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About -DoNe-

  • Birthday 02/11/1997

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Rock Raiders
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    "Crocodile Locomotive" 10277

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    Rock Raiders, Pirates and Lord of the Rings


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  1. It's great to hear you used the 12V lights. Shows what can be accomplished with original parts. I managed to snag this lot for roughly €70 2 months ago, still haven't done anything with it but it's a nice start!
  2. Looks great! Are the lights original 12V lights? Eventually I would like to get into 12V grey era MOCing as well. But many projects to finish before that can take off.
  3. Thank you for the kind words EWay!
  4. Then my mission is complete! Thank you! It was a nice way to add some action to the scene.
  5. Currently working on a updated version of my Great Hall. This version is built to represent the castle as seen in the Philosophers stone and Chamber of secrets. The main difference on the castle in the first two movies is the inclusion of the entrance hall. Later this was removed in favor of the courtyard. So far the interior of the great hall is 90% finished while the entrance hall and cellars have yet to get an interior. I'm also trying out a different design for the rock work. This as my previous design, while nice, is severely parts-intensive. With this design I hope to still have a nice looking mountain side while keeping the parts count resonable (note that it's not 100% done, more details will be added!). Here is what the already completed viaduct entrance looks like. Here is the more parts intensive rock-work used. I will keep on updating this thread when I've managed some more building!
  6. Phenomenal work. The landscaping is spot on. Using snot-construction really give a smoother feeling to the rock surface which works very well for the underwater look.
  7. My intent with the smaller islands and the double sided rock face was to make it feel like you really are in a cave system and not just a cut-out. Glad you like it! As @Lyichir pointed out they are usually refereed to as Rock Monsters.
  8. In previous RR MOCs i've never included either water or lava. Despite the big part it plays in the game so it felt natural to do so this time around. Glad you liked it!
  9. "The scanners onboard the L.M.S Explorer have detected a cave system rich in Energy Crystals. However, the caves are small and large areas are only accessible by aquatic means of transportation. Rock Raiders HQ must be split into smaller units as the smaller nature of the caverns won’t allow a single unit of the support station to maintain a breathable atmosphere for the entire network of tunnels. Construct a larger main HQ in the center of the cave system and then expand further out closer to the waterways and build an additional support station. Then build the Docs and teleport down a Rapid Rider. Be aware, the scanners have detected some movement in nearby caves. Use caution and try to secure the HQ using electric fences! Good luck down there, Rock Raider!" After close to two months of work I've finally completed my most extensive Rock Raiders MOC so far. With this build I wanted to add a lot of in-game elements that never made it into official sets. As well as showing of my "UCS" versions of the Rapid Rider and Loader Dozer. One of the defining features of this MOC compared to previous RR MOCs are the power paths. Working with a somewhat limited parts selection it was a bit tricky to get the shaping and proportions right. In the end I'm rather pleased with the outcome. The selection of buildings relate to the "start-of-the-mission" message written for this MOC. Hope you like it and as always cc is always welcome.
  10. Very nice work. I'm too rather obsessed with Rock Raiders so it's always a treat when some new MOC:s shows up! I really like the large transport truck, I do however love the "monolith"! That looks just as awesome as it does crazy.
  11. The scale of this build is striking. What's even more impressive is the amount of details you've managed to maintain at said scale! I really like how rough the terrain is as it contrast beautifully to the smooth HQ platform. The addition of the monorail/train transportsystem works wonders as well. One of my favorite MOCs so far this year!
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