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About commandosevy

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    Pville, Ks
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    Lego, star wars, indiana jones... cats, astronomy, old War movies.. I think that covers it...


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  1. Remember Sithassassin, to always edit if you want to add more information to your post instead of doing another post... I learned that the hard way. (I'm not going after you in anyway, and we all do make mistakes) Now on the topic of the pictures... those pictures make me hope the TX is less than $50 US! and that is wierd, very wierd.
  2. I'd like to say one thing, let the best man (or woman) win!
  3. I wonder if this is a good thing also who is the arc guy in the TX 130s set? sorry if you already talked about this but i was gone for two weeks..
  4. What about Halo and a ewok or wookie set.. a Halo set would basically be "The Flood" or "Ghost Encounter" a ewok or wookie set would be needed since the only way to get ewoks and wookies was to get older sets which you cant get anymore. since, well most people started collecting Star wars sets in 2007.
  5. I think that gun he has is the old version of the gun the clone commanders have in battlefront.
  6. I voted none, I wanted a blank RGS and thats what I'll get ( I mean NO stickers not no other colors ) The stickers I'll either sell, trade or keep for something else.
  7. I think the worst designed set is the Sith infiltrator the new one... the landing gear always falls if you put weight on it and and if you hold the front and the front the cockpit falls off.... but I had to work out those minor imperfections for the first time... with a lego set.
  8. Wow those are cool! I those were official....wow.. I really like commander blank (first one) but all of them are great! Great find darkrebellion
  9. first if that happend to me I'd look for the pieces in my collection and then if I can't find it I'll call Lego Customer Service.
  10. The US price of the sets isn't Magnaguard Starfighter: $59.61 V-19 Torrent: $79.50 AT-TE: $139.13 RGS: $178.93 HSD: $39.74 well the others i don't know... its Magnaguard Starfighter: $44.99 V-19 Torrent: $54.99 AT-TE: $89.99 RGS: $119.99 HSD: $19.99 thats what people who has the offical prices say though.. sorry... some might need it anyway
  11. only for little kids... but like 9-?? its ok to have violence. and also the sets are linked in one thing sometimes... like BPs (2007) and the AT-AP and alot of other sets... well mainly what I'm saying is lego sometimes makes a 10 sets on the same planet... or biome ....see my drift?
  12. Cool.... that looks like a AT-RT alternet.....I like it 6/5!!! and where'd you get the fig?
  13. Well well now we can get clone troopers by them selves! but with a cost... but anyway I have a questoin about the keychain figs... when you remove the chain can you move the arms or legs or even the helmet (just turning it around not taking it off). But also any prices of the TX or the DGS , Twilight, or HSD???
  14. are you talking of the droid bp? but if you are i'm gettin 10!!!
  15. Yeah! I might be going to Denver!! Well sorry for being a little off topic. And the whats the official price of the august sets?
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