Everything posted by Darth Lurtz
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
The Video game is just doing their version of Gandalf which is more accurate to the book.
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
Shockwave has been confirmed to appear in a future episode of Transformers Prime, so I suspect he is responsible for the existence of the Insecticons.
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
Beast Wars did come up with that concept which is proof of how influential the show was, for The Movies, Animated, and Prime use Sparks and Protoforms. As for Optimus Primal, they turned him from a pragmatic leader into a "Guerilla" hippy.
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
It did save the brand,before Beast Wars Hasbro had the brilliance to release Transformers that didn't transform called Action Masters and surprise surprise it failed. After that, they switched from cars to animals and became successful. As good as Beast Wars is though, I would recommend that you don't watch Beast Machines, it does to Beast Wars what Alien 3 did to Aliens.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I believe we have at least 2 years with this theme. We have one wave coming out for The Hobbit part 1, their will probably be another LOTR wave in summer 2013 and then a wave for The Hobbit part 2.
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
I am not sure if this is the topic to mention it, as TF has had it's own page in the past, but has anyone here seen Transformers Prime? I think its appropriate to talk about the show here. As for Prime, I watch it and like it but mostly for the characters, The plot leaves a little to be desired. The best transformers show in my opinion was Beast Wars, the graphics are a little dated and the first few episodes are basic but the show improves greatly by the season Finale. By the way this is a little off topic but is their a place to discuss live action shows like Breaking Bad.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
You could create a battering ram with wheels using the base of the ballista.
Game of Thrones TV series Thread
Catelyn Stark sent Brienne to return Jaime Lannister, in hopes that they will return her Daughters. So perhaps it might lead to peace, however King Joffrey would probably ruin any chance of that. Also the Hound is returning Sansa to Winterfell and Tywin is unaware that he has Arya.
Game of Thrones TV series Thread
The most recent episode,"Blackwater" was a very special one, for it was the first battle shown on screen. Also unlike the other episodes, this focused only on the battle itself which was to its advantage. The Season Finale is next week and their are so many things it has to address like the aftermath of the battle of Blackwater, Theon controlling Winterfell, Daenerys losing her dragons, Jon Snow being captured, and King Robb fighting the war. So what are your thoughts on what is happening in the series?
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Was your Kmart closing by any chance?
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
- Future LotR and Hobbit sets
Actually that could make for a great promo figure. As for suggestions, I would like to see a Death Star style version of Minas Tirith that features several scenes from the movie.- LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
They did have one in the back of the LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary book, which is what I meant.- LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Maybe Lego will be really out their and make a figure of Peter Jackson as a promo , they did something similar with George Lucas. As for The last Alliance, I can see them making a figure of Sauron but nothing else unfortunately.- LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I doubt it but it would be cool, You could use it as an infant.- LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Arwen wasn't in the movies much and only has one chase sequence, so Lego making a figure of her will be hard to do. The only Female character that has a good chance of becoming a minifigure is Eowyn.- LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Saruman is too valuable to Lego to be placed in a Polybag. A promo figure would be something no one would have asked for. Examples of this are the Shadow Arf trooper and TC-14, as nice as they are, you could have never expected it.- Future LotR and Hobbit sets
Oops, I was looking at my Mines of Moria when I typed it and confused Merry with Pippin. I agree about those set suggestions, though a set with just the Fell beast might be a problem for it would probably be molded which would mean the piece count would be very low. I don't think lego would release a $20-$30 set with only around 50 pieces. However I would be shocked if lego didn't make a Treebeard set.- Future LotR and Hobbit sets
That was only in the Extended edition. If they were to make a set with the Witch King and his Fell beast, it would be with Eowyn and Merry.- LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Maybe Frodo with his Mithril Coat or a dwarve from The Hobbit.- LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Do you think will get promotional minifigs like Star wars does? - Future LotR and Hobbit sets
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