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Sir Dano

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Sir Dano

  1. Goats, Wolfpack and Tax Collector torsos are back in stock.
  2. Gryphon looks like it would fit right in with the classic castle factions, which makes it the superior choice.
  3. Ordering 6 packs direct from lego was a mistake this time around, all 3 packs had the same 6 figures. Lucky for me, TRU is having a 2 for $10 sale on CMFs and I was able to get the ones I was missing. Few attempts at unmutating the Blacktron fig, I think the Space Police CMF legs work best, just a shame they're hard to find:
  4. M:tron dude, Dr Kelvin and the Blacktron II mutie are fantastic, can't wait to pick up a bunch.
  5. Haha, the wing on the dragon in that Basil poster is backwards.
  6. It's allegedly in the D&D Ideas set.
  7. They do not, unfortunately. I've messaged them multiple times on instagram about it but all I get is a "we're working on it", and that was last year.
  8. As someone whose first big castle set was royal knights drawbridge, the shield in the MTS is just close enough to trigger my nostalgia and I quite like it. Would Wolfpack and Dragon Masters shields have been nice to have too? Sure, but we didn't get any so I don't see the point in whining about it constantly.
  9. It's really funny watching people complain about this set when there are much worse ones out there. I'm just glad we're getting another castle set. Yeah, more shields would have been nice, but it's a minor thing that's not gonna stop me from buying this excellent looking set day one.
  10. Would have preferred a classic castle wave instead but I guess we're getting a D&D set next.
  11. It's three hundred and sixty American dollars.For 3745 pieces.
  12. Looks massively overpriced, think I'll stick to getting the Market Town Square.
  13. I like how everyone's conveniently forgetting that the original Medieval Market Village had stickers too.
  14. My Eldorado Fortress bluecoats and my 2015 bluecoats look pretty much the same. I already had a perfect Majisto from the 2022 BaM stuff so I'm pretty indifferent to those ones.
  15. Personally I'm keeping my expectations low by expecting most of the figs to have reused torsos from 10305.
  16. Eldorado Fortress was revealed on June 14th with the release date being July 4th. I assume a similar range for this set.
  17. It's a cool fig for sure, but one I'd rather have as a one-off than an entire army of.
  18. I want to army build them but I like to have variety in my armies. Them all being mutants is kinda boring to me, so I'd really like it if the torso didn't have anything indicating it's a mutant so I can make a variety of figs with it.
  19. Yeah, that's why I don't want the torso to have anything identifying him as a mutant. It'll make it easier to partswap into a normal fig.
  20. I'd much rather the torso be pristine s I can army build something other than muties, personally.
  21. It's because the horse mould is 5 pieces nowaday and lego's too cheap to put multiples of them in a set for reasons we cannot fathom.
  22. You're forgetting the 18+ Star Wars diorama sets.
  23. Eldorado Fortress is actually great and pirates fans are just overly picky.
  24. I just wanna point out that those cameras damage the box just enough for small diameter accessories like bars to easily fall out, I don't think it's very nice to use them.
  25. I don't care if lego is supplying the pieces, bricklink designer program sets aren't real lego sets.
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