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Everything posted by vriverajr3

  1. Wow, it's kinda sad how desperate and Whiny some people get over not being able to get sets before they're official release date. I want to get them just as much as anyone else around here, but not beig able to find them now isnt gonna cause any complaining or stress on my part. Once Jan hits, the shelves will be stocked enough for everyone. It's as simple as that. I thought this was an adult forum? My 7 year old has more patience then some people around here haha. Chill people
  2. Damn, didn't win this year Congrats to everyone that did though
  3. Last day for me to win. Fingers crossed!
  4. Cant wait to add that iron man to my collection!!!
  5. It's also a police mans job to confront bad guys, but if I see someone's wallet being stolen, and the police isn't around, I'm going to step in and confront them myself. Same thing here. Spolier'ish type stuff has been talked about for the last couple of weeks and a mod hasn't said anything. The other user was right to point out where movie talk should go
  6. It also doesn't help that you quoted the spoilers without a warning, but I get what you mean. It's annoying when people do that. This is not a thread to talk about movie plots, reguardless if you know the outcome from the comics.
  7. 1. Wining, complaining, and threatening to never buy from a company again just because you cant get a certain item before Christmas is indeed selfish, regardless if it would make your daughter happy or not. Especially LEGO, a company which has always been about the community, and probably has the best customer service on the planet in my opinion. The true "spirit of Christmas" has nothing to do with presents, which you fail to realize. 2. It's not about what anyone "wants", it's about "appreciating" whatever you get on Christmas or in life in general. My son is only 7 and realizes that. it shouldn't be too hard for you. My sons top "wants" for Christmas is the 2015 DC sets, but if i cant get them for him in time, I'm not going to complain and threaten Lego, and I'm %100 positive whatever i do get my son instead, he'll be appreciative of it. If you believe your daughter wont complain, and will appreciate anything you give her, then as a parent/adult, you have no reason to complain about not being able to get those gifts in the first place. 3. I'ts not always about the gifts so who cares. You're the only person iv'e seen heavily complain about the release date. Parents who cant get the new sets in time will find other ways to make their kids smile on Christmas. I'ts honestly that simple. If they can do that, so can you. 4. Trust me, I'm the same way. My son comes first when it comes to Christmas, but at the same time he needs to always appreciate whatever he gets, even if its not exactly what he wanted. Last year around Christmas i was just about completely broke and wasn't able to get my son the exact Lego sets he wanted, and it absolutely killed me inside. I instead got him cheaper sets that i maybe thought he'd like, and you know what? even knowing he didn't get exactly what he liked, appreciating what he got, he ran over and gave me the biggest hug ever, and that is the "true" meaning of Christmas. And because he was so thankful, a few months later when i was back on my feet, i bought him the exact sets he wanted from Christmas, and told him it was because he was appreciative. So instead of complaining, and threatening to never buy again from a great company like LEGO, if you cant get the sets in time, get them for your daughter later as a gift for being appreciative for what ever you got her instead. I't might not be the way you wanted it to happen, but as a parent/adult, you should know that life doesn't always go as we want it to. Turn a negative into a positive. I wish more people thought like that instead of going straight to complaining, specially about something as irrelevant as Christmas gifts.
  8. Saying theirs nothing special about giving it to your daughter on JAN 1st instead of Christmas is just being materialistic. I would love nothing more than to give my son the 2015 super heroes sets for Christmas, but if i cant, I'm not going to wine, and complain threatening to never buy LEGO again. That's just childish and sad. I understand you want to see your child's eyes light up, but if the only way you can make your child's eyes light up on Christmas is by getting them the new Frozen set, than you're doing something wrong. My son would love the new super heroes sets, but i can also think of a 100 other ways to make his eyes light up on Christmas besides those. You should be teaching your daughter their's more to Christmas than just presents, but it looks like you don't even understand that. Stop being selfish. Happy Holidays anyway though. That's really bad advice. Customer service doesn't deserve to get badgered for something like this, nor does someone who thinks like this deserve to get hooked up by you. Posts like her's are selfish and petty, and it's sad seeing this kind of attitude around the holiday's. The whole "if i don't get what i want for Christmas, then ill be mad" attitude should be the attitude of know one, especially a parent.
  9. People have kinda already been talking about it right above your post...
  10. As a BIG Star Wars fan, I've always wanted a EFX collectible Stormtrooper helmet. So that would be my ideal Christmas gift. Thanks for putting this raffle together again. It's always fun to see everyone's entries. Good luck everyone
  11. Hows it going everyone. im trying to sell this lot as a whole and not individual figures. the lot consists of: x2 snowtroopers(75054) snowtrooper commander(75054) general veers 75054(75054) luke (2014 calendar) general rieekan (2014 calendar) rebel pilot (2014 calendar) tie pilot (2014 calendar) celebration han solo(book exclusive) classic luke(2014 book exclusive) x4 kashyyyk troopers(75035) http://imgur.com/LlVujBS Based on the "lowest" prices on bricklink, this lot would be $65. im only asking $50+$3 shipping. comment or PM me if interested. thanks.
  12. For everyone running into employees not knowing what you're talking about, make sure you give them the UPC to check. The lady i spoke too didn't know either until i asked her to check the UPC, then was able to find them for me. It also helps to call ahead of time so your not wasting any gas. UPC: 673419218139 Item #: 084829 Good luck :)
  13. Why are you putting movie spoilers in this thread??? What you wrote has nothing to do with what this thread is supposed to be about. So much off topic things in this thread lately that's not supposed to be here. I don't understand how people don't get not to put it here, and that theirs other threads for it.
  14. As much as I'm looking forward to these movies, why is this even being posted here??? It has nothing to do with the 2015 sets. This should be posted in the "future sets/ set wish list" topics. Now we're going to have people posting a bunch of irrelevant stuff about movies that don't come out until years from now.
  15. The trailer was great, and if the LEGO Hulkbuster set looks anything like the one from the trailer, it will look amazing. Now i really cant wait for the final pictures of these sets
  16. So you'd rather have him a big fig which would probably look way off from how he looks in film, instead of a normal minifigure, which will resemble him closer to the film version? That makes no sense. Ultron isn't wide enough to require a big fig mold. He would look completely fine as a normal figure with a molded head and armor piece. People are just over thinking it way to much.
  17. Took my son to get one. My TRU had a whole box full(at least 75). I asked if "big kids" could get one too, but sadly, I...I mean, they, couldn't haha. But along with the set, we also got a really cool comic book with a pull out of all the super heroes and villains done by Paul Lee.
  18. What about White Tiger?!?!? If the show is going end soon, we better get at least one more wave with white tiger in one of the sets. I will be pissed looking at my hero collection knowing one of the "main" spidey team members is missing.
  19. I guess more stormtrooper battle packs for me and my son Since I see not to many people like them. I have no problem with them, and will be getting multiple of that battle pack. I only have 10 regular stormtroopers anyway so it's not like I have a massive army i would need these Rebels stormtroopers to fit into.
  20. All that black combined with the crazy amount of angled plates, plus all those studs showing, just hurts my eyes. Even with a discount I couldn't see myself ever buying this set. The figures on the other hand are great, and ill have to find some other way to get my hands on them.
  21. Hows it going everyone. i have these 3 guys up for sale. Based off their lowest price on bricklink, i have a number in my head but im willing to accept any "reasonable" offers. also Magneto's hover disk and the sentinels laser will also be included. the last X-men figures prices sky rocketed so don't hesitate now thanks
  22. For anyone that wanted to build the SDCC Batmobile.
  23. someone on reddit has already made their own through bricklink. ill probably end up doing the same thing soon. i already have the juniors batman and robin so all i need now is the parts. hopefully soon someone will upload the instructions. http://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/2c0d7h/damn_sdcc_im_going_to_bricklink_my_own_batmobile/
  24. Honestly, I wouldn't. Just wait awhile and see. Don't let the hype of sdcc figures make you pay those crazy amounts of money. So many other sets or figures you could buy with that money instead :)
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