Everything posted by coolguy2323
LEGO LotR - general discussion
We should all stop being so negative!
Unopened Goblin King Battle Set Up For Trade
Hi everyone. I recently purchased Dol Guldur Battle, but they shipped me the wrong set. I am getting the replacement though. However, since I already own Goblin King Battle I wanted to trade it for some of the sets I do not have. I am currently looking for: 1. Orc Forge 2. Lake Town Chase 3. Mines of Moria 4. Attack on Weathetop 5. Dol Guldur Ambush 6. Attack of the Wargs 7. Barrell Escape 8. Escape From Mirkwood Spiders 9. Pirate Ship Ambush 10. The Tower of Orthanc PM me if you are interested. I contacted the seller to see if he wanted the extra back but I haven't heard from him in a week so I am assuming I can keep it.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I'm going to be very upset if this is true. I'll wait for confirmation first though, it just seems to weird to be true. Minas Tirith alone would sell great. Also I am really getting tired of that stupid Lego Movie. Dumb dumb dumb.
Future The Hobbit Sets?
That's a great idea, I'd be down for it. Make it an add-on to the existing Dol Guldur just like the Helm's Deep wall set.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I thought Rivendell was well done, the Wizard Duel is my favorite cheap set yet, and I absolutely love Orthanc. I am a sucker for the big sets. I also thought the Black Gate was great - love Mouth of Sauron, Gandalf the White, and Aragorn the King. Mainly I like it (the second wave) better because ROTK is my second favorite movie of all time - Orthanc, Pirate Ship, and the Black Gate were awesome. It really is just scene preference. For example I disliked the decision to include a Weathertop set, as well as a Moria set without the Balrog in the first wave.
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I liked the last wave, actually thought it was better than the 1st.
What's your latest acquisition?
Also just picked up Dol Guldur Battle on ebay. My favorite scene in DOS so I'm pretty pleased :)
What's your latest acquisition?
Mirkwood Elf Army Battle at the Black Gate
LEGO LotR - general discussion
No, but this post is a confirmed overreaction. I think there is way too much doom and gloom around here. Lego would be silly not to just finish the wave off. We already have Orthanc and a Minas Tirith set would for sure sell better, I can't see Lego not doing one last wave to get stuff like the Witch-King and the Balrog in.
Future Star Wars Sets
If they do more Ep 3 sets I really would love to get a Yoda vs Sidious set (similar to The Arrest of Palpatine).
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Hmmm, I think my most recent buy was that Old Republic starfighter with Satele Shan in it. Mainly got it for the figs.
- Which Hobbit Dwarf is Your Favorite?
- MOC: Minas Morgul
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
- Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Finally we get the Flash! Him along with Martian Manhunter and Doctor Fate, are my 3 favorite DC characters.
REVIEW: 4184 Black Pearl
If anyone has one of these they'd be interested in trading for some SW legos please PM me!
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
I hope they reprint the Black Pearl if they decide to make more when POTC 5 comes out. I wanted to add the Pearl, just never had the money at the time :( I really hope they make a FD set though! I just want the 2 iconic ships lol, and I'd be good to go.
What's your latest acquisition?
Just got the Wizard Duel!
- Barad-dur
- Untitled...but awesome...Clone Wars Diorama
Random minifigures put in random sets
I completely agree with you. What's wrong with including some more obscure figs? :)
The Batcave
Nice job, where did you get the Nightwing fig?
The Council of Elrond (expanded set)
You are not alone on that one! Nice work on your MOCs though, very impressive!
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