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Eurobricks Citizen
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About Tacitus

  • Birthday 07/31/1974

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    Was just there, but got dysentery.


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    United States

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  1. Nice work. I don't have the patience to do those cylindrical tower builds. I was pleasantly surprised that there was an interior.
  2. Nice job! The official set was in desperate need of an upgrade.
  3. Great review. Of course, now I can only think of how many bricks it would take to complete that back wall...
  4. Oh, fantastic! This takes me back. I loved that ship, until I spilled Pepsi on it, and didn't clean it properly.
  5. I think this is pretty fantastic. I've been thinking about doing a museum, but wasn't sure how to pull it off without it being to cramped, or to large. You've given me something to think about.
  6. I have to say, I do kind of like it without all the landscaping details that the others have been suggesting. Your scene reminds me a lot of the old classic castle product catalogs, which would have very basic, minimally landscaped scenes. So, if you're going for a classic castle inspired MOC, I think you've got it.
  7. Oh, yikes! I think I found out about Eurobricks via the forum on Bricklink, not too long after I began to come out of my dim (not totally dark) ages. Up until that point, I was totally unaware of what AFOLS, etc., were doing, and was in awe of the many intricate MOCs that I found posted on this site. I was totally inspired, and usually bewildered- Man, how did they build THAT! Sir Nadroj was one of those members who blew my mind back when I first joined. And Hinckley (I hope I spelled that correctly) was still doing his fun Fabuland-incorporating set reviews. Now, as inspiring as it all was, I have to admit that I never really had any time to really do much more than put together the released sets, with an occasional modification. And, my post were few and far between, and usually punctuated by a message from an admin. telling me to resize my avatar photo. Nevertheless, I keep coming back to Eurobricks to check out the reviews, the previews, and the latest MOCs. You guys are all pretty awesome.
  8. Great buildings! Thanks for reminding me just how slack I've been completing MOCs of my own.
  10. It reminds me quite a bit of the Skeleton ship from a few years back. I was hoping that the Pearl would be larger, with at least two decks.
  11. Ha! I just saw this at TRU, today. It's a good price for a lot of good colors. I was concerned that you'd only be able to get those rusty-colored roof pieces with the Burrow set.
  12. And just when I was about to give up on Atlantis...
  13. Love them! I'm so glad they bought a version of the Adventurers back. The big snake set is my least favorite.
  14. I think I like your version much better than the original. Well done!
  15. Hey, Brickster. It looks good, but the background is a little distracting. Can we see it on it's own?
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