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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by vriverajr3

  1. I thought is was pretty obvious which Ultron is which. From the trailer that was posted on the last page: Ultron Prime appears at the 20sec mark when saying "Avengers, how can you possibly stop me" Ultimate Ultron appears at the 1min mark with his hand raised, and is also the one who is fighting cap on the truck They both look very different
  2. Even if your using spoilers, there's no reason to talk about the movie in here
  3. The main body is basically the same as the actual set but for the life of me, i cant figure out how they did the shoulders or forearms
  4. I see a lot off people not liking the fortress set.(I don't blame you) i actually have an extra set of the figures(except hydra soldier) that come in the set I'd be willing to sell to whoever just wants the figures. I know quicksilver is going for $20+ but I won't be asking that. If interested just send me a PM instead of a comment so we don't clutter this thread up.
  5. Spot on. I'm looking forward to all the spidey villains myself, especially Venom. Hopefully if venom is introduced into the MCU, He's more of a bigger buff version. I didn't really like the scrawny look from spider man 3. Overall im more than happy with this announcement and cant wait to see what they do with it
  6. Well, the person who quoted me earlier said they seen nothing wrong with the last few pages after going against the mod for saying to get back on topic. I was just showing him/her that they were obviously wrong. Some people just cant see the obvious so i had to lay it out for them like a kid. My bad. Also, don't be mad at me just because you were part of the irrelevant off-topic posts. I've posted my opinion on the situation with intentions to hopefully stop it, as to where yours and others posts did nothing but trigger even more off-topic posts than ill ever have. I'm not trying to be an megablocks, but its just dumb when people are clearly off-topic and then try to justify it to mods after they tell them to stop it. You were part of the problem, accept it, and move on. No need to get defensive towards me for calling out the obvious. There's nothing wrong with being wrong sometimes...
  7. Majority of the last few pages have been nothing but off topic. I wont directly quote names but here's some examples of what the last few pages have been: " Any chance in 2016 that Lego does a Hulk and the Agents Of SMASH set? I'd love to get She-Hulk and Red Hulk in a set. We've gotten USM and Assemble Cartoon sets so it could happen." I don't even need to explain how off topic this is, and that post alone triggered off-topic responses. "Awesome Galactus figure I hope we eventually get one like this: http://imgur.com/a/E.../layout/grid#19 " Awesome figure, but its a off-topic wishlist post that doesn't belong here in the 2015 thread. This post triggered the off-topic who belongs to where reply's that also don't belong here. "I know this is a little too far ahead, but just think about what the Infinity War sets will look like. There's going to be like 12 sets or something" ​Again, no explanation needed. This post also triggered a bunch of off-topic reply's which included you, which led into talking about the deadpool movie which doesn't even come out in 2015. "About Infinity War, do we know if Marvel is going to gloss over The Illuminati? Mr. Fantastic and Professor X are members, so it is likely. No figs for them any time soon either. On the other hand, Tony Stark and Black Bolt are members. We should be getting Black Bolt, and a bunch of other interesting figs, as we are getting an Inhumans movie in the future. Doctor Strange (upcoming movie) could take one of the places, and maybe Nick Fury could take another. I know how Lego could do the good doctor. The Eye of Agamotto can be made with the CMF medal part. The current CMF Dark Wizard's cape top piece is almost the exact shape needed for his cape collar. Namor has yet to be established in the movies, but he also plays both sides. He would be relatively easy to make with the CMF elf piece in black with fleshie ears. The make-up of the Cabal is equally spotty, with both FF and Spidey villains as members. All speculation, I know. I just wanted to share my thoughts. " Again talks about movies that don't even come out this year. And if you read the last sentence, if this person knows its all future speculation outside of 2015, why even post it here in the first place??? posts like these are what i meant when i was talking about some peoples restraint. I'ts obvious it doesn't belong here, yet they post it anyway because they "just had to get it off their chest" I could keep going with other off-topic posts but i'll just leave it at that since it should be obvious now that the last few pages have been completely off-topic. And instead of people trying to justify off-topic posts and go against the mods, it'd be easier to just put your pride aside, admit it's off topic, and move along. simple stuff people. Obvious off-topic posts are what i expect from a teenager, not adults, which is why i made that comment. If people feel like everything's been talked about already for 2015, that's not an excuse to post irrelevant stuff "just to have something to talk about". Instead of going off-topic, just go to a different theme and talk about on-topic stuff there. I'ts very simple to stay on topic if you just but a little effort into it...
  8. Uh, but it doesn't matter in "this thread" This thread is about what we already know, weather already released or rumored for 2015 only. It is not a place to talk about what might come in the near future or wish list of what we want. Who belongs to what, and who has the rights to who belongs somewhere else, not here. It's honestly really really simple to understand yet some still dont get it. If what you want to type has nothing to do with current 2015 sets or 2015 rumored sets, then don't post it. Simple. We're supposed to be adults yet some here have the restraint of a 10 year old. I'm sure knowones been more vocal than me about the constant off topic posts and wanting mods to finally do something about it like they used too. They finally step in like they should and now we have people trying to go against them. Learn to stay relevant to "this topic" and they wouldn't have to step in. Once again, simple...
  9. did you not post this??? " Hopefully official pics will look better....but for now, everything is a pass for me. Brick linking both sets. Coming off the excellent winter wave for both DC and Marvel, these sets are way below way below mediocre. That's how bad I think they are. Disappointed is an understatement. I'm just hoping the figures are worth it at all....really couldn't contain voicing my detest in these sets. " That whole entire quote by you is one big judgement. Everything after "but for now" makes no sense. Why even come to the conclusion of bricklinking both sets after only seeing prelims? That's ridiculous. How can you call the sets way below way below mediocre based off prelims? People saying they don't like how the prelims look and will wait for official pictures to judge is one thing, saying what you said is on a whole other ridiculous level. Sometimes people just need to chill. You're the same guy i called out who went on that ridiculous rant over in the DC thread not to long ago. You probably need to chill more than anyone. I think its funny also. Sometimes i"m thinking "are these people serious? How old are they?" haha. Same thought process as me. prelims are a sample to me, and think they're just interesting to see as well. I don't even begin to judge until i see a picture/video review, and even after that, sometimes I wont even judge until i can see them in person. See the first guy i quoted. same guy haha. He's everywhere...
  10. People saying sets suck based off blurry unfinished prelim pictures...Really people? You know how many times I've seen people say they hate certain sets based off prelims, then the official pictures are released, and then they completely change their mind. I'm not saying they'll be great, but I am saying its pointless to fully judge blurry pelim pictures. Don't get why something that simple is so hard for certain people to understand. We're supposed to be adults here after all right?
  11. Wow, this theme look great! Love the look of scooby and the gang. I think this topic needs to be pinned now right?
  12. Star Wars (June) Overall I thought the Star Wars selection was pretty good, although like the DC Super Heroes sets it might be the models themselves which appeal more than the minifigures! There were seven Episode VII sets although they were hidden away and the staff member could not even give me a release date, let alone confirm any set names. Otherwise it is a mixture of Episode I, Episode VI and Star Wars Rebels. 75091 Flash Speeder (£34.99) - This set actually seemed like pretty good value for money as it included five minifigures: two Battle Droids, two Naboo Security Guards and a Gungan Warrior. The Flash Speeder itself is probably a little oversized although it had the shape absolutely right and looked superb to me with seating for at least two minifigures and a large gun turret on the back. 75092 Naboo Starfighter (£54.99) - The Naboo Starfighter was the 'worst in show' in my opinion. It looked very much like previous versions other than having a little more bulk underneath on this occasion, and the price was greatly inflated by the inclusion of a couple of ground vehicles for maintenance. The minifigures have all been seen before, although some were new variants: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Naboo Pilot, R2-D2, two Battle Droids and two Droidekas. I must admit that the new Droidekas looked pretty good, although they felt tacked on in an attempt to justify the price. 75093 Death Star Final Duel (£69.99) - I have little doubt that this will stand out among the Star Wars sets for many. This is obviously a playset but actually looked quite impressive with some nice details and three large round windows like in the film. It includes a sliding door much like 9526 Palpatine's Arrest and has some room for dueling in front of the Emperor's throne. Two Royal Guards, Emperor Palpatine, Luke Skywalker and, most excitingly, a new Darth Vader are included! The new helmet and upper torso pieces were only visible in images but looked great. It is a bit of a shame that the change is being made as the current helmet has been around since the beginning of LEGO Star Wars, but the new version looked like an improvement to me. 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium (£79.99) - This model was visible from the back when we entered the Star Wars area and immediately I was impressed. The engines and wings looked simply like scaled down versions of those on 10212 Imperial Shuttle and the minifigure selection is not bad either with Chewbacca, Han Solo (in Endor garb at last), Leia and two Rebel Commandos included. However, the cockpit area looks awful. The general shape has been lost and although I appreciate an attempt at a brick-built version rather than a large windscreen with a sticker, the result was not very impressive. 75097 Star Wars Advent Calendar (£24.99) - The general theme of the Advent Calendar was the same as usual with a selection of mini models and minifigures. The mini models were actually pretty impressive I thought and included a Sandcrawler, Probe Droid, Sarlacc Pit and Jabba's Sail Barge. I doubt the box artwork was completed as the two seasonal minifigures, R2-D2 as a reindeer and C-3PO as Santa Claus, looked fairly crude. I would hope that new prints will be added prior to release. Assuming they are, this looks to be the best Advent Calendar yet! 75106 Imperial Assault Carrier (£99.99) - As many people guessed this set is in fact aGozanti-Class Cruiser as seen in Star Wars Rebels. The external silhouette looked pretty much perfect but the inside was disappointing, with only a single seat cockpit and a computer console. Four mini TIE fighters hang from underneath the ship and looked to be a little bigger than polybag versions. The ship was very much in the same style as 7964Republic Frigate, with decent detail on the outside but almost nothing on the inside. The minifigures include Agent Kallus, and Astromech Droid, an Imperial Officer, two TIE Fighter Pilots and Sabine Wren with a helmet! additional 75106 information posted in comments: The craft is about 30cm long so the TIEs are tiny, about 8 studs tall/wide.
  13. Marvel Super Heroes (June) These two sets were very nice in my opinion and it is great to see so many new characters included, particularly given the modest sizes of the sets! 76036 Carnage's Shield Sky Attack (£11.99) - This set includes some great minifigures: Miles Morales' Spider-Man, a SHIELD Agent and Carnage, all three of whom looked superb. The model of a mini jet was not bad, but obviously it is not the focus of a set this size. 76037 Rhino and Sandman Supervillain Team (£44.99) - I love this set. Iron Spider, Spider-Man, Sandman and Rhino are all included and Rhino's brick-built mech was excellent, almost reaching MOC standard I thought! A building site is the setting for the action and a large hand, belonging to Sandman, rises out of the ground. Generally this looked like a great set and the minifigure selection is equally impressive. 76039 Marvel's Ant-Man (£19.99) - The only confirmed details given for this set are the price as it was not on show, although under interrogation the man on the stand suggested that it might be reasonable to assume that an Ant-Man microfigure was included as well as a minifigure version.
  14. Jurassic World (May) My feelings on these are mixed. Although several of the sets looked rather nice the prices were off-putting for me. This is no doubt a result of the dinosaur moulds, which have apparently undergone some slight changes since their last appearance (though I can't say I noticed the updates). There are six sets to be released in May: 75915 Pteranodon Capture (£19.99) - This set looks very much like 5883 Tower Takedown to me and includes a Pterodactyl, which certainly has some new printing on it. 75916 Dilophosaurus Ambush (£29.99) - These dinosaurs probably do have new moulds as they featured head crests I do not recall seeing before. To be honest I don't remember anything about the set itself other than that I thought it was rather overpriced. Once again that will be down to the new moulds. 75917 Raptor Rampage (£49.99) - This model was my favourite of the selection. It includes two Velociraptors which are named (one was called Charlie) and are different colours. A motorcycle for Chris Pratt's character is included but far more interesting was the large blue and white vet truck, which reminded me of the truck in 7726 Coast Guard Truck with Speed Boat. Unlike that truck however this one has a substantial rear section which included some internal details that looked rather nice. 75918 T-Rex Tracker (£59.99) - The T-Rex looked much the same as that which appeared in the previous dino series and was dark orange in colour. Other than that I couldn't really see what was included as there were a number of small models on the display and the sets were overlapping a bit. 75919 Ultra Dino (£99.99) - I suspect 'Ultra Dino' is not the official name for this set which focused on some kind of headquarters for the heroes. The shape of the fort was much like5887 Dino Defense HQ and it came with the white and grey Indominus Rex (D-Rex). The scientist character was included I noticed and the fly trapped in amber is captured as a printed orange moonstone. Most exciting of all in my opinion is the inclusion of two Gyrospheres from the trailer. These are formed a bit like a LEGO bauble and there is a seat inside each one for a minifigure which will rotate with the ball to keep them level. A launching mechanism accompanies them. 75920 Raptor Escape (£39.99) - Two more Velociraptors were included in this set and they were different colours to those in the Raptor Rampage set which was good to see. These too were named so presumably are part of Chris Pratt's army of tame Velociraptors. He also posted this in the comments section: The other raptors name was Blue. The JW sets were predominantly white, blue and light grey. Other details I wrote down about them: 75919 D-Rex and 4 minifigs 75918 T-Rex and 4 minifigs 75917 Blue and Charlie Raptors and 3 minifigs 75916 Dilophosaurus and 2 minifigs 75915 Pteradon and 2 minifigs. Overall I felt they were all reminiscent of Dino 2010 or others that have gone before.
  15. I'm upset there's no white tiger. She's the last member of the main team that we needed. She should have been in the sand man set, replacing the regular Spider-Man figure. It should have been iron spider and white Tigre vs rhino and sandman. I will still get this set but I really want my white tiger :(
  16. I called it right about the pumpkin mold to a friend of mine when it was 1st leaked. He thought it was part of the CMF series just like a lot of others here. I said it would be part of the scooby doo series because: The mold was in the shape of a mask, and in the scooby cartoon, its usually a person in a mask and not an actual monster. I told him there will probably be a regular flesh villain head under the pumpkin mask, and the sets will probably include some type of play feature trap to capture the bad guys. Once the villain is in the trap, the gang can remove the pumpkin mask revealing it was Mr. Johnson all along. It will probably be the same for the other monsters too. Cant wait to see what the minifigs look like, and what type of traps they'll include in the sets
  17. This forum used to be more fun when i first joined(2012) I think its because the mods are less active and let way more pointless BS pass through than before. Mods actually kept things under control then. That's also the reason why i don't even post as much anymore. I love Eurobricks, its the very first LEGO forum i ever joined and pushed me back into LEGO, but now its page, after page, after page.....after page, of pointless speculation that's already been talked about soooo many times. Or the countless number of wishlist about movies that aren't even coming out in 2015?!?! If there's "no rumor" about something in 2015, then don't hope for, or speculate on something for 2015. plain and simple, yet "adults" on here find it too hard to get on their keyboards/phones and not post pointless crap over and over again. I'd rather watch a thread die, and wait util there's something meaningful to talk about, than see the exact same types of wishlist and pointless speculation every single day.
  18. LEGO's response to my complaint about the super jumpers. Dear Victor, "Thanks for getting in touch with us. We're sorry to hear that you're unhappy about the design of your LEGO® set. We try really hard to make sure our toys are imaginative, creative, fun and last for ages! We have a team of experts in Denmark whose job it is to invent and test new LEGO sets, themes and toys. They tell me it takes years to check everything. They need to test all the new ideas, talk to the factory about how to make them, work out what sort of box it needs to go in and then deliver the new sets to all the shops in 130 countries! Listening to what LEGO fans have to say helps us get better and better so I'm going to pass your comments on to the team in charge of this area" I can't find my exact email i sent to them, but it basically said the design of the jumper scratched, and cracked the legs of cyborg and green arrow, and that its a struggle to put on, and take off the figures. Kinda surprised they didn't offer a replacement. My son is pretty upset about the damage don't to his figs :/
  19. You're in no position to tell anyone to chill. You've been the biggest complainer I've seen in this thread. A couple days ago you said that you not being able to find the sets early was "literally driving you insane" then said if you didn't find the sets the next day you would snap. So who's the one that needs to chill? How can you tell them not to complain about something they'll never see retail ever, when you were just crying about not being able to get something only a week early, and would be able to find them retail all year long reguardless??? You make no sense, and they have a right to be upset. Learn to check yourself before you go and try to check others.
  20. Already tried looking. instructions wont upload to Lego.com for a few weeks thanks for the reply though
  21. I know, Lego is always great with costumer service, but it could take weeks to get a replacement instructions. Hopefully someone here who has it can help me out. Thanks for the reply though
  22. so i went to TRU today and they had only 1 of each set, except the green lantern set. i picked up the gorilla grodd set for a discount price because the box was all smashed up. the only down side was when i got home to strat building with my son, there was no instructions in the box :/ Anyone who has the set, do you think you could send me scans of the instructions? i'd really appreciate it.
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