First Attempt at Decals - Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman
Hello, Eurobricks! It's been a long time, but after a couple years of complete madness in my life, things are starting to settle down and I'm starting to pull out the old Lego figs again. It helps that a friend bought Lego Marvel Super Heroes for the PC for me not long ago... So, I've become obsessed with getting my favorite super-heroes in brick form. But! Most of my favorite faves aren't official. So, thanks to this lovely forum and some sheer madness, I'm making it happen! My first attempt was Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) using the decals in the request thread. More pics of her another time... But now, I'm starting to look at decals that don't exist yet. My first crack at it is the new Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman seen in a recent comic. http://marvel.wikia....-TRN448)/Images I fired up Inkscape and busted this out tonight for a chest decal. I still need to do a rear decal, and I think I'll be painting the little stripes and shoes on the legs. But now the question is, what can I do to make it better? I've seen people do a slight shadow under the 'breasts'... is there an easy way to do that in Inkscape? And Last question for now... Has anyone used StickerYou (http://www.stickeryo...gure-decals/638 ) for decals before? Any recommendations? Thanks much! Critiques and advice are welcome!!
TUTORIAL: How to print decals
I hate for one of my first posts to be thread necro, but I'm having some similar problems. I'm taking a different approach to decals and I'm printing white label paper. Essentially, I'm making stickers. My problem is that the blacks aren't dark enough, even when I change the color levels to print in flat black (RGB: 000000). Likewise, the colors just aren't matching up to the color charts I've found on the forums. The reds are similarly too light, and the yellow ends up coming out more like a yellow/orange. I'm using an HP Officejet 6600, if that helps. Is there any way I can adjust or calibrate the settings to make it print closer to the right colors? Thanks in advance!
Troubleshooting guide - LDD startup and advanced graphics problems
JustPlainJim replied to Superkalle's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsYeah, Windows XP-64 was a little-used OS, but I got it just before Windows 7 came out and Vista was my only other option for a 64-bit OS and I really didn't want to go that route... It's kind of the black sheep of the Windows OS's, because it's just different enough from 32-bit XP that some people refuse to develop for it. iTunes and TurboTax are my two biggest gripes in this category. I tried doing the full deletion again, removed everything and ran ccLeaner. Not sure if I had ccleaner set up right, but it ran through my registry and cleaned 500+ problems... I tried running the LDD installer and it, once again, said I had already installed the software. Going to try a reset and see if that works... after work. Stupid day job getting in the way of my Lego time... ;) Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I really didn't want to call Lego's tech support, but it looks like I have to.
Troubleshooting guide - LDD startup and advanced graphics problems
JustPlainJim replied to Superkalle's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsUgh. Sorry. I've done tech support before. I know better than to give a cruddy situation report like that... Yes, I deleted the contents of "C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\LEGO Company\LEGO Digital Designer", as it is in an OS before Windows Vista. I also deleted the contents of "C:\Program Files (x86)\LEGO Company\LEGO Digital Designer", as recommended. I downloaded the latest drivers for my graphics card and I had hoped that would help. I even went so far as to open up the registry editor (not recommended, I know) and remove any instance of the Lego Digital Designer. I still have the problem where it says that LDD is already installed on my computer. Thoughts?
Troubleshooting guide - LDD startup and advanced graphics problems
JustPlainJim replied to Superkalle's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsHi. My first post here, because I'm not sure where else to turn. I've been trying to run the latest LDD and it's been crashing on me. I never had an issue with previous versions. I see a message that says "installing bricks" and then it simply closes the program. No explanation, no error message. I tried Safe Mode and it does the same thing. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing LDD, but it always says that Lego Digital Designer is already installed on my PC. I've gone in and deleted the directory in Program Files and the directory under my "Documents and Settings" folder. I wonder if that may be because I chose the "install for all users" option... I checked my drivers and they seem up to date. I tried altering the preferences file and it didn't change anything. Same issue. I also wonder if it's a matter of my operating system. I'm running Windows XP 64-bit edition and I've had problems with other programs not running (most notably Spore). Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks for your time.
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