Everything posted by Captain Braunsfeld
MOC: Palace Jaune Banane
[pid][/pid] 245B Dear all, I am very happy to present to you another example of monkey-driven design: The Palace "Jaune Banane": It is a modular build - heavily inspired by what I have seen in and around Vienna. And I managed to include some monkey statues (which I am really proud of). I managed to include some nice interior work: And it is modular: It is actually not so easy to capture this well: This time the MOC comes without a story. I hope you enjoy it! (I am working on the palace gardens, etc., so there will be additions coming up soon).
- MOC: Sloop HMS Small Green Flying Dutchman
Ifugao Rice Terraces
Well, this is something completely different. Well done!
HMS Ram Cat a WIP
Good job! I like especially the rigging - and the custom made guns. How did you make the captain's hat?
Lego Eldorado Fortress Revisited [MOC]
Very good - and old favourite set of mine (luckily I was able to build it once I got hold of the baseplate) - and this is the appropriate 2014 version!
- PTC-soccerkid6/Simon_S
New ship from other world
There's a monkey on it - that is very good! Can we see one or two more pics? The bow, the rear, etc?
"We need another ship!" - Brickflick
Quite enjoyable!
MOC: Sloop HMS Small Green Flying Dutchman
[pid][/pid] 160B The story begins: William Shakespeare was getting worried... William Shakespeare was getting worried. The daily ferry to Henley should have been an easy undertaking, but now they had been sailing for two days and there was no sign of shoreline anywhere. He also worried about the captain, a fierce-looking rum-drinking villain who had no bit of decent behaviour in him. Why, so William asked himself, had he chosen to take this journey on the "Small Green Flying Dutchman" in the first place? The brigde across the Thames would have been just 60 walking minutes away. But now it was too late. His thoughts returned to the ship - and the people on board. The crew was strange. The man at the rudder never spoke a word and the soldier in his parade uniform seemed a bit out of place. And how would he handle the ship's four guns in case of a pirate encounter? And then there was the other passenger. A traveling cake salesman from Yorkshire. William decided not to trust him. There was something fishy about him. Two days out on the high sea and by now his ink pot was getting empty. How would he be able to proceed? William Shakespeare was getting worried. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May I present the cast: William Shakespeare - The strange captain: The soldier The traveling cake salesman from Yorkshire: The small green Flying Dutchman The ship: and the ship with a great colour effect (that I found disappointing but my wife said I should keep it): Hope you enjoy(ed) it! P.S.: After the discussion about my last ship (a non-galleon) this is probably a sloop, but I am not 100% sure ) P.P.S.: And maybe the guns are carronades.
[Flickr Find] Pirate Rock by David Frank
[Tutorial] Cannons
This is really helpful! Great - if you have more for us, bring it on!
Mortar Barge Artillery
That's good! Gets me inspired to work on some mortars!
WIP Pirate Frigate
This is going to be great! I am looking forward to pictures of the process.
- Full-hull French Frigate (WIP)
HMS Bulldog
Very nice - I also appreciate the mortars seen on flickr. Is the lower deck accessible? Anyway, you seemed to have managed to put a lot of cannons into a very small ship - but the ship has everything! Great work on masts and rigging!
Venetian War Galley
You're one of my favourite builders on the internet - and again this is impressive (though strange to find a war galley amongst all those frigates ) My questions: I know where my silver spanish helmets are from - how did you get yours? Secondly: In your MOCs there is always this man in the barrel (?) - what does he stand for? (Maybe you've already explained this elsewhere a thousand times, but I haven't seen it, so I am curious).
- [retro-MOC] 60's Drag Race
- MOC: Sugar & Spice (Modular Building)
- The 1960's Batmobile
Black Lance Guildhouse So Far!
Fantastic job on the interior! That should give me some inspirations for my upcoming buildings! Great work!
MOC Pony Express Station
Simple - but very charming. A pity that my sons show no interest at all in the Wild West topic... Anyway: keep going!
Gladiator Arena completed
Excellent - the gladiators are great!
- Balins Tomb
Ambush on the Taxman
Exciting - that will teach them
[MOC] Modular mansion.
It might be difficult to water the flowers.... But anyway: Is this meant to be Dutch or American? I love the inside - TV and everything: well done!
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