the diseases grasp.
Quan - a wealthy traveller, who was attacked by a rabid dog, he desperately needs a cure quick!
Boopinder - the son of Massala, in search of a cure for his eye, that regularly falls out.
more pictures will be added here My Flickr page if your interested.
Thanks for looking and please vote!