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Everything posted by T_Jekyll96

  1. Yeah that is a good point. I would prefer to sell it as one whole collection because I'd rather see it go to one person than all split up. It's a collection that I've added to for over 10 years. Just unsure what price I could get for it.
  2. I have a large collection of Star Wars Lego and just wondering how much I could sell it for. About 95% of the sets I have boxes for and 98% instructions for with each set entirely complete or 1 or 2 pieces missing. Opinions would be great. Thank You Here's the list of sets: Episode 1 7101-Lightsaber Duel 7111-Droid Fighter 7121-Naboo Swamp 7141-Naboo Fighter 7151-Sith Infiltrator 7171-Mos Espa Podrace 7115-Gungan Patrol 7124-Flash Speeder 7186-Watto’s Junkyard 7203-Jedi Defense 1 7204-Jedi Defense 2 7662-Trade Federation MTT 7665-Republic Cruiser Episode 2 7103-Jedi Duel 7113-Tusken Raider Encounter 7133-Bounty Hunter Pursuit 7143-Jedi Starfighter 7153-Jango Fett’s Slave 1 7163-Republic Gunship 4478-Geonosian Fighter 4482-AT-TE Episode 3 6966-Mini Jedi Starfighter 7250-Clone Scout Walker 7252-Droid Tri-Fighter 7255-General Grievous Chase 7258-Wookiee Attack 7259-ARC-170 Starfighter 7261-Clone Turbo Tank (Non-light up Mace Windu Version) 7283-Ultimate Space Battle 6205-V-Wing Fighter (x3) 7661-Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring Episode 4 7150-TIE Fighter and Y-Wing 7110-Landspeeder 7140-X-Wing Fighter 7190-Millennium Falcon 7106-Droid Escape 7146-TIE Fighter 3219-Mini Tie Fighter 4477-T-16 Skyhopper 4484-Mini X-Wing Fighter & TIE Advanced Episode 5 7130-Snowspeeder 7144-Slave 1 7127-Imperial AT-ST 7166-Imperial Shuttle 7119-Twin-Pod Cloud Car 4479-TIE Bomber 4483-AT-AT 4489-Mini AT-AT Episode 6 7180-B-Wing at Rebel Control Center 7128-Speeder Bikes 7104-Desert Skiff 7134-A-Wing Fighter 7200-Final Duel 1 7201-Final Duel 2 7139-Ewok Attack 4475-Jabba’s Message 4476-Jabba’s Prize 6206-TIE Interceptor 6208-B-Wing Fighter 7657-AT-ST Expanded Universe 7654-Droids Battle Pack 7655-Clone Troopers Battle Pack Clone Wars 7674-V-19 Torrent 7675-AT-TE Walker 7681-Separatist Spider Droid 8014-Clone Walker Battle Pack (x2)
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