Everything posted by Captain Braunsfeld
- WIP frigate HMS Vendetta
- WIP frigate HMS Vendetta
WIP frigate HMS Vendetta
Hi, not much space left for the stern. I am usually stuck with almost all other parts of the ship... The stern: From my point of view the stern does not have to be curved inwards like the rest of the ship. You may want to put a window to the left and the right, um, I mean, to starboard and larboard. Then everybody does that same approach by putting the back windows in slopingly. I tried a curved approach once which might look ok with your ship. However, it needs more space! But, as always, if I would touch that ship of mine right now, I would build a lot of things differently.
My first MOC
Ah, more pictures - very good. The crew looks good, great individuals. And the balcony at the rear (that's probably not the correct nautical term, but this is not my first language, so...) is also well done!
- MOMOD: The Black Pearl
WIP Blue frigate
I'd buy the HMS Marianne as well - how much do you charge? You said "This will be the last update for a while" .... oh dear, not really? Just, when it's getting interesting? Looking forward to your updates (even if it might take a while)
[MOC] Santa Catalina's Fortress
Great stuff. Fantastico! Would like to see more!
My first MOC
Very good!! First MOC? Then I will be eagerly awaiting the following ones.
14 gun merchant ship "Eigensinn"
Ok ... "Kurbrandenburgische Marine"... I learned something there. Are you saying that that ship is actually called "Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde" = Fritz William on horseback ??? Great Joke. We might come up with other suitable names for frigates like "Prince Henry on a stool" or "Napoleon goes shopping" or so... There is always something that history can teach us. Forgot to say: The ship looks good! (And I noted the Prussian flag)
British Mortars
I am also very fond of the hats. There's a company in the Netherlands (am I allowed to mention their name here?) who does 3d printing. And one of the designers there does custom lego hats of the Napoleonic era. I have painted them following the way my father painted the plastic "Royal Horse Artillery" soldiers (made by a UK company) for me in the seventies. .. and one hat is the usual bicorne (maybe it was black and my wife added the white bits, thanks!). Thanks for blogging this!
MOC: The Prince Ian-Lucas
@MATTEO1130: A brig! Wonderful. I am fine with the "late 1600" classification as well. @Hectorin: Yes, I could add some pictures, but the model is currently stowed away... And once I touch it, I will start to change/improve things... and then time will go by. Ok, let's see what I can do for you next weekend. @Sebeus I: You like the colour scheme, ok (me too)... but you have said almost nothing else. You're probably not signing in on the slope-based-approach....
- British Mortars
WIP Blue frigate
Lights in the cabin! Wow, you would not call yourself ambitious, would you? As for the cannons, the difference in the wheels is striking .. and yes, the metallic grey (or whatever they call it) looks different. I bought some pearl gold pieces recently only to find that they look much darker than the ones I had already been working with... Back to the frigate: It's going to be great - keep going!!! I want to steal some ideas, I mean, I am looking for inspiration
MOC: The Prince Ian-Lucas
[pid][/pid] 161C Hello, it's me again. This time I would like to present to you a ship that I've built some time back: The Prince Ian-Lucas. At that point in time I was building ships without knowledge of the existence of Captain Greenhairs Tutorial. So, my approach was to use slopes to make the ship look right. Its a modular build, so I can take off the top elements and allow access to the lower decks. This is the Dutch crew: (in red: Cornelius Drebbel) As you can see I have attempted to make every part of the ship accessible to the crew. This is why I had to spend an extra door here at the rear (and staircases somewhere else, etc.): (that was an earlier picture before the ship was actually finished - pls note the monkey ) Some more views: Overall, the ship turned out to be quite stable, easy to transport and store away. My later attempts have not always had these three qualities. Would I change it now, having advanced in a few areas? Yes, of course My MOCs are never done... One question remains for the experts: What type of ship is that? Is it a galleon? A monster of a sloop? A too small ship of the line?
WIP Blue frigate
This is going to be great! Keep posting the progress - and good luck!
- Troglodyte, the 14 gun savage ship
14 gun merchant ship "Eigensinn"
Quite impressive. Good work! I have not seen something like this before. And I wonder how difficult it will be to turn them into real-life models. A German ship? With this flag? Well. Since this flag officially has only come up in the 20th century, something must be wrong I would recommend to switch to Prussia, however, I do not recall that Prussia has been a seapower in any time of their history.... Still: Your design is cool! (Such large ships - only 14 cannons?)
WIP: El Centurion (Galleon)
Thanks Mr. Townsend. You are probably right, I should try something else for the sails. Or I could just continue with miniature pictures
- 18 gun brig GALATEIA
[MOC] VOC frigate "De Ruyter"
Mijnheer! You made it! Congratulations - this a superb MOC. And your photoshopping-skills are a perfect addition to you building capabilities - I actually tend to envy both! WOW!
- British Mortars
MOMOD: The Black Pearl
[pid][/pid] 162B Ahoy! It had been on my mind for some time to MODify the Black Pearl (because it was such a small and poorly fitted ship). Now I have found the time - but probably the result needs to be discussed. So here is the MOMOD (which is My Own MODification): Here we are facing the first challenge related to the Black Pearl: It is mostly black, at best dark grey and dark brown in a few parts. This means: YOU DO NOT SEE ANYTHING ON THE PICTURES! And it looks a lot like something the monster fighters might be after. Nothing more depressing than a combination of black and dark grey in the world of LEGO... This is why I took the pictures outside - just to catch some rays of sun and make it look a bit better. Then you can see that I added a deck and four cannons (however, the standard red-painted wood is too lively for the Black Pearl...). I changed the bow a bit: But then I basically stopped. It was great fun to MODify the "Queen Anne's Revenge". Unfortunately I am not really happy with the Black Pearl. May this serve as "warning" or "inspiration" for you to try something else
MOC: Spanish Armada revisited
[pid][/pid] 161A Hi there! Some time back I was lucky to obtain the hull parts for almost 2 Spanish ships. So I was curious to find out how far I could get in re-inventing the good old Spanish Armada! However, I tried to include some modification - partially because I preferred my ideas, partially because of lack of bricks So, here they come (as they are in blue and white I tried to go for a new background, but I will admit easily that red is not the right colour for the sea...) This is something which I quite like: You can remove the grey part of the deck to access the hold. There they go, sailing away into the sunset: This was a bit of a retro-approach. So I will go for something more modern next time. (And more heavily armed...) Till then, happy easter!
[MOC] Small soldiers' outpost
Very nice - inclusion of monkey is alway welcome! I like it!
- [LDD MOC] Mini Scale Frigate
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