8110 - Unimog - MODs and Improvements
Captain_Scarlet replied to tripletschiee's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThink ive figured out how to fit the motor in the front under the engine by mounting the steering rack ahead of the front axle insted of the original position behind. have tried to mount it as low as possible but after looking more closely i think the motor may just collide with some of the pieces bracing the upper parts near the engine. I beleive it should only do it when the suspension is fully compressed, so a little bit of re-sterngthening/braced will be needed of the upper lift arms in the area described. 8110_unimog_motorised steering.lxf
8110 - Unimog - MODs and Improvements
Captain_Scarlet replied to tripletschiee's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modelingwas just wondering if anyone has got it to work before I order some PF parts/motors etc etc???
Its been way to long.
Thanks for the help.
8110 - Unimog - MODs and Improvements
Captain_Scarlet replied to tripletschiee's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHi folks. Have just spent most of the day reading all 69 pages of this thread and am quite impressed by the ingenuity of some of you guys. Am still finding my feet in the way of Lego again after 'growing out of it ' as a teenager ( yes I know you never grow out of it ). Got my mog on saturday and after about 6.5 hours I finally got it finished, Then i discovered this forum and now i want to tear it all to bits again and impove it. Already have been inspired by a few things. Anyway. Cut to the chase!! Really would like to rebuild it with PF and proper 4 wheel drive. Have managed after a bit of head scratching to get it to work i think. have done 2 versions to run off the XL motor. Version 1 runs 16T gears all the way from the motor to the centre diff. ( am not sure how fast the XL motor spins ) Version 2 is geared down with a ratio of 9:1 which should give it plenty of pull. Have had to move a few of the other gears about to make things work. have tried to colour any new gears green and also the motor mounts are red bricks. The pink gear on the top interferes with the red double cross block which holds the bed down onto ther chassis so this would need re-located. Hope it all makes sense( its only my 2nd post so go easy on me!!!! ) Have put the LDD files in too. Version 1 Version 2 8110_unimog_4x4_high_ geared.lxf 8110_unimog_4x4_low_ geared.lxf
Its been way to long.
Hi folks ( this is my 1st post since signing up so please go easy on me ) Me and my good lady just happened to be in Manchester over the weekend for a bit of shopping when we both noticed there was a Lego show on in the building next door. Well both wife and I were fans of Lego when we were kids but kinda grew out it. Thought it would be a good break from the shops to have a wander round the show a have a bit of a trip down memory lane. All we could say was WOW!!!! We both couldn't beleive how much its moved on in and were instantly hooked. We were that impressed we imeadiatly went back over the road to The Lego Discovery centre and spent a small fortune on a kit each. I had to have a the last Unimog in manchester and my wife after a lot of temptations plumped for cafe corner. I managed to get the Mog finished last night after about 6.5 hours of building ( if you dont include the half hours head scratching when the front and back wheels turned opposite ways. Had the rear diff in the wrong way around!! ) and the cafe is about 3/4s built. Think that house deposit we were both saving for might take a bit of a dent pretty soon. Have fun PC & KC
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