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Everything posted by DarkKnight7

  1. I'm glad you liked them. Sorry about that, but when I first showed these off on here, I had originally created them to share with other customizers, I never knew I'd be one day possibly printing them and selling them. Because of this, I have to remove them for copyright issues (as some people have tried to use them and sell them themselves without permission). I'm hoping to release these figs sometime in late Spring, and with some great custom parts to go with them as well ;) So, unfortunately, I can't share those with you. I hope you understand.
  2. This is absolutely fantastic! Lego again didn't dissappoint with the design of the set and the figs. They nailed Venkman's and Ray's face perfectly, and Egon and Winston are pretty good versions as well. The torsos are excellent! Very good job there! I love that each figure has their own name badge and each uniform is a bit different, was afraid they'd all have the same torso to save $$. Also, I love that they printed the back pack round piece, very cool. I was hoping there would be printing for the trap, but I can't be too picky, as it would've added more cost I'm sure. The missing Slimer is too bad, but it doesn't crush me, the ECTO-1 and figs are so good I can overlook that. Can't wait to get to add this to my DeLorean! Now crossing my fingers for a Top Gun, Goonies, or Ferris Bueller Set...
  3. I love this idea! I was a BIG fan of the BTTF Cuusoo project and thought it was well priced. Keeping the "I Love the 80s" theme going with Ghostbusters is great...can't wait to see the figs!! Hoping this set is just as great as the DeLorean set, should be a great one, though! Wonder what other 80s loving set is coming up..."Top Gun" F-14 with Maverick and Goose? Robocop vs. ED-209? The Goonies on the Pirate Ship? Ah...if only... ;) No, definitely NOT the only one that thought that, my first comedic thought was, "I thought Hermione was British?" ;-P "Who knew the next step from Harry Potter was LEGO Cussoo?" Haha. .
  4. Agreed, I thought the new Batcopter from the Man Bat set was great as was the Batboat from the Freeze set! But, I'm kind of here or there about the Batmobile from the Riddler Chase set (but did like the Riddler Dragster).
  5. I'm a big fan of the TDK Tumbler but have been underwhelmed by the TLG versions. 7888 is way too big for minifig scale, and 76001 just looks way too cartoony for me (and the fact they release such a terrible Bane fig doesn't help, was the worst figure of the year, IMHO). Because of this, I'd take StickKim's version of the Tumbler that I made myself below: But, sticking with this thread, if I had to pick a TLG version...I'd probably go with the 6864 one, as it has the best look of a Batman-type batmobile, while having some great features.
  6. I think these look great! Thanks for sharing! You don't happen to want to create some other decals for Harry Potter do you?
  7. Just a heads up but Daredevil and Punisher will be released very soon by Muddy River Figs (iggs02 on Flickr). All his figs are pad printed. Also, I am planning on printing my gladiator fig down the line, hopefully before Summer 2014, just a FYI. I also only pad print. You can see my Gladiator fig in decal form on my Flickr page (link below), though the face and torso have been sharpened and improved. As for what I'd love to see printed...good quality Harry Potter figs, at least the ones that never received a proper update, and LOTR figs (Galadriel, Tom Bombadil, etc.)
  8. Thanks, Darkdragon! No worrry at all, I wasn't offended at all! I just was clarifying why I had left the flesh part on there and my original intentions. I'm glad you brought up the yellow head's with decals and because of that, I will be adding a yellow version when I update this page. So, I just want to let you know, I wasn't threatened or anything by your comment, just thought I should state why I left it the way I did. By the way, I'll have ot check out your Brick Flicks & Comics Academy link when I get the chance!
  9. Well, luckily Lego already prints these in their Back to the Future set, which you can get online anywhere..fig is always on eBay if you were looking for one. Usually when I make a "clear" design, it is intended for clear paper decals, which are usually the best for decaling. Clear paper decal designs are not "usually" used on yellow heads, there intended use is for any light color brick and for this particular design, Lego (and I) intended for them to be used with light flesh colored heads. But, I did forget there are a lot of people that use yellow heads as they are more plentiful (and cheap, too), so when I upload some of my later BTTF designs (I'm hoping to finish the BTTF 2 Future designs soon, when I get time), I'll upload some without the flesh color on there, so it doesn't clash with yellow heads and hands. Hope that helps! Thanks everyone for the great comments, it was fun to recreate one of Lego's designs, haven't done that since my Lord of the Rings designs from the video game a while back.
  10. This is just great...would love to recreate this for my history classes...they'd get a kick out of it! (Though I'd have to add a few other things in there as well somehow...Samurai & Sumo, Lincoln, Civil War Soldiers, etc.). Still think this was just an amazing idea and well put together!
  11. Thanks, raminator, I'll have to look into this some more. Hopefully I can find something that will work and that isn't too expensive!
  12. Nice! Finally an Abe Lincoln, liking it!! Also, I like the coffee guy too!
  13. I think I found my solution on this thing, thanks to the many ideas here and in the private messages, you guys rock! I hate to keep asking for help, but now I'm trying to find a shield like the Captain America shield that is not printed but instead plain. (preferably gray, dark gray, or white in color) I can't find what piece number that would be and wondering if you guys might know. Again, any help is greatly appreciated!!
  14. Liking the flaming horse!
  15. Wow, that's interesting and cool work you did there to make such a poseable Iron Man! Great stuff!
  16. This is linking to the mobile version and I can't see anything on my computer through that link. Do you have the actual link (clicking on the dots on the bottom right, then View all sizes, and right click and hit Properties)? Would be interesting to see these prints.
  17. I gotta say that my first reaction to the sets was "eh." There wasn't anything that stood out as said before and it makes the second movie look like a crappy and boring second act. Aren't there any other cool things that happen to make a set with?? But, aside from the lack of interest in any of the buildings, I actually find the new minifigs awesome! I love finally getting a Radagast the Brown (was worried we'd never get one) and think those pieces on him look great and like the Thranduil, as well (though I notice some on here don't). I'll be interested to see what his other face looks like, as that will be kind of key with how well I like him overall, as the battle face is similar in nature to the Elrond exclusive. I like getting Azog also, but agree it would have been much better in white (and more accurate). Still, he looks like a cool fig. And lastly, Bard the Bowman looks accurate to the movie and great that way, as does Beorn, who I think looks like a fun little fig with a great hair piece! So, while I won't buy any of these sets, I'll definitely be on the lookout for the figs on eBay! From a minifigure perspective, there are just a ton of great headpieces and figure designs (which is really what I care about most, to be honest) in these Hobbit sets...so I'm quite happy with them on my end! My guess is that there will be a great set with the dragon later on (Erebor) that will make up for this lack of quality in this round (buildwise).
  18. Just received my BTTF DeLorean set and absolutely love it! Along with StickKim's DarkKnight Tumbler design, the Time Machine is by far one of my favorite vehicles in LEGO. The figures are very well done and I like the design of the car (aside from the hood pieces), though I know there is debate by lots on that. The pics below show TLG Back to the Future set (you can see the Flux Capacitor) with the Marty McFly and Doc Brown figs. Below that, Stickkim's Tumbler and my custom Dark Knight Batman (design copyrighted). Anyway, wasn't sure what forum this belonged in, as it had both official LEGO sets and a custom designed vehicle and minifigure. What's your favorite vehicle - custom or TLG??
  19. You you both might be right about that...bummer!
  20. I know I bugged everyone about finding Lego hair on Bricklink, but I'm also having issues finding dark red hands in bulk anywhere. I've tried Bricklink and Ebay, but without any success. I'm looking for quantities of 100-300 + for projects. If anyone knows a good place to look or has a resource for me, I'd greatly appreciate it!! Thanks guys!! DarkKnight7
  21. Yeah, the yellow is ridiculously bright, but I'm looking at the Tan version, not bright yellow. I think my most optimal is the reddish brown and they have a good number of them, so that's good. Thanks for the heads up, though! Thanks, and I'll see what I can do. Looks like a cool torso, if I have time to do it, I will.
  22. Agreed, I liked the boat and Aldrich Killian, to a certain extent, too! But, War Machine was definitely the driver of that set demand. Oh, and make me 6.
  23. Ah, perfect, I knew you guys would know better than me!! I'm terrible at BL. Thanks a bunch guys!!
  24. Hey guys, I'm trying to customize a big batch of figures and can't find a link on Bricklink for a particular hair piece. See link below: http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/Part_87991 I'm trying to get it in either Reddish Brown or Tan/Brick Yellow in bulk. If any of you are good at finding these pieces on Bricklink, please post a link here, as I am terrible at finding hair pieces on BL!! Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks! Adam
  25. Great points here, Victor, and with all your experience doing figures, I think you got all the main ideas perfect. Couldn't agree more with what was said! Pad printing is better quality, UV ink is better economical sense for some projects...still good quality, but not as good as pad. (Though the point raised about "boot" printing on the fig is one issue that makes it more reasonable to go to UV, but I'll still take pad over UV if possible here)
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