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Everything posted by _shaddow_

  1. _shaddow_ replied to Saberwing40k's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    I think it's pretty obvious, given the knee pads and the shoulder "armors" that you're trying to make an Evangelion base on HF pieces. The name "Yui" is from Shinji's mother, whose soul inhabits EVA Unit 01. To be sincere, I'm not sure about the MOC. EVAs are supposed to look thin and menacing, but I'm not really having the same feeling looking your creation. Maybe the aesthetic you chose was different, but then, I don't think I can comment on the MOC for the moment.
  2. I tried to modelize the new piece the way I see it. I already see some errors in my model (the ball cannot be a complete one), so it's not likely to be the exact look, but I think it's near what we're going to have this summer.
  3. I'm pretty sure that the grey piece that attaches the white torso armors on Stormer XL's lower legs are new and I think they would be pretty useful to cover hero backs using other armors instead of MTIS.
  4. I am ! I can't tell what my source is, though, sorry. I don't have the catalogue with me, I just had the possibility to take a look at it.
  5. Sorry, I didn't take any pics of the ninjago. But I can say the serpent bike or something like that is pretty lame because it's squarish-looking. But hey. HEY. There you go There is some better pics of the other sets too, but if you need some more info, for example, core hunter's head has many details, including six eyes.
  6. It's from a retailer catalog, but as far as I know, all the pieces and the build itself seems pretty final to me, although some heroes like Bulk and Nex looks pretty preliminary themselves.
  7. You don't know how much you're right, to be frank. Speeda (with the A, yes) demon is a four-armed guy on a motorcycle and it's basically a small frame with armor on it. I'll post picture once uploaded (with pictures of the others).
  8. The joker has been improved by these modifications, but what I really like is what you did with green lantern. Would it be possible to have pictures of the way all the armors are attached on his torso, so I can recreate it, when they'll be out here ? Thanks.
  9. Tanks for the review ! I do have a request : a picture of the combiner between evo and sludge. Again, thanks.
  10. Nope, I'm pretty sure Witch Doctor doesn't use any hero torso in his build.
  11. That's actually pretty useful, this one time. That means you can get a complete black head, and a complete red one.
  12. Hello, this is my first post in the LDD forum, and I want to present you a "little" project that I'm working on. The idea is to recreate a part of Green Hill Zone (First level of Sonic The Hedgehog), this part to be exact : Some may already know the Sonic I'm using, but for those who don't, here is a link to the topic (scroll down to see the second version). The first version of the "diorama" I've been working on was this one, with ~1000 pieces, and cost me ~120€ to realize using real bricks. I'll surely do a topic for Motobug one of those days. The thing is, this version is not in scale at all and lacks many, many, (many) details, so I'm working on another version in scale and with all the details needed (and where the patterns will really be composed of squares, unlike this one). Here is the first of those "details" I worked on : And now I'm working on the trees, even if the big part of the trunk just before the leaves don't really inspire me to say the least, so if you have any ideas, feel free to share them. Anyway, thanks for reading, comments and critics are welcome, as always !
  13. _shaddow_ replied to _shaddow_'s post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Thanks, and yeah, it's my friend loserkiller, who reviewed my moc. (french and english) I think for this one, it all comes down to the shape of the torso, since the members themselves are pretty simply shaped. I'm not sure I actually will, but i'm thinking of doing another type of these, in red/black, but with more angular shapes, particulary on the head.
  14. _shaddow_ replied to _shaddow_'s post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Thanks, and by the way, the gallery is available, now. I think I couldn't explain myself so well even if I wanted to, but yes, for the armors (or the lack of) on the thighs, on the first place, the pieces used to do the thighs weren't supposed to be these (more like a combination of titan-type Y-connectors and balljoints). Anyway, thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it !
  15. _shaddow_ replied to _shaddow_'s post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Thanks, I'll try to post more of my MOCs then ! And yeah, I always wanted to do a torso using these parts, the first time I tried, it failed, but it does look good on this one, I think. N13OS is right, and the race don't really have a head, more like a center portion, like our body, and then members. It uses different type of captors instead of organs.
  16. _shaddow_ posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    It's been a while since I've posted one of my mocs. Anyway, this one is pretty simple, it's a race of robots for the fan universe of my friend, "Universcape". As I said in the title, it's name isn't really pronounciable. Click on the picture to access the gallery (when available) As always, comments and critics are welcome.
  17. Wanna see all the Super Heroes sets ? Here you go : http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Mr-Z/Temp/lego_itp_069.jpg Was playing with the number in the link, and I found this. As you can see, each hero has the new extension piece on their tights, and cap has got new knee armors. Enjoy !
  18. _shaddow_ replied to Shine's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Here is the gallery concerning the rocka/stormer combiner made by my friend Loserkiller from Bionicle Legends. The two other combiners galleries will be created next week. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=478076 Hope it helps.
  19. _shaddow_ replied to Shine's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Hey, I recieved some hero yesterday and I tested the Jungle Crushers game with Stringer and Rocka, but now I can't access the game anymore. It says "page not found". Am I the only one that have the problem ?
  20. Oh wow, bad writing and an under-developped opinion in a thread not done for this. Way to go ! I personnally want all the sets beside Scorpio and Waspix, as I don't dig their designs.
  21. _shaddow_ replied to Shine's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    I finally got my hero today. After having seen him in person, and actually tried modifying the legs - that I was finding too long - the smaller leg piece makes him too short, so he'll stay with the original legs, in the end. Too bad I actually ordered the leg pieces on Bricklink before reciveing the hero... But enough talk, here is Max Breaker 2.0 :
  22. _shaddow_ replied to Shine's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    I'm hoping my hero's coming soon too, but it still hasn't even been SENT... I asked by phone the reason but they weren't capable to answer.
  23. Yes, I recieved this mail, myself. Once again, I hope to recieve it by the end of the next week. Anyway, thanks for the information.
  24. The arm armour pieces are 4M and the shins are 5M, I just wanted to make a good looking hero on this one, instead of ordering a part pack. I don't think i'll use these parts to moc with, or at least not immediately. I'm actually bothered by the fact they use stormer's legs, since I wanted mine to be a bit smaller. I'll have to order bones from Bricklink to modify it.
  25. First, thanks to Brickthing for this very complete review/guide. I ordered my hero using the HRT on the 5th, I hope to get it before the end of the month, but since it hasn't been sent yet, I'm pretty sure I'll have to wait until May. Here's the LDD version of my hero !
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