A track layout for my experiments
Nice work on the nose of the Class 43. It would look great in different colours too!
2015 LEGO Trains?
Now before everyone gets excited this IS NOT an announcement for new trains but a prediction on patterns. Two years ago in January the Horizon Express was released, with two year gaps inbetween the Maersk train and Emerald Night. Could there be a new train next year? Another steam train or something a bit different? Any ideas from anyone else? (Mods move this if necessary)
City Layout - Inspired by Los Angeles, California
Really like those skyscrapers but maybe some Surfliner action?
AT&SF #2926
Wow! That's big but excellent!
MOC UP "American Beauty" sleeper coach
Nice work. I built some similar but 8 studs wide for ATSF and 2 level ones for El Capitan. I too had trouble with the doors, in the end I put them on jumper plates. They looked good for the baggage car especially.
- MOC: Department Store
[MOC] White Lake House
Very nice, I especially like the smooth roof.
- REVIEW: 21108 Ghostbusters
MOC: Econic rescue truck and MAN dive rescue truck
Nice! They remind me of older 80s LEGO sets. How did you make the door in picture 2?
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I like the winter sets but this is VERY nice! Brick-built reindeer are very good. Excellent find!
- Improved smooth curves by AshiValkoinen
Pulling Power Needed for a Complete Santa Fe?
Thanks for those points, I was originally going to put the motors I the B units but I may have to have some serious planning before picking up any bricks. Thanks all for the advice! I will try to keep you posted with updates.
Pulling Power Needed for a Complete Santa Fe?
Hello all, I am thinking about making a Santa Fe or similar EMD-F7 train. As I may create the full train (ABBA - 10-12 Coaches) I need to know how many train motors I will need to pull this lot. The train should be close to the 10020 with the B unit being James Mathis design. As this is a WIP I have not yet fully designed the train. I will be using Power Functions train motors as 9v is getting expensive. Also rechargeable battery boxes and lights. So how many motors will I need for pulling all of this? Thanks, - darthluke
[MOC] Quint Fire Apparatus
Very nice! :thumbup: It's pretty big though isn't it?
What Real Life Train is Based of the 7938?
Hello, I can't remember where I read or saw a photo of the real train that the 7938 is based off as well as a brick-built one. I would like to be directed to any infomation about it as I am planning on modifing my 7938. Thanks -darthluke
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