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Admiral Blockbeard

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Admiral Blockbeard

  1. Thanks Therize. Try this one? Http://i64.tinypic.com/dff1c3.jpg I have forgtten by bricks half and usin an iPad sorry!!!
  2. Hello all. Hoping you can help identify the case in the attached photo. Suspect it is a fake but wanted to be sure before letting it go cheap. Have not been able to find it online. Translation of the text is roughly brick box case. Help much appreciated. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153843197181115&l=ee6fdf093b Thanks, Geoff
  3. Any ideas on when Big W will have a sale on next? Cheers, AB
  4. Sorry to get the defibrillator out on this post. - "CLEAR" We have a resurrection. I have come across this post in the search for all pirates stories as I will be doing a big local display and the organiser has requested historical information on the sets. I also happen to have the Eldorado story right here and can confirm the following... after usual blurb... Knowing that the Pirates would come looking for the gold, Governor Broadside, governor of the settler colony, sent a message to all of his men to meet him at the Eldorado Fortress. It was in the Fortress that the Governor made plans to protect the settlers fortunes. Beneath the Fortress floor was a secret hideaway. It was there that the Governor decided the gold should be kept so that it would be safe from the Pirates. Part of his plan was to unload the gold from the ship, the Caribbean Clipper, and move it to the Fortress. He wondered what adventures lay ahead... In resurrecting this hopefully more stories are shared! Thanks, AB
  5. I have it on relatively good terms that there is a definite pirate themed UCS. The biggest ever next year... I keep coming back here to find out the details. Its killing me waiting. I am still annoyed there wasn't any small solider sets in this release. (Pirate survival / soldiers arsenal from 2009)
  6. I have heard rumor that next year will see a Pirate UCS set. Bigger than 10210. So start saving!!!
  7. I scanned the thread and could not see this question anywhere significant. Do we know if the battle packs are going to be available and if they plan on releasing sets similar to Pirate Survival and Soldier's Arsenal? Saving up all my Myer vouchers for this release. AB
  8. Amazing progress, just amazing. Looks beautiful in real bricks. Also love the sails. Bricktopia was a huge success last weekend, hope you were able to make it in! I think you should definitely consider exhibiting this next year. It is very impressive and a brilliant design. Would love to see it in real life! In addition to the local shows, Melbourne's Brickvention is coming up as well. I know a group of us plan to go over (exhibitors and visitors)! As for back stories and names I think you have already captured it with your selections. I would let peoples imaginations run on your already well thought out designs. I have loved being able to see this in development. Thank you so much for sharing. AB
  9. I have the following sets. :) They look sweet together! 10210 Imperial Flagship 8396 Soldiers Arsenal 6239 Cannon Battle 6262 King Kahuka's Throne 6263 Imperial Outpost 6264 Forbidden Cove 6265 Sabre Island 6267 Lagoon Lock-Up 6268 Renegade Runner 6270 Forbidden Island 6271 Imperial Flagship 6273 Rock Island Refuge 6274 Caribbean Clipper 6276 Eldorado Fortress 6277 Imperial Trading Post 6278 Enchanted Island 6285 Black Seas Barracuda Thanks, AB
  10. I feel that to be fair to all contestants they drew a submission out of a hat, then checked it wasn't trademarked or repeated in the thread. No reflection on the quality of the selected name, but given its similarity to the previous Lego set I just can't see them actively picking that name. If they did I should have entered with "Brown Seas Barramundi" or "The Black Barracuda" AB
  11. IMHO I think the second figure head looks the best out of the two black ones. I do like the mermaids, though they probably do not suit your ship as well as the crow. AB
  12. To put things into perspective the Pirates Line has always had a "named" general or admiral. Castle has had named heros like knights. So Lego does have "guiding" stories to help kids creativity make up the stories during play. As part of our discussion on the pirates forum we wondered if there had been any such characters (in a leadership role) the boss if you will that was a female. In pirates it has been basically limited to a pirate "wenches" and female Islanders and a governors daughter. (but don't quote me on this I am not sure, and only heard of them referred that way in passing.) You are right though people can project anything they like by creating there own. This was never an attack on Lego for not promoting their female minifigs. Just a curiosity that needed answering. It was never a debate. AB
  13. So other than licensed products there is no Lego story creation where the main leader is a "named" female other than the witch from fright nights and spinlyn? Was there any female Bionical leaders? both "typically evil" characters Surely there are more? Friends and Paradisa have no real hierarchy do they? AB
  14. I should have made your quote smaller. I was referring only to the theme park pirate expansion (the last two thirds of what I quoted, not the first third). As you can see in the link here, in post #5 of this thread there is a clear push towards Legolands having more pirates. The PDF even has the names of the pirates they use at the park etc. AB
  15. Where there be dragons! In an age not all that long ago, on shores some now call home, mysteries were unknown and places unexplored. Join the brave Imperial Lego crew on board the HMS Bricktanica as they explore the uncharted areas of the map. Finding unknown lands and battling the forces of the seas. "Quick lookout for the reef, those rocks are sharp we must get out of this storm!" Taking shelter in a small cove they find untold wealth of long lost tribes. Not far away are the Pirates lead by Captain Drake, who wants all the new found treasure to himself. Captain Drake was hidden in the storm but knew that the Bricktanica had taken shelter in a cove where some of his mates were collecting the gold. Worried about his long hidden base the Dragons Nest, just a few hours sail away, he must scare off the Imperials with his fire breathing ship the Berserk Basilisk. What other mystery's await the two factions? Is the treasure cursed (combine with PotC)? Are there real dragons among the ruins (Combine with castles sets)? AB
  16. A double welcome from me, as I have seen you already in Pirates! I highly recommend getting some of those classic sets. They look so good when a group of them are together. You picked out two of my favourite sets as examples. I find it awesome you and your GF both have had the BSB, hope she is also supportive of an end in your dark ages! Welcome to Eurobricks, enjoy your stay -may it be a long one- it really is an awesome forum! AB
  17. Welcome to the forums. The BSB is a very beautiful ship and many of us share your pride and joy. Hopefully the new ship does that legacy justice. You might be referring to my first post in this thread where I linked to the PDF advertising the new Pirate section? AB
  18. Can someone spell out to me what the best deal is? Target has 20% off, but is often slightly lower on original cost? Myer has (effectively) 33% off, but higher starting prices and need to buy 3 of something? -Part of Myer, a lot of you talk about a special Myer One card - this gives you... $20 back for every $1000 you spend. UNLESS on double point days so you get $20 for every $500... this is a saving of 2% or at best 4%? Is that all correct?
  19. The thread has been updated and the conversation has changed from speculation to one of certainty. We know now we are at least getting one ship in the new year released as a set. The question now is will it be a theme? -the most probable answer due to the new logo is yes, we will likely get a whole theme. A lot of us before knowing did not want to get our hopes up too far and be disappointed. Thankfully we can all be happy with at least one new ship. AB
  20. LAYGO on south road? Yes he is awesome and like you say the place needs to be empty and kid free to have any chance. I was in need of a yellow wing plate that was very rare, he also let me have a quick look out back and in the play rooms for it! -Unfortunately did not find it there- A very timely question about Lego Shows. SA is having its biggest in a very long time this May (17-18) it is called bricktopia. LINK Also great to know your Mrs supports the hobby! I will be there showing my Classic Lego collection along with the newly built Double Caribbean Clipper (shameless self promotion over) I think the date for bricktopia is a little to soon for you as exhibitor entry is closed and I doubt the ship would be complete, however I think it will be back next year. As they are associated with History SA I hope that a Lego boat display might be in the future in conjunction with the City of Adelaide's return. But that is just an idea I need to pitch to the event organisers this May ;) Finances permitted I want to built a model of the City of Adelaide- one of the oldest boats from her era, only rivalled by the Cutty Sark! BTW any hints as to what your other model is? AB
  21. That is good to hear, I am yet to use it as I gave up and ordered at a price from a Victorian supplier. But when I need to do orders again I will use it with confidence. Hope it saved you a lot of time. Really looking forward to seeing the model built. As for those old brown pieces, I would try some of our local brick hoarders! If you get time, try Galaxy toys on Goodwood Road and a little know lego secret in SA, Sue Claytables Antiques Curios And Collectibles, Duthy Street Unley. The owner is Lego mad like us, have a good convo with him and let him know what you are trying to do. ;) Hopefully one of them has what you are looking for. AB
  22. Admiral Blockbeard replied to Sebeus I's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I personally love it. Classic to me is a refinement in itself. The rest of the displays compliment it very well. It is a shame that the Elizabeth doesn't get more attention it is a very nice ship! I like the Stern windows. The yellow lantern I have seen on your brickshelf before... what set did it come in? Is it Lego? AB
  23. It is past the time now yes? I can not seem to find anything! Does anyone have a better idea of what is happening? Look at the sail at the front. What ever is connecting it looks like computer graphics. AB
  24. UPDATE My bricklink order came through. Here is what she looks like near complete. As you can see it looks like what I proposed in the first post. I am still a little unhappy with the distance of the masts. But in truth I am just in love my first real MOC ship. The back sail looks much better in real life than I had expected. You will also note I moved it to the back of the ship rather than at the wheel. It is a much better distance back there, though not sure about historical accuracy... The size fits perfectly between the CC and BSB! You also note that the two front sails have a similar distance between them as the Imperial Flagship There is a small order still waiting till she is done. I also need to figure out how to get the blue windows with the lattice work. :/ I ordered train windows that don't have the "snap in holes" the others have over hanging bits not able to go with the bricks around the window. When it is done, I will post it up in a new thread and give you a back story, description and name, Hope you enjoy the teaser. I promised she was coming in real bricks! AB WARNING brickshelf folder when open has VERY big photos.
  25. The ship with the red and white sails looks to be about the right size and shape of Brickbeard's Bounty. It is obviously a computer generated graphic. The crows nest however is interesting. I am with Phes though, I am a little over the red and white sails. Hoped the 10210 Imperial flagship put an end to that. It is however a "signature" feature of pirate Lego. In the past when we see things like this we have hardly been disappointed but I am still wanting to remain "reserved" so not crushed if the ship isn't real. Does ReBrick have any good ties with Lego? I notice you can use Lego IDs to sign in. AB
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