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Everything posted by commander1

  1. I think this is a cool looking Separatist Ship. Although it is not identified [According to Wookieepedia] It has been featured in the most recent CW episodes.... http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Unidentified_Separatist_Neimoidian_shuttle
  2. Not super impressed things I will buy- Headhunter- must have Barc Speeder- probably AT-RT- less expensive, why not? SWTOR Battle pack- must have Clone Battle Pack- maybe, don't like the drideka's
  3. Attack on the Jedi Temple does sound interesting but have you seen all the attempts on it and failed. That would be one lego might not make because of size and proportions.
  4. Here is what we need. A Lego Theed Palace. I mean they have made Jabba's, why not one of the most iconic palaces in star wars. It spans from movies 1-3 so it is well known. It should have Padme, Anakin, some Naboo Delegates, Naboo Guards, maybe the Chancellor, Padme's Family, maybe a Naboo pilot, droideka, droids? It should have a hangar, fitting 1 Naboo Starfighter, At least 1 tower with her room and maybe like a door on the bottom? Then there should be a briefing/ meeting room for Delegates, Padme, ect. It would be larger than Jabba's palace from this summer. I'm thinking in the $200 range. They should be on hinges so you can move them around. Maybe there could be like an extension set like the Rancor Pit and be a dining room or something. Tell me what you think!
  5. I agree with number 3. We do need a darth maul in a clone wars version in a set.
  6. I think that would be my all time favorite needed ship in this forum! Lego is long overdue on this set as well as some Naboo starships. The ETA class shuttle should have an interior, a cockpit [preferably fitting 2 people] a boarding ramp foldable wings and landing gear. Not to hard for lego to do in my opinion.
  7. Those are still really cool minifigs though! If someone got alot of those just think of what could be possible.... I do think that the sith person would be cooler though
  8. I really don't like the fact that lego releases over and over the same vehicle or base, ect. I'm glad in this phase they did not repeat but only the a-wing. I am just ready for the headhunter and the umbaran tank!
  9. Well how do you know that? This is FUTURE star wars sets we never know lego could come out with some! I would like a UCS separatist frigate.....
  10. That may be a harder one for lego to do.... With the angles im just not sure!
  11. So we already have a UCS X-wing, but we might get another one? Hmmmmm lego is starting to make more repeats....
  12. Hmmmmmm on the official TOR site it said crew up to 8... I'll look again. I really like the look of the slide out 3-PO thing you did! Can you do that on both sides? Thats a way to fit more passengers.
  13. Good ship! I like the look, but it does look a bit small... The ship is sopposed to fit 8..
  14. That would. I just figured out the Speeder things are called repulsorpods. It would come with 2 of those. If you bought multiples you would just get alot of the same senators.... Yes, but one problem- It would be a horrible set for lego to do. All you would probably get Kit Fisto's starfighter and a split level easy build little base with MAYBE a room. Lego has never really pushed for bases/lairs. If they did and got good at it... then I would be a happy person!
  15. I myself do not really care about the palace or the rancor pit. Yes, very shocking!
  16. Interesting topic. Let me think.... I would say the newest version of General Grevious Starfighter. Lego in my opinion out did themselves with the main Grevious minifig. The ship has great features and It looks accurate. [That is hard for lego]
  17. Oh! I remember that scene. I never linked the to together!
  18. See that's what i was talking about. They should add that to the set of the Rancor Pit!
  19. Honestly I don't think they would do that though.. Unless you build a platform for the tower it is pretty much useless.. That is one thing but then why buy them?I don't even want them, but I was just wondering about peoples thoughts.
  20. We should get a UCS Munificent Cruiser. That would be great. Maybe it could have like a bridge and a detention block?
  21. My problem with the rancor pit is that you can put jabbas palace on top. That would look super weird I think....
  22. still waiting for preliminaries....
  23. A set with the Zygerians and like the slave ship they had, that would be awesome.I think mandolorians have been produced enough, but they do need some nightsisters.
  24. Honestly I am the total opposite! I love the CW!
  25. Good ideas! I would love the Assault Gunboat but i dont see Lego making it a set..
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