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About LegoJalex

  • Birthday 08/06/1981

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Classic Space
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    LEGO Creator 5770: Lighthouse Island

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    Painting, making comics, programming games, playing pool, and LEGO of course!


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  1. This is a LEGO Ideas project of a Classic Space castle I built. It is a bit inspired by the LEGO castles from the 80s and is also based on a LEGO game I have created called Classic Space Adventure, which is an old school platform game that can be played in your browser. If you like this space castle it would be really appreciated if you would support it here. Like the LEGO castles from the 80s it can be opened and closed. . The space castle can be played with like in the game. En jämförelse med LEGO-modellen och borgen i spelet. Just a scene where Red Spaceman shoots down some robot enemies.
  2. Thanks a lot!
  3. This shows an office in the early 80s where the traditional Christmas party has just started! You can see more of my MOCs on my Instagram - http://instagram.com/legobyjalex
  4. Ah yes that works. Thanks a lot!
  5. I´m going to make instructions of a simple MOC I made in LDD, and for one part of the MOC I need a 1x2 tile to slide along a "1x1 brick with stud on one side" like in the second image below. But in LDD and Studio it seems to only be possible to place the tile in three positions on the stud which means I can´t place it the way I need to. So I wonder if anyone has a solution for this? Is it possible to set the exact coordinates manually for the tile in some way? (I should add that I´m fairly new to Studio so perhaps I have missed how I can do it there)
  6. Thank you! Thanks! There is a mix of machines and computers, and some are party made up, but based on photos I have found Ah yes that makes sense! The old photos look very clean and tidy. Oh sorry, the setup is mostly from my mind to make it look aesthetically nice so I might have missed some important machines. Thank you very much! Nice to hear from someone who has worked there. Your description made me dream back to that time as well. Thank you! Did you work during that time? Thanks!
  7. Thanks! Thank you! Thanks! Yeah but from the photos I saw it was quite tidy back then? But I can´t tell since I have not worked there. Thanks! You have an office that old?
  8. My latest MOC, inspired by computer rooms from the 60s and 70s. You can find more of my MOCs on my Instagram.
  9. Which one do you recommend to use?
  10. Ah thanks! Looks like a good program! Will check it out.
  11. When you want to create instructions for your models how do you do that? Is there any better alternatives then generating them in LDD? I tried Studio, but it seems to be a lot of work for more complex models.
  12. Thank you all for your comments! Yep that is correct!
  13. Thank you! Thanks! Yes I think they worked pretty well for creating those kind of buildings.
  14. This is my latest MOC! The idea for this creation simply came from memories when I was a kid (the 80s) and the exciting moment when my family came home with a brand new TV. The design of this room however is meant to be from the 70s and is mostly made up in my mind, with the help of some reference photos to get the right 70s feeling. Can you recognize what painting I have tried to recreate on the wall? You can see more of my MOCs on my Instagram.
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