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Everything posted by DarkKnight7

  1. That is some great work...can't believe the amount of detail you did with paints...I would never have that steady a hand to do that! I'm impressed and look forward to seeing more from you...especially as I love LOTR figs too. Thanks for sharing!
  2. I like how you reworked this fig, deskp! It does look much better. It's funny how the small details are what make a fig look perfect or not even close. Great work!
  3. I'm still not sure...I'll take a look at the prints and see if anyone is interested...if I feel the prints and dyeing of hoods (as there are no white or gray hoods available) is of good quality and people show a good amount of interest...I definitely would consider it...but I have to find out the quality of the prints first. People have definitely responded really well to the designs so far, almost as well as with my Dark Knight designs...so it is definitely a possibility.
  4. Thanks, Axis600, that's very flattering! The back decal should be available soon, just a few decisions to make design-wise, as I think I may have to create a wrap around for the back of Connor's coat (see below). The design will be similar to this idea (below) of the leg cloth armour, but obviously tweaked a bit to match. Along with this, I have sent in some blank minifig pieces to the printer to do test prints for Altair and my Dark Knight figs, and I believe this should provide a better solution for including leg prints, as my first print option didn't pan out for any leg designs and was expensive. Cross your fingers this one works and if so, I'll post some pics.
  5. I was surprised at how much I like the TMNT line...I was a fan as a kid of the 80s and 90s Turtles cartoon, but didn't anticipate this being very interesting to me...but they did a great job with the turtle shell design and I like the design of the fronts. Might have to check these out when they come out. Though, I would like to see the green turtles with just the white eyes (like this black one) vs. the colored retina versions we see on them. Maybe in another set...
  6. Well, wait no longer! :) I've just uploaded the decals for Assassin's Creed 3 character, Connor. I still have to finish his back decal, but thought I'd post this and add the back decal as I finish it. Hope you all like it and next up will be the Ezio from Assassin's Creed Revelations as requested.
  7. A Back Decal has been added for Altair and I'm currently finishing up on the Connor design from the latest Assassin's Creed 3. Will upload that soon, hopefully.
  8. Thanks, Miles, appreciate it! I would say this, if you have the patience and don't plan on playing with the Lego's, decals are the way to go. There are some limitations to them, such as the fact the the clear ones are miles better than the white paper decals, but the clear ones don't work for dark colored pieces. Along with this, not only are decals tedious, if you make a mistake (which is commonplace) while trying to apply them, they are very touchy and can nick up a bit when you apply them. It takes LOADS of practice, but yet can look really good on Legos. Also, decals cost a bit more and you may have to wait a bit longer to get them, as I have to order mine online. (Example comparison, a pack of 5 decal sheets from MicroMark cost about $10 with shipping, whereas I can get 25 sheets of good glossy sticker paper from OfficeMax or Staples for the same price). Really, I can't tell, though, for some of my designs which one is the decal vs sticker unless I get close and see the sticker edge. One last point, glossy stickers sometimes produce better color for the prints, than decal paper, if you are using your own printer or FedEx laser printing. If you go to a good, professional printer, it won't matter. Anyway, that's my two cents...decals are better, but take a lot of patience, practice, and cost more, stickers are pretty close, are more economical, but you can see the edges. Hope that helps, and good luck with your customization work, can't wait to see it!
  9. This is great, Jamit, what program did you use to get this render? I'd love to use it to generate all my designs and see how they might look. Question, does it have all the possible hair pieces to use that are available or just the basics?
  10. Thanks again everyone for the comments, I really appreciate it after all the hard work that went into these! Thanks to some great feedback and better resources on the two characters, I've made some necessary tweaks to the Ezio and Altair designs that will make them more representative of the characters in the game (added scars to mouth, edited the blade types on Altair, redid Altair's facial hair, removed some bad shadows, etc.). So, for those fans of the games, these should be more representative of what you remember from the game. Would be glad to do it when I get a chance, but I'm not sure which "look" is correct, as I don't play the game (yet at least). Can you provide some reference images of the "old ezio", please, as I wasn't sure which of the ones on the internet represented what you were looking for. For now, I will be finishing up the back designs for both Ezio and Altair and then start work on the new hero, Connor from the upcoming Assassin's Creed 3
  11. Sorry to break up the flow of the conversation, but I noticed on here that you have to order the "Special Edition" game version of LEGO Lord of the Rings to get the Elrond fig, but I can't find a "special edition" or "collector's edition" version of the game anywhere on Amazon.com (US). Am I missing something or will I get the Elrond fig if I preorder the regular game? I tried finding this in the search function, but it wouldn't pop up here and this thread is so long, I don't know where to start to get to the right post. Would greatly appreciate any help on this!
  12. Altair has been added now too on the new thread I started for this topic...click here.
  13. Thanks, Jamit, and I do, a bit, as I taught myself how to do basic Web design and I did 3d work on an old Golf game using GIMP and Inkscape as my editing software. But, I've never worked officially in the graphics design business, more or less a hobby, as weird as that sounds I've just become better and better, the more I used the software, i think. Yes, I have a Flickr page, but due to my graduate work and as I await the "okay" on my Dark Knight prints, have not been able to get in there and really get anything on there. When I do, I'll post my site link on here too...it really has just my first pic of the Ronaldo fig I first did a while back (and when I look at it, it's amazing to see how far I've come with decal application and how much I've learned since that first application...thanks for the comments too, I really appreciate them! You know, DarkDragon, now that I look at them, I'd like to see them on a fig, I just don't have these pieces right now. I've got the white torso and arms for Altair, but not the hoods, nor the gray torso for Ezio. Might have to order them and see how they look. And if the Dark Knight prints are successful enough, maybe I might just print these as well, with all the feedback I'm getting on them! We'll have to see. Thanks again everyone for the great comments, glad you all like them! I have added Altair above, as well. I too do not play the game, but I have always thought about giving it a go, if I get the time to get back into gaming...as it can just suck the time out of your life when you do! These designs were based off just a few HD pics, so hopefully I got them right. History guy like me, that game always appealed to me and these designs were fun to try new techniques out on.
  14. Hi all,I'm not sure this is kosher for this forum, but after I posted my Assassin's Creed decal design in the Request Thread, I received quite a few responses and requests. Rather than fill up that thread with those, I thought I'd post them here, as I finish them. Please let me know if I should post them somewhere else, admins! As they are finished, I will add them here.Thanks and look forward to feedback and suggestions.Note: All designs are below are property of the designer and can be used for printing or personal use, but not to be redesigned and/or used for sale without permission. Desmond For this design, it is recommended to use a white torso and the legs from either the DJ Minifig - Series 8 (here) or the Rapper Minifig - Series 3 (here) as they match Desmond's jeans...your choice. Clear Version: Ezio - Assassin's Creed II Clear Decal Version: Old Ezio - Assassin's Creed II (Revelations) Suggested parts - Dark Gray Torso and Arms, Dark Brown Legs. Clear Version (though not recommended without professional printing) Altair - Assassin's Creed I Clear Decal Version: Back Decal: Connor - Assassin's Creed III Here's the newest character. This design would be ideal with a tan torso and light brown legs, as well as a flesh head (NOT a light flesh head found on most License figs), as it is slightly darker. The character is a Native American and that would match better. Back Decal Clear Decal Version: Haytham Kenway - Assassin's Creed III This figure provides an issue, in that it doesn't truly match a color of torso available. So, I've provided both a true to the game colored torso background (left) and one for a dark blue torso (right) to use. I think it would work best on a either matching custom torso or dark blue torso and white legs with a tricorn hat and capes. Clear Head Decals:
  15. Thanks, glad you like them. I should be finished with Altair hopefully by tomorrow. By the way, I'd love to see how it turned out on your fig, as that's the cool part for me.
  16. Using the reference image (though not shown, I saw the link when I quoted you last post), here is the first one for Ezio (is that right?). I will say first that I was unsure how to fulfill your request for cloaks like the Graduate minifig, as it doesn't match to that reference image, as their "cloaks" are belted and do not hang loose like the Series 5 Graduate Fig. Hope this is something close to what you were looking for (with reference image that you posted to make sure it was right): Ezio For Clear Decal Paper:
  17. I'm on it, as my Dark Knight Rises fig designs are done now...let me see what I can come up with, as I love these characters in the game, too.
  18. I like these designs a lot, very creative!! I think the hero looks great, and I like the concept of the villain, but think maybe the mouth for the first two heads and eyes for the last head may be too outside the LEGO "look." I think either way, these are excellent concepts and you brought them to life very well...will echo the sentiments earlier that they are like TLG official looking designs and aside from those parts mentioned of the villain, look authentic. It would be cool to see some other characters in this series!
  19. Thanks everyone for the comments! I agree, it would be great if there was a more appropriate hair piece for Catwoman (Selina Kyle) with retractable goggles, but for now, the hairpiece shown works pretty well! Also, appreciate the comments on Joker, but I have actually redone Joker from scratch, as the one I've posted here was a revision of someone else's work. The new one is more "LEGOfied" than that, IMO. I can't wait to show all my designs to everyone, just have to confirm the prints before I do...looking forward to your thoughts!
  20. That is a GREAT Saruman!! Love it!
  21. I like your designs, very well done! The second one down reminds me of the one of the guys from "MythBusters"
  22. Yes actually, at the moment, I have sent some blank minifigs to the printer to evaluate and decide on how to do the leg prints, as several of the designs have this, and decide on exact measurements of how far the Bane head can print on back and front, as that is literally impossible to print completely around the head using the Pad Printing process. For printing costs to stay low, we are deciding on the most efficient and effective methods to print. Hopefully, the news comes back with no issues and we can figure out the leg printing, as the Catwoman (mockup below), my revised and improved Joker, and Talia al Ghul, for instance, will look MUCH better with the leg prints! My hope is that they will be able to go to print and be out in about a month. I will release information here when that happens. If I was only to print the Batman, Officer Blake, Alfred, Lucius Fox, and Commissioner Gordon figs, as they have no head or leg printing issues, they could be printing now, but not sure I have the funding to get ALL those printed. So, after the initial evaluation, the first prints may be available by the end of the month. At this time, I am for sure going to print Batman, Catwoman, and Bane, as that is where I have funding. One idea I was starting to have to solve this is to post a Kickstarter project, and list each of the minifigs at a bit lower cost than I would sell them ($5 off of something) and once the printing costs for three designs is met, I could go to print. Then, as any of the other minifig designs makes the minimum number to go to print, then I would print that design, and so on it would go. What would you all think of this? Otherwise, I have to focus on just a few of the most obviously demanded figs (Batman, Catwoman, Bane) which I can afford to go to print, and then if profits are high enough, I can begin other prints. But, it all depends on the print estimate after the pieces and leg printing are evaluated and finalized with the printer. So, the process is slow, but proceeding. Once printing is set up, I will post my mockups to get some feedback before I send them in to print. I figure you all will have some good feedback on any necessary tweaks. That's where its at for now...stay tuned for further updates.
  23. Thanks, and I completely agree! I was liking the beard on the computer when I created it. But then, when I applied it to the head and saw the finished product, is when I realized just how thick the beards need to be. I have a pretty clear idea for how to redo the beard, but as stated on the top, just need more time to do it! Glad you liked it, and I hope to update it and post some pics sometime in the future....and hopefully with Commodus too!
  24. The general rule (I learned through practice) is that if it is a dark torso (dark green, blue, purple, and especially black) you can't use the clear decal paper, as they don't show up. You need to use white decal paper. The problem with the white paper is that the ink can get nicked up easier and possibly run a bit as you apply it, and it isn't as clear a final look, but you can see it. You also have to print out the decal on regular paper a few times to match the color of the torso to the primary color of the decal, then you can print out the decal and apply it and it won't mismatch. When using white paper, you also have to really apply the clear coat well (2-3 coats) and dry before you apply it, so the chance of ink run is low. If the torso is light colored on the other hand (white, yellow, etc.) or or you're applying face decals to a normal flesh or yellow head, THEN you should use the clear decal paper. Hope that helps.
  25. Yes, actually, it was my first official custom, as my daughter would wait and wait and ask how it was coming. Here's how it turned out (if you can't tell...she's definitely been putting it to use in her Lego play!): Here's how it looked pre-crazy play: I thought for the most part, it turned out really well and made me realize how when you try to emulate real human characters in Lego, the simpler the idea and design, the better it will turn out. The more I added little details, the worse it looked. Yeah, I was wondering what you guys thought of this. I am a traditionalist as well, so i made a sparkle version and it is found on the first page of this thread, but I always thought the other version was more reflective of what the character looked like. I've edited it to include the "sparkle" classic Lego look. Is this better, if it were to go to print? Thanks again for the feedback guys, love it! With your great feedback, I have been debating the look of the new Joker I've designed...and can't decide which look I should go with...perhaps I'll post it here and see what YOU guys think looks best to go to print. Hmmm.
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