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Captain Braunsfeld

Pirate News Scout
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Everything posted by Captain Braunsfeld

  1. Fantastic - and sooo funny. I like the approach for the noses (simple and effective).
  2. Excellent first post! The rocks are good (they rock ... ), I was able to find monkeys (always good), and - more seriously - some new and interesting ideas for plants. Very good!
  3. Well, I probably don't know myself There is one monkey on the beach who appears several times (and gets painted and Redblade plays with it). One is on the right roof of the palace.
  4. Nice. I like the giant face statue - is there a picture where one can see it directly from the front? Lots of parrots!!
  5. I know, I know. Ships with tiles on deck look great and have more realisticness. But my ships need to be played with - and with tiles with minifigs keep falling down... I accept. Well. given that I would like to combine any new ship with the existing old ones, I probably cannot go for a 44 gun ship. It would turn out too big in comparison (and my harbour is too small ) So what I can do is to try and capture the "feel" of it. What I might try one day is to make a decent model of a small ship (brig?). Some guys here in the forum have done this in an excellent way.
  6. Amazing, awesome, great! And excellent pictures! What a great job. A perfect example of what is possible with these little bricks
  7. 164A Ahoy, people have been asking my: Why do you post pirate houses, harbours and comics? Where are the ships? Well, here is one, it is an update: Captain Braunsfeld proudly presents: The HMS Poseidon (2.0.). And it is probably a galleon. Why am I saying this? Well, usually when I try to classify one of my ships in this forum, people go and say, well, Captain, it is all very nice but for a real paddle wheel steamer you need to be more accurate on the Mississippi underneath, etc. And then I get worried. Is my model really a ship of the line 3rd rate or rather a full rigged brig? Honestly, I don't know about this stuff very well. I build lego models to play with... The (currently small) crew consists of decent, trustworthy men: to handle the custom cannons/carronades. And the crew is, of course, fearlesss: And finally, the overall approach is modular. This is where the captain returns to his bottles of rum: err, I mean, where he heroically plans for the next battle. Some storage room is found practically everywhere: and the capstan is working!!!! More storage room: You can also remove the floor of the captain's cabin to store even more stuff: Ok, so here she goes - the HMS Poseidon (2.0) Enjoy the summer!
  8. Looks fantastic so far - a ship with a custom hull and with your level of quality will surely take its time. When do you think you will be finished? And - maybe I missed some part of the dialog so far - what is the reason for the name "Matterhorn"? Best of luck for the completion of this great model!
  9. Ahoy, thanks to the inspiration given by Sebeus I. I am happy to present a comic related to this harbour scene. The comic is called "The Visit". I hope you enjoy it!
  10. Great custom cannon design - and the ship will be beautiful too! More pics please!
  11. Captain Braunsfeld replied to Sebeus I's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    A comic! And I am part of it! Many thanks for letting me join the maiden voyage. I could have done with more olives on the pizza, though ... But ... alas ... where is the monkey?
  12. Ah! This is good. Nice interior and a lively scene. Good use of minifigs - more of that!
  13. Thanks for the kind feedback so far. Here are some more pics: Another parade of Prussians... I was trying to do a pirate home where the pirate has turned his boat into the roof: It is located at the back of the whole scene, so you can't really see this on the other pictures. Spot on! This is what they are meant to be (black - red - golden). Fighting Napoleon! Many questions, let's try to answer: 1) Mixing fleshies with yellow minifigs: my son did that 2) Sky in the background: Yes, this is something that I plan to develop. Saves a lot of time in photo-editing. 3) My oldest son (turning 14 next month) is entering the dark ages and less and less enthused about lego. My younger son (11) was the one who populated this harbour scene! So, he was the one to put up the parade of the black coats (and he invited our Dutch soldiers and other Prussian troops as well). This is how we did the first shoots of the scene. Then I asked him to remove most of the troops, keeping mainly the redcoats and then we did the second series of photographs. Yes, we work together sometimes. The pier was a joint collaboration. Biggest praise for me is when at least one of my kids is interested in the model and starts to play with it. And I cannot tear down things without discussion and joint agreement. (I have to promise to improve things!) I hope I have answered all or at least most of your questions.
  14. [pid][/pid] 253A Ahoy, I've been working on a harbour for quite some time. Now I can start to show the pictures: After the modification of Olivander's Gringott's Bank also got transformed (just a bit) to fit into the scene (same story by the way as with Olivander's: Nobody in our family has ever played with Gringott's). On the very right of the scene you will find MOCs I have presented before: .. and we also tried a parade of the Blackcoats: (which are meant to be Prussian). So, please give a drum roll for the harbour scene... ... and share your feedback with me! (@Sebeus I: This is the harbour scene I was hinting at.)
  15. Captain Braunsfeld replied to Ben King's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Cool. Rocks are great! Water is excellent!
  16. Very good, my fellow captain! My favourites are: - the yellow ship (working rudder!!) - the tan ship (lots of cannons!!) I could not figure out what the names of these two ships were. Also, I remember having seen the other ships in the forum - did I miss the two I mentioned? Great idea to do a video. It makes a lot of things much clearer, like access to the captain's cabin, etc. Brick on!
  17. Captain Braunsfeld replied to Sebeus I's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I sure hope we will be able to congratulate to the results of your exams. But now back to business: Of course, I could not resist clicking the link - and THIS IS GREAT! I also like your solution to the common "stairs problem" (always too big for our ships, but alway needed or missing...). Is this going to be the longest post in this blog? I will be looking forward to your updates.
  18. Nice! Must surely fit in well between the other modular sets like the Corner Café etc. I was wondering about the lions on the outside, as they are available in tan colour as well. Would it look ok if you swapped the colours or would something be missing as the lions are now emphasized? Brick on!
  19. Great! I probably would not have enough bricks to copy this! Excellent. Cannot wait to see the finished model!
  20. Yes, I have: Maybe I should do a film... The fotos might be more confusing than helpful. The whole set is very packed.
  21. Captain Braunsfeld posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    [pid][/pid] 251C Ahoy, I was interested in building a harbour scene using a good old raised baseplate. Unfortunately you cannot see a lot of the harbour but for some bits of water in the middle, but I am quite happy with the way the buildings have turned out: The whole set is modular (which I have forgotten to prove by taking the appropriate pictures ). At the back side I have allowed for a cross-section approach to the buildings to allow for access and playability: Ok - Sebeus I : this was not the harbour scene I am working on. And the next post should be a ship again.
  22. I have modified the QAR and it turned out well. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=89866&hl=momod Ok, I took some. This is one of the cannon's I've been using for recent ships. Another one: And - you may want to close your eyes now - here is an attempt at some field cannons: They were meant to be somewhat "Napoleonic" but they look like being taken from WWI and having been repainted... But the first two were the ones you were asking for.
  23. Captain Braunsfeld replied to Disco86's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Great. If someone needs a reference on how to take the Eldorado Fortress to the 2010s then THIS IS IT! Congratulations, this is outstanding. The seagull, the waves, the beach, the rocks - and the fantastic fortress. And the cross-section through the whole building is also very fine indeed!
  24. Hey, you've used custom rigging. Hats off to you! Ah, triple guns! Very "Pirates of the Carribean" Good Job!
  25. [pid][/pid] 251A Ahoy, I've been working on something recently that has been neglected for quite a while but might come to (new) life now: a pirate house (I think of turning it into a gun shop). As you can see, this is based on the TLG model of Olivander's shop. I was quite fond of building the Diagon Alley set but - a bit to my surprise - my kids could not have cared less about that set. Nobody in out home has ever spent a single second playing with the three buildings (or at least with one of them). (... but they do play with Hogwarts, etc.) Still the design was fascinating, well done. So I figured it must be about the colour scheme. I kept the roof "as is" and added that standard pirate/red coat building colour scheme. And this will soon find a place in the harbour scene that I am working on. (Next post will be a ship again)
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