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Everything posted by mysteriouspi

  1. By the year 2500, Humanity has come to rely on Moscovium, a powerful but dangerous elemental fuel. Energy giant EnCorp has a monopoly over the element, both mining and processing Moscovium ore. When an accident occurs at one of EnCorp's processing plants, how does Safety Director Covup respond?
  2. Nice use of the robot ninjas from Ninjago! I like seeing what are normally theme-specific parts and figures used creatively. The animation was consistent, which is commendable. However, the video does not fill up the entire YouTube window. You may have exported it incorrectly. A few things to keep in mind for future films: Work to improve your lighting. That will go a long way toward achieving clearer video. Take shots from more interesting angles. Most of the shots here had the camera lens parallel to the wall with figures walking directly from the right to the left. Vary this by changing elevation of the camera and angles of the set with each shot; this makes for a more visually stimulating experience. Happy filming!
  3. "!=" is used in most programming languages as "not equivalent to" even though it doesn't look identical to the mathematical symbol. Anyway... Since constraction seems to avoid vehicles these days, I'd be down for ridable cyborg dinosaurs. Pohatu 2017 on the back of a scorpisaur stegosaurus is good in my book.
  4. While the animations leave a bit to be desired, something fantastic stands out to me: the Toa are actively using elemental powers on a regular basis. This is something we saw little of in G1 outside the comics; not once did the Toa use elemental powers in Legends of Metru Nui (not even Lhikan) for instance. If they keep that up I'll be happy.
  5. Agreed. I for one am excited for those gold Skull Villain armor add-ons. And the crystal add-ons; I bet they're more versatile than we might think.
  6. Considering the amount of detail in all three new armor parts (crystal add-on, piece of unity, and torso shell), I think it's safe to say this is the direction BIONICLE will continue to go (probably with the heavier Technic integration as well). Obviously this isn't ideal for a lot of people here but not every wave can be the best wave. Personally, I'm reserving judgement on these guys until I can get my hands on some of them.
  7. Funny enough, Finn and Kylo are the ones I want least, so I won't complain about them being the most expensive. Rey is a dream come true when it comes to pieces, expanding upon Grievous's introduction of tan parts. Poe has some nice orange parts too. None of the other parts are super interesting but I still quite like them. And honestly, they all look good this time; none of the human faces put me off at all.
  8. I'm very much looking forward to these sets, partly because I bet the trooper and Cpt. Phasma will look cool, partly because of parts I've been wanting: Reddish brown hands from Finn New tan parts from Rey Orange parts from Poe Cape and hood(?) from Kylo Here's waiting for pictures!
  9. C-3PO shorter than Luke? If anything he's just a tad taller. I don't see why height would result in loss of detail regardless, HF and Bionicle have figures at plenty of sizes with fine detailing.
  10. 1) I wouldn't say it's "suspicious." TLG must have used it a lot to promote the new wave and then stopped using it because they had other lines to promote. Nothing odd about that. 2) "Likes" and "views" on a video don't necessarily correlate. Viewers can like the video on the YouTube page, sure, but not if it's being embedded/used as a commercial. In those cases they can view it but not like it. And since that's where most of the views originated, a "low" number of likes makes sense. Also because it's a commercial for toys and not, say, a story video.
  11. What? I don't think they said any such thing. Otherwise the conversations this time last year would have been way different.
  12. I agree that it is still true that Gen 1 and Gen 2 are unconnected. But the difference this time is that they have lots of Okoto art they could have used there. So the use of Mata Nui instead is much more strange than the Ignika on the 2015 prelim boxes.
  13. Observations from the unsaturated poster: Tahu: the 3M shells connecting his shoulder armor look trans red. They're probably going to be orange, but I'm hoping for trans red so much right now. - He also has 5M trans orange bones, which would be the first time the US gets them. Nice. - The axle on the back of his left sword implies they can connect. Or something. Kopaka: his sword hilts are silver now? Interesting. - His arm armor looks more dark blue than before but I'm not placing bets; it could still end up black. - His vorox armor looks silver but I'm not sure there either. Gali: are those 4M or 3M shells in dark azure? I'm happy with either. - I can't tell what size her trans dark blue shells are either. Pohatu: I'm convinced now that his torso and upper legs are dark tan. - Looks much better with the trans neon green being consistent. Lewa: I see no changes here. Onua: torso seems to be black, as previously discussed. That makes me happy. - Upper leg armor has indeed changed, for the better since we get trans purple shells. What in Mata Nui's name is Mata Nui doing there...?
  14. None yet, I don't have a chance to until the weekend. Hope to get three or so good ones done. It's a Bionicle contest, so it makes sense that they want to restrict entries to using Bionicle parts. It makes building harder, but hey.
  15. Lack of parts is gonna hurt a lot of people in this contest, I think. Especially if the masks actually have to fit over a human head...I'm hoping they don't because that somewhat restricts construction of said masks. It'd certainly be a bummer for my entries.
  16. To be fair to Makuta Teridax, he had conquered the entire universe as we knew it. It wasn't until after said conquering that we (and presumably he) learned there were other worlds. Also I don't think he ever intended to destroy a planet, so you can't hold his lack of planet destruction against him. He only wanted to rule the inhabitants (or in Bara Magna's case, step on them).
  17. I'm going to say "no," based solely on the fact that we've seen the winter sets and they're all the classic six. Probably just new powers for each of the current elements.
  18. This topic refuses to die, huh. Zamor all the way for me. It always worked, shot far, and the magazine could be extended indefinitely. However, the stud shooters are a close second. Very effective, very small, very cool.
  19. Generation 1 has a ton of great masks so it's hard to pick favorites. However, I do prefer the Noble Komau, Noble Ruru, Rode, Vahi, Kualsi, Faxon, and Tryna. I thought the Adaptive Miru Nuva was pretty cool too, despite disliking most of the other Adaptive Nuva masks. Speaking of which, I can't say I care for the Nuva masks, Inika masks (though the Iden is all right), nor almost any of the 2008 masks. The Nuva masks were too large (so add the Olmak to that list too), and the 2008 masks just felt...off. Can't speak for Glatorian nor Hero Factory, though I think Bulk's normal helmet, Witch Doctor's face/mask, and Core Hunter's helmet are all pretty cool. I don't dislike any of the Generation 2 masks so far, though the Bull Skull mask is my least favorite. The best ones (in my mind) are the normal Skull mask, the protector mask, and the Mask of Creation. Hopefully next wave will add to this list.
  20. Well that's convoluted. Anyway, my point was that Ninjago became a successful show with more complete seasons later on. And I'd argue that 2015 was not the year for testing the waters for a BIONICLE show. The animations we had this year were fine, but they're a different format than a TV show. Captivating kids for 90 seconds at a time is one thing, 20 minutes is something else.
  21. I was told Ninjago's first season was four episodes as well, and look what happened to that. I'm guessing this is TLG testing the waters; if these first four episodes are successful, we'll likely have future seasons with (hopefully) more episodes.
  22. Why do you think we'll be getting official pictures so soon? It's a bit early, don't you think? Especially since the skullies only released two months ago.
  23. OH HELLO The style of the logo implies to me that this will be done in the same style as the current animations. Not that I'm calling it, but that's my guess.
  24. I'll be honest, this MOC doesn't initially strike me as a Makuta. It's not anything you did wrong, it's just that Nythix is much more bulky than her 2008 counterparts. However, I quite like it. The combination of large and small parts come together to make a cohesive and intimidating figure. The teal(?) blades stick out a lot because they're the only parts in that color, but you're right, they match the purple well. Well done!
  25. General consensus is that the solid color weapons and armor pieces are from an earlier development stage than the blended ones; ergo, blended parts are more likely to be in the sets.
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