Everything posted by coolguy2323
Future Star Wars Sets
- Duel of the Fates playset - Geonosis Arena playset - Yoda vs Sidious playset - Battle of Utapau playset - Siege of Mandalore playset - Duel on the Invisible Hand playset - Jedi Temple playset - Senate playset
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Can't wait to pick this one up! I only collect the environment/playset sets now do I'm excited to grab this one! Plus I can afford it! College is taking a toll on my wallet lol :p
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- [LDD MOC] Geonosis Droid Factory
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
(Official Unreleased Prototype) Geonosis Arena 2002 Set
I hope Lego decides to make a set based on the arena battle someday, so it's good to see that it was a possibility at some point, maybe they will revisit the idea in the future and expand it!
Star Wars - Looking to Trade TCW Sets for AOTC Sets
I have for trade: 7675 AT-TE Walker 7676 Republic Attack Gunship 7258 Wookie Attack Looking for: 75019 AT-TE 75021 Republic Gunship 75015 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
Future Star Wars Sets
My wishlist of sets I'd like to see: - Duel of the Fates/Theed Palace - Geonosis Execution Arena - Yoda vs Sidious duel - Battle of Utapau - Kashyyyk Tree from ROTS - Cloud City Bolded are the ones I would like to see the most
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
I'm thinking I might wait until June for the Winter Soldier promo, then I'll grab Hulkbuster and Avengers Tower. I prefer the location-based sets, and HYDRA Fortress Showdown, while cool, would be a bit repetitive for me, as I already got the cheap Cap set from the first Avengers, and if I get Hulkbuster I'll have Hulk as well. The rest are vehicle sets, although I might grab the small Iron Man one, as it's more of a battle pack. I may hunt down the figs that I don't get, not sure yet.
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
75095 TIE Fighter
It's well-designed but haven't we seen the majority of OT stuff like 50 times by this point? Why not a Jedi Temple, Geonosis Arena, Kamino, Naboo, or Senate (Yoda vs Sidious)? Or if you are going to re-design something from the OT, why not Cloud City? Unless I'm mistaken we've only gotten that once and that was awhile ago (in the Lego Star Wars timeline at least).
- Hobbit Battle of five armies: Lake Town Bell tower MOC
- MOD/MOC Hobbit Characters
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Pun intended? :p
LEGO Hobbit 2014
Too bad they didn't give us Bolg, or another Sauron, with this oppurtunity.
MOC: Dáin II. Ironfoot
I like your design of Dain's hammer! Looks like what I remember from the movie!
MEC Category C: Entering Mirkwood
Are those the same legs that the Star Wars Sarlacc is made out of?
- LEGO The Hobbit Videogame
Future Star Wars Sets
Still hoping for two things (in order): 1) Yoda vs Sidious 2) Geonosis Execution Arena
Ultimate Star Wars LEGO Room
I've dreamed of doing something similar to this for all my SW, LOTR, Hobbit, etc Lego sets (minus the Star Destroyer/Death Star theme) for years - I still hope to do it once I finish college (I am a junior) and get my own house. So all I can say here is WOW! You have accomplished in your own way my years-long dream and then some!
Death Star - is it worth it?
It's my favorite Lego set that I own (and I own a lot), so I would say - if you have the cash - yes!
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