Everything posted by Darth Lurtz
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Thanks for your clarification on these sets! Do you by any chance know what type of clones will be featured in the Swamp Speeder?
Star Wars
I think Samuel L. Jackson could pull it off. He was waisted playing the most passive and stoic character in the prequels. All he would have to do is inject his usual energy in his roles to differentiate himself.
Star Wars
With the level of contempt that The Force Awakens had towards the prequels (and the OT for that matter), I doubt Disney would even bother bringing back Mace Windu. If anything, I bet they would cast Samuel L. Jackson as a new character. I doubt that Samuel L. Jackson would even care about playing a new character as long as he returned to Star Wars. When he works with Quentin Tarantino, he doesn't complain about not playing Jules Winnfield, for he still collaborates with him.
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Not really. Tony Stark is indirectly responsible for the deaths of Scarlet Witch's entire family. Stark's weapons killed her parents and his creation, Ultron killed her brother.
- DC Superheroes 2016 - Rumors and Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- DC Superheroes 2016 - Rumors and Discussion
Star Wars
I don't really see how antagonistic bounty hunters can't be seen as "true villains". They serve as an opposition to the protagonist and can affect the course of a film. Whether they are motivated or not by money shouldn't really matter. This can be seen with Boba Fett who is responsible for everything that goes wrong for the protagonists in Empire Strikes Back. He tracks down Han Solo which causes Luke to prematurely confront Darth Vader. He did it solely for the money, but at least he's given motivation. Hans Gruber is often seen as one of the greatest villains In film and his motivation was also for money. This is because he serves as a great foil to John McClane. This brings me to Captain Phasma, why should she be seen as more of a villain than Zam? Zam Is by no means a high bar of villainy, but she actually offered resistance to the Jedi. Conversely, Phasma literally walks around and is responsible for the destruction of the Death Star knock-off. They could have easily made Phasma the one that fights Finn instead of the storm trooper. Instead, they heavily marketed her with nothing to show for it. Anything they do with Phasma from here on out will come across as awkward backpedaling.
- DC Comics Cinematic Universe
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
It baffles me that so many people still think that figure was based off the show.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Can you provide a source for this?
Guess that movie!
You're right. It's my favorite John Goodman performance.
Guess that movie!
New one.
Guess that movie!
Falling Down.
Guess that movie!
Correct! Now it's your turn.
Guess that movie!
Wes Anderson is thankfully getting more attention these days. As for my film:
Guess that movie!
Moonrise Kingdom?
Marvel Cinematic Universe
New Fantastic Four Trailer:
Star Wars Rebels
I'm confident that they'll handle Darth Vader with respect to his character. The writers did a great job of portraying Grand Moff Tarkin as a credible threat. Although he was not the most competent villain, the first Inquisitor was at least treated as a danger. He wasn't defeated by Gungans or tethered to a protagonist for an episode.
Star Wars Rebels
Here's the new trailer:
Guess that movie!
We have a winner! It's your turn now.
Guess that movie!
Definitely not The Raid: Redemption, though I recommend that film as well. The film I picked recently had a lackluster American remake.
Guess that movie!
Nope. It's from a foreign film.
Guess that movie!
One of the more messed up movies I've seen in the past.
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